Internal Affairs

As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts.  If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.   1 Chronicles 28:9

A Whole Heart and a Willing Mind – Why don’t we just learn this expression together?  It’s so important and so powerful.  In Hebrew, belev shalem u ve nefesh khafetsa. 

Now let’s take it apart and see what’s here.  You will learn something very valuable. 

belev shalem – the first part of this expression contains the two words “heart” (lev) and “whole” (sha lem).  But as soon as we see this, we realize that the word translated “whole” is really the word for “complete, safe, full, perfect and peaceful.”  It’s the word we find in Jerusalem (“founded in peace”).  Here the idea is a perfect, peaceful, full heart.  If you are going to have God’s permission to discover Him, you must begin with the internal affairs of the heart.  Strip away all those vain ambitions.  You know, the ones that have no eternal perspective.  Drop the stress and strife from your hands.  Cleanse yourself.  You are seeking a holy place.  No tohu allowed here (see Today’s Word, March 21 – or read 1 Samuel 12:21).

nefesh khafetsa – the first word (nefesh or nephesh) is not just “mind,” is it?  It’s the Hebrew equivalent of the whole personality that I am – my mind, my will, my emotions.  All of that inside stuff that makes me, me.  All of that, modified by the adjective hafets – a word that means a lot more than “willing” means “to delight in, to take pleasure in” (like the city of Haifa).  This is my personality thrilled and delighted to serve the God I adore.  This is not rigid, legal compliance.  This is running to hear His command, anticipating His next wish, exhilarated and excited, fulfilling His desire.

Internal affairs of the heart and the mind cover a lot more than we thought.  If this wonderful Hebrew phrase describes your service to the King, then you are truly blessed.  You have been granted access to His presence.  You know Him because He knows you.

If you don’t feel like you are standing in the throne room of the Almighty, maybe you need to take a serious look inside.  Then you might remember that serving God is a tale of two cities – Jerusalem – founded in peace – and Haifa – delighted.  Where do you live?

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