In the Field

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.  Proverbs 13:20

Companion – Life is really pretty simple.  God’s way is not obscure, confusing or exhausting.  In fact, God actually promises to assist us in every way when we wholeheartedly obey Him.  Since human beings are creatures of community, God has a lot to say about social relationships too.  And His advice is just as simple and just as plain as we could want.  Spend time in step with those who are obedient to Him and the obedience will rub off on you.  Spend time with those who are deliberately opposed to God’s ways and you will suffer evil.  Straightforward.  Clear-cut.  No gray areas.

Then why don’t we listen?  Perhaps we need a lesson in animal husbandry. 

The Hebrew word translated “companion” in this verse is ra’ah.  It has two distinct but related categories of meaning.  First, it means, “to feed, to tend, to be a shepherd.”  In the second category it means, “to associate with, to be a companion, to be in a common environment.”  It’s easy to see the relationship between these two meanings.  I feed where my friends are. 

Now the lesson.  I will inherit the characteristics of those whose field I share.  If I want to be wise in the things of God, I need to spend my time in the fields where God-fearers feed.  If I spend my time pasturing with God-haters, I will inherit exactly what they deserve.  We are what we eat.

Make an assessment of your feeding places.  Where do you go to get your mind filled, your spirit quenched, your palette refreshed and your appetite satisfied?  What are the people like where you hang out?  Who’s in your playing field?

“Whatever is not of faith is sin,” says Paul, and I suspect that a lot of our grazing is done in fields that were never planted or watered with faith.  You wouldn’t send your dog to the garbage dump to find a meal or your cat to the trash bin.  So, why do you feed yourself with fool’s fodder?


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