Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

“Commit your works to the LORD and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

Commit – Wouldn’t it be nice to have a guaranteed plan for success? Just think how easy life would be if you knew the absolutely sure way to accomplish anything you set out to do. That’s the promise of dozens of “how-to” books. After all, who would buy a book that claimed it only worked sometimes? We all want the sure thing. The guaranteed way to win, to lose weight, to make money, to marry the right person, to succeed. Solomon (who knew a few things about life) actually gives us the only real answer to guaranteed success. Why is it the only real answer? Because it is endorsed by God!

The Hebrew word (galal) means “to roll some object on to”. It is used in Psalm 22:8 and Psalm 37:5 with the same meaning found here. “Commit” is really the idiom “roll it on to the Lord”. Take all those plans and hope and dreams and schemes and roll them right on the back of Lord. Give them over to Him entirely. Take the weight off your shoulders and roll it on Him.

How can this be an absolute guarantee for success? Simple. When you take all that you have devised and roll it on to God, you have to get out of the way. You have to stop fiddling with it. You have to let go of control. You have to give up managing and become the servant. You no longer are in charge. Amazingly, God has a way of bringing about those things that are truly committed to Him because they are now His plans. The secret to success is to put it all in His hands and let Him do what He wants with it. God’s sovereignty (remember yesterday?) will bring about His purposes and that, my friend, is the only measure of success.

Our problem is not that God can and will do what He wants with what we give. Our problem is that what God does isn’t always what we wanted. We are constantly stepping back into the management role and trying to orchestrate the results. Commit says that I roll it on to Him. Then I have to trust that He will do what He wants with it.

My, oh my, it is hard to let go of our desires, isn’t it?

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