Return to Sender

For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”  Hebrews 10:30

Repay – You won’t hear much about vengeance from the pulpit today.  One hundred years ago, you would have been shocked not to hear this word in a sermon.  But today we have evolved to a higher moral order where we no longer think that God is a God of retribution.  We have been convinced that love conquers all.  It’s a big mistake!

The truth is that God’s character does not change.  What He hated in the days of Abraham He still hates today.  What deserved punishment in the days of Noah still deserves the same today.  To think otherwise is to assume that the moral fabric of the universe has shifted.  Since God establishes the law of all life based on His character alone, imagining that the rules have changed is real insanity.

In fact, it is the very permanence of the moral order that propels the need for the gospel.  Forgiveness isn’t good news to those who believe sin is simply a curable disease or a cultural oddity.  Forgiveness doesn’t matter much to those who think life ends at the grave. Without the expectation of repayment for my evil deeds and callous behavior, Jesus’ death means nothing. If I am not a sinner, I don’t need Jesus.  Forgiveness only counts if retribution is a reality.  And if retribution is real, then forgiveness becomes life’s most important problem.

This verse uses the word antapodidomi, literally, “to return to the giver.”  There is an allusion to Deuteronomy 32:35, a passage that cements God’s attitude toward those who practice their own moral code.  Justice requires retribution and God promises that He will execute His vengeance on all those who insult His justice.  Think about the implications in this word.  God, the giver of life and all that life provides us, will require it all back.  This is the ultimate RSVP.  There is no option here. 

This verse is not about God’s wrath poured out on terrorists and murderers.  It is about God’s wrath poured out on everyone who fails to honor His character by keeping His law.  It is an RSVP of death.  And it’s for you and me – and everyone else.  The Bible is pretty clear about this.  No one is excused.  There are no “Get out of jail free” cards.  Unless Jesus acts on your behalf, you have only one thing to look forward to – vengeance.  That’s why the good news is so urgent!

Jesus is the ultimate solution to life’s most terrifying expectation.  Aren’t you glad you know Him?

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