Joshua’s Theology (4): Marriage Glue

“to love the LORD your God and walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”  Joshua 22:5

Hold Fast – The first time we see this word sets the stage for all the rest of the occurrences.  It shows up in Genesis 2:24 – a fairly significant passage for most human beings.  It’s about glue.  “Cling to” your spouse.  In particular, husbands are to cling to their wives.  I hope you noticed that the focus of attention is on the sticking ability of the husband.  That should tell you something about male temptations. 

Now apply this instructional passage to Joshua’s theology.  He uses davaq to describe the necessary sticking ability between us and God.  Once again, I hope you noticed who is the husband in this metaphor (here’s a clue – it isn’t God).  We, those tempted to wander, are the ones who need the glue.  God remains faithful throughout.

Of course, there are plenty of passages in the Bible that describe God in the male gender, but I find it fascinating that when it comes to the Old Testament view of the marriage contract, God is often on the wife’s side of the metaphor (notwithstanding the New Testament description of the “bride” of Christ).  This seems especially appropriate in our contemporary view of serial marriage (one partner after another).  Too often the glue is dissolved with an application of male adultery.  Of course, the actual dissolution began a long time before the final separation.  The glue was watered down though progressive exposure to “thoughtless” control. 

God wants glue.  He longs for a sticky relationship – one that will cling fast in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, in riches and poverty until death doesn’t even part.  God not only desires such a relationship, He is fully committed to it.  He does not waver or falter but remains the faithful partner in spite of all our struggles. 

God invented glue.  He knows exactly how it works, how it is to be applied, how much pressure it takes to make it set and under what conditions it will maintain its bond.  My suggestion is that you read the manufacturer’s instructions if you want glue to work for you. 

There is a nice bit of self-interest in gluing yourself to God.  First, you’ll find it quite an adventure.  Secondly, it has significant long-term results.  And thirdly, there is no better life than the bonded life.

Stick to it.

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