Perfect Progress

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners  Psalm 1:1

Does Not WalkHalak is the verb of motion.  I go, I come, I walk.  Metaphorically, halak is about the pathways of my life.  It’s about my choices and my actions.  Israel is commanded to “walk” in the ways of the Lord (Deuteronomy 28:9).  If I am going to experience the state of bliss in this psalm, I must take the action of halak.  I must not choose the pathways that are influenced or suggested by the wicked.

“Of course,” you will say.  “We must walk righteously if God is going to bless us.”  You’re right, but with a twist.  There is something else in this word that is not so apparent in English, but in a moment you will know the secret. 

In this verse, the verb halak (walk) is in the perfect aspect in Hebrew.  That means it suggests a completed action, not a continuous action.  That’s why the translation says, “does not walk,” rather than “is not walking.”  The bliss of the man of righteousness comes after he has divorced himself from the pathways of the wicked.  When he no longer walks according to their influence and advice, then he experiences a new joy in life.  This is not a promise of instant spiritual gratification.  Instant gratification is one of the suggestions of the wicked (which we almost universally accept).  This psalm is about A Long Obedience In The Same Direction.  It is perfect progress because it has become the routine direction of the blessed life.

I need to know that halak is about completed action.  Why?  Because I am a man often who expects God’s instant fix.  When I make a choice to step away from the influence and advice of those who oppose God’s path, I want to have immediate benefit or instant relief.  I think, “God, I’m trying.  Why aren’t you rushing to my rescue?”  Halak reminds me that bliss belongs to those who persevere.  No one is a disciple instantly.  Followers are formed over time.

Are you pursuing perfect halak?

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