The Jesus I Didn’t Know

for I was afraid of you, because you are an exacting man   Luke 19:21

Exacting – Is your Jesus demanding?  Is He austere?  Or are you convinced that Jesus would never demand results or utter a punishing judgment?  Have you been seduced by the “meek and mild” crowd?  Or does your Jesus drive a hard bargain and require absolute obedience?

Perhaps you haven’t met the Jesus of this parable.  The servant was right, you know.  The Master is an austeros (a Greek word which is obviously the root of our English “austere”).  It does not mean “cold-hearted”.  It means “exacting, earnest and severe.”  Jesus is not cold-hearted, but He is demanding to a scruple.  If you thought of Him as a laissez-faire manager of life, you made a huge mistake.

But the servant was also wrong.  No one who serves the Master to the best of his or her ability need fear Him.  Fear makes us do very stupid things.  It made this slave into an economic coward and that resulted in punishment.  Fear will do the same thing to you and me.  To fear Jesus is spiritual suicide.  But loving Him does not mean we are free to do what we want.  Jesus is still the final Judge of our efforts and His judgment is exacting.  There is no applause for good intentions.

Many of us muddle in a theological potpourri.  We recognize the demanding nature of the radical life of the gospel but at the same time we want a hall-pass to the Kingdom if we aren’t productive followers.  We want a Jesus who challenges and sets the standard but we are just as inclined to ask for an exception to the rule.  This parable doesn’t make us feel at ease.  How many times have we been the unfaithful servant, squandering our lease-hold on life when the Master is absent.  For many of us, the day of His return is not a happy thought.

There is still time.  “Lord, let me redeem the days, the treasure and the talent You placed in my hands.  Let me become the producer You wanted me to be, returning to You what is Your due.  Give me some time to make up for my fear and cowardice, for I know that that You are an exacting man.  Thank you, Lord.  All of my gain is Yours.”

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