God in the Dock

God is not a man that He should lie; Numbers 23:19

Lie – Does God lie? “Of course not,” you will answer. “How could He be God if He did not tell us the truth?” You’re right. One of the fundamental characteristics of God’s nature is truth. Lying is simply not possible for the God Who is. This verse from the Torah makes the apt comparison. God is not human. He does not lie (as all humans do). On this we agree.

But, you would never know this basic attribute of God actually existed if you looked at the behavior of His followers. When you observe how we act, you would have to conclude that very few, if any of us, actually believe that God doesn’t lie. Otherwise, how could you explain the consistent evasion, ignorance and rejection of His words. If you looked at the way we act, you would have to conclude that we must think, “He isn’t telling us the truth”, because we almost never take His words to heart.

The Hebrew word kazav is about as strong a word as you will find. God tells us that He hates liars and will destroy them (Psalm 5:6 and Proverbs 6:19). God says that He will never deceive His faithful (Psalm 89:35). Lying is the equivalent of making an agreement with death and it will be severely punished (Isaiah 28:15).

Brother Lawrence (The Practice of the Presence of God) staked his life on the assertion “that He would not deceive us.”

Do you really think this is true? If you do, then you will have no trouble with:

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Bear one another’s burdens.
Keep my commandments.
Forgive men their transgressions.
Do not lay up treasures upon the earth.
Do not be anxious for your life.
Ask, seek and knock.
Live as resident aliens.
Fix your hope completely on the grace of Jesus Christ.

Does God lie? What do your actions say?

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