Second Thoughts

to the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever. Amen.    Romans 16:27

Glory – What is the doxology of your life?  What is the final line that describes your reason for being?  Paul leaves no doubt about his last line.  It is glory to God forever.  I wonder if we could say the same thing.

Glory is a big issue this side of eternity.  Doxa, the Greek word here, is primarily about recognition.  To give God glory is to honor Him by recognizing His pre-eminent place in all creation.  But the background of this word gives us another look that we might easily miss.  The word originally described opinion and thought.  Its underlying meaning is about how my opinions line up with reality.  When I believe something that is not true, I am not glorified.  When my thoughts are in alignment with the truth, I am glorified (honored and respected).

Here’s the rub.  Only God has thoughts that are always true.  I make mistakes.  I believe lots of things that later turn out to be false.  And my perspective on truth is severely limited by my human finiteness.  Only one Person knows it all truly – God.  So, real glory belongs only to Him.  Only He knows nothing false.

What does that mean for me?  First, it goes a long way to deflate my ego.  True glory doesn’t belong to any of us.  No man knows it all.  But there is a positive turn here too.  Insofar as I think God’s thoughts after Him, I express what is really true.  He knows.  I can only agree.  When I embrace God’s thinking about things, I line up with His glory.  Then I reflect what He intends – that the truth will prevail. 

To give God glory is to second His thoughts.  That means bringing my mind into alignment, acting according to His opinions.  That means setting aside my own views and accepting the views of the One Who knows.  That means submitting to His will.  Then, and only then, will I give Him His due.

The decision-key is simply this:  Does it glorify the only One Who knows for sure?   Does it second His thoughts?


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