Exit Strategy

He cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus!  Here!  Outside!”  John 11:43

Outside – Jesus has an exit strategy.  Do you?  Jesus’ exit strategy does not depend on any of life’s circumstances.  Not even death!  That’s the kind of exit strategy we all need.  Too many times our plans really are nothing more than contingent hopefulness.  Once we understand what Jesus has in mind, all of that can change.  It certainly did for Lazarus.  In many ways, we are just like him, bound in grave clothes, stuck in a tomb, waiting for someone with real authority to call us out, into the open.

The Greek word here should not surprise you.  It is exo, meaning out of, outside, out from.  The same thing we think of whenever we see an Exit sign.  Jesus demands that Lazarus come out of the place of bondage, both physical and spiritual, and present himself in the open.  That’s just what we need – a command to be released from death and step forward to meet the Savior.

Take a moment to think about this event.  Yes, it’s a spectacular miracle, but there are other aspects that need to be remembered.  First, Jesus cries out in a loud voice.  If you knew that previous imagery, you would recognize this as a battle cry.  This is warfare, the last stronghold of the enemy of men.  Jesus is about to issue a forewarning.  The grave cannot hold those whom the Savior redeems.  This battle cry is not just for the bewildered audience.  It is for the enemy himself.  Be frightened, Satan.  The Son is here.  With a shout He will undo all of your power.

Now notice that Jesus calls Lazarus by name.  Why?  Do you think people were confused about who was in the tomb?  Of course not!  Jesus calls Lazarus because the sheep of the Good Shepherd are known by name and they hear the voice of the Master and respond.  Jesus is specific about the ones who belong to Him.  There is no blanket endorsement when it comes to breaking the bonds of death.  You have to come out as an individual called by the King.  Oh, and by the way, do you realize that Lazarus, whom we would all have considered dead, hears the command?  Jesus speaks to whomever He wishes, no matter what state we think they are in.

Finally (for now), notice that Lazarus is not asked to just come back to life.  He is commanded to come to a specific place.  Here!  Jesus does not call us from the dead in order that we may go back to our place of living.  He calls us to the place were He is – here, next to Him.  You were not released from the grip of the enemy so that you could occupy any place you wished.  You were released so that you could take a stand right next to the One Who set you free.  For those who have returned from the grave, there is no other place.

Now you get to review your exit strategy.  Is it unconditional, without any dependence on life’s circumstances?  Is it a battle cry, announcing your entry into the war against the enemy?  Is it individual, tailored just for you?  Does it bring you to a specific place, next to the First Son of the Father?  If your exit strategy doesn’t include at least these things, maybe you need to rethink it?

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