Garden Theology

“Must I not be careful to speak what the LORD puts in my mouth?” Numbers 23:12

Puts – Yesterday we learned that shamar describes a Garden of Eden story. God tells Adam and Eve to “watch over” His creation. Now we discover that there is another connection between the Garden and the words that I speak. The Hebrew verb sum is part of the Garden story too. It is the verb used when God “puts” Adam and Eve in the Garden. It is the verb for setting in place.

The writer of this story in Numbers wants me to know that God’s sovereignty stands behind even the words that proceed from my mouth. If I am in the Way, His control over my every action extends even to the thoughts and words that I utter. My conversations are not accidental or spontaneous. God’s hand stirs my words.

Jesus promised just this kind of sovereign intervention when he told his disciples not to concern themselves about what they should say in the appropriate hour. He told them that the Holy Spirit would guide their minds and their speech. Jesus merely reflected what God has been doing for thousands of years. Wherever men and women are fully committed (another meaning of sum) to the Way, they can be confident that God is directing their minds and guiding their mouths to bring to light what He wills for His purposes. I can be confident in speaking God’s truth because He will put the right words in my mouth. It is a confidence that rests entirely in Him, not in my ability or elocution. If God is sovereign, He is also Lord of my words. He will supply what is needed when it is needed. My only task is to be rightly aligned with Him so that I will hear His voice.

Most people I know tremble at the thought of speaking before groups. Some even fear witnessing to the redemptive power of the good news. It’s quite normal to be afraid. But fear is no excuse because the God of all creation stands behind every mouth opened to His truth. I have seen the most halting expressions from the most frail person bring the house down in praise and humility when God speaks through a life transformed. It is not the messenger that matters. It is the source of the message.

Open your mind to the Father of truth and speak the words He places in your mouth. Remember that He says, “Do not be afraid.” He means it.

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