The Reasonable Thing To Do

Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen for yourselves the LORD, to serve Him.”  And they said, “We are witnesses.”  Joshua 24:22

Chosen – Not all choices are God’s choices.  Men also choose.  Here is the Hebrew verb bahar employed to describe the choice of the people to obey and follow the Lord.  Notice that it is once again a choice of vital self-interest (“you have chosen for yourselves”).  God expects you to make choices that serve yourself – and the ultimate choice of self-interest is to obey Him.

Notice something else about choosing.  It is based on what is reasonable and rational.  Choice occurs after careful consideration.  Because choosing carries such significance, it cannot be based on emotions alone.  It cannot be the result of whim or fickle favor.  Because bahar implies choice with purpose, it must be made with the full use of rational capacity.  God does not expect you to be whipped up into a frenzy and suddenly feel compelled to raise you hand or walk the aisle.  He wants you to think about what you are doing.  He is fully prepared to demonstrate the reasonableness of your decision.  He asks you to use your mind!

Bahar has synonyms like separate, appoint, know and take.  While emotions often surround these decisions (joy, passion, relief, praise), emotions are never the basis for considered choice.  When God elects, He engages all His faculties.  We are to do the same.  Now you know why Paul can exhort every believer to be ready to defend the faith.  Ultimately, it is not about how I feel (in spite of modern religious language).  Ultimately, it is about how I think.  Start with the renewing of your mind.  Get the choices right.  Examine, consider, weigh and then elect.

Joshua points out that there are substantial consequences associated with this kind of choice, so much so that the mere expression of the choice stands as the equivalent of a witness against any future failure to comply.  When you choose to obey the Lord, you make a life commitment.  You stand in the heavenly court of appeals and proclaim your eternal allegiance.  Failure to uphold that proclamation is the same as testifying against yourself.  God holds you accountable.  He does not need to judge your subsequent actions.  You will do that all by yourself because your declaration is written in eternal script.  Therefore, make very sure that you know exactly what you are doing.  Know what it means for you will be judged by what you declare.

There is no stronger incentive for intense study of God’s word than the implications of the verb bahar.  Reasonable choice demands examination.  God expects it and will hold you to it.  Are you comfortable with your choice?

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