Guaranteed Answers to Your Prayers

“that you may prove what God’s will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Prove – The New International Version translates this word with “you may be able to prove”.  What a shame!  By introducing the extra words “be able to”, the NIV removes the guarantee.  You may be able implies that maybe you won’t be able.  Suddenly Paul’s statement is conditional.  But this is not what Paul is saying.  Paul is emphatic.  Transformation of your life patterns and renewal of your mind guarantees that you can test and discover God’s perfect will.  This is not a guessing game.

Dokimazo is the Greek verb that means, “to test, to discern, to distinguish and to approve as a result of testing”.  It comes from the language of a metal assayer.  Put the metal under the fire.  Place it on the scales.  The results will show what is real and what isn’t.  Just like the assayer determines the true content of gold, so the transformed believer determines the true will of the Father.  Both processes are guaranteed to give correct results.

The implication in Paul’s statement is shockingly clarifying.  You can know God’s perfect will!  You can pray exactly in accordance with what God intends.  You can live in perfect harmony with His purposes.  It’s all a matter of transformation.

That’s the rub, isn’t it?  Because what Paul implies is that when I am confused about God’s will, when I pray to a leaden sky, when I don’t seem to get through to God, the roadblock is not on God’s side.  The roadblock resides in my resistance to full transformation.  God answers the man or woman whose life is completely surrendered because a completely surrendered man or woman is ready for any answer the Master gives.  Praying with our own agendas only prevents us from testing and discovering the perfect will of the Father.  “When I become nothing, God can do anything with me.”

Is that how you pray?  Are you proving what is the perfect will of the Father?  Do your prayers result in absolute confidence that you know God’s purposes?  Or do you really need some in-house transformation?

“Father, I want to live in perfect accord with Your desires.  Help me become nothing of me so that I can be used entirely of You.”

Be prepared.  God will answer that prayer.

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