Different On Purpose

And I sanctify Myself for them, that they may also be sanctified in truth John 17:19

Sanctify Myself – Jesus committed no sin. Then why would He have to sanctify Himself? Why does He say, hagiazo emauton (literally “make myself clean”)?

In the book, Authority and Submission, Watchman Nee gives us the answer. The purpose of sanctification is representing God’s character to others. “God’s servants are those with a distinction, while ordinary people are those without a distinction.” What is that distinction? It is the denial of anything in life that does not first and foremost glorify God.

That doesn’t seem so radical, does it? We all say that a Christian must be different from non-believers. But let’s consider how this is applied and then see how we feel? This is not a matter of staying away from sinful activities. This is a matter of living a distinctly different life than the rest of the world. This separation marks us. God does not want us to be seen or behave as others. We are to be holy, that is, sanctified – set apart from all those around us.

That means we do not seek comfort as a goal in life. Life is not about easy living. It is about redemptive action on behalf of the Kingdom. That usually brings suffering.

That means we are willing to give up our natural affections and emotional needs. Life is not about what makes me feel fulfilled, wanted, appreciated or honored. It is about my laying aside who I am for the sake of someone else.

That means I will not embrace anything that encourages me to set aside the appearance of holiness. I will not cast off restraint even if the action is permissible. Life is not about what I am allowed to do, but rather about what I do that represents the character of God before others.

That means my goals, decisions, choices and actions cannot be just the same as other ethically-minded, moral people. I do not live under the rule of law. I live under the authority of God. I do what He tells me to do, not what is the next commonsense move. And I will have to be ready to accept the criticism, rejection and confusion that accompanies this choice.

That means, finally for now, that I live according to His word, no exceptions, no variations, no excuses. I do not let any other relationship dictate to me how I serve my God.

Sanctified means different. If your life activity looks just like the best of those who do not follow the King, then you are not sanctifying yourself.

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