Choosing An Apprentice

Going, then, disciple all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,  Matthew 28:19

Disciple – What’s the difference between making a disciple and teaching?  Not much, if you subscribe to the usual patterns of religion these days.  We tend to think that making disciples is just a matter of transferring the right information to another person so that person believes the same thing we believe.  As long as the doctrine is correct, we’ve done the job.  Nothing could be further from the truth, even in the Greek world.

The Greek word here is matheteuo.  It means to become attached to a teacher and become a follower of the teacher’s conduct of life.  Yes, the disciple does get verbal and written instruction, but that is not sufficient.  A disciple is not the same as a pupil.  To be a disciple, I must become an apprentice of the Master, attending to and copying His  actions, thoughts and decisions until I act, think and decide just like the Master.  Greek makes this quite clear because it uses a different word (matheo) for learning without becoming an apprentice.  I can go to school (or to a members’ class) for matheo, but it will not make me a disciple.  To be a disciple, I have to live life with the teacher.

Jesus is adamant here.  As you go down the road of life, gather to yourself someone to apprentice.  Show them the kingdom of heaven in thought, word and deed so that your apprentice’s life is transformed into a perfect reflection of your life.  In other words, walk with them until they get it.  Then send them out to do the same thing.

The church today has thousands of pupils, most of whom are still in the elementary grades.  To overcome this, we send our experts to special schools, until they come back ready to give us more instruction in belief systems.  But we don’t make disciples.  We make head-filled spectators.  They come for the stage show – the great music, inspiring settings and a charismatic orator behind a glass pulpit.  I simply can’t imagine Jesus anywhere near such spectacles of religiosity.  I see Jesus walking along the road, serving those in need, gathering to himself a small group of chosen apprentices.  I see Him spending His time living in community with those He disciples, until they are ready to do the same.  Information is not transformation, and it can’t be communicated in the way that I deliver content in an e mail (I’m sorry to say this, but it’s true.  All we can do in Today’s Word is start the process of apprenticeship).  If you want to “make” an apprentice (disciple), you will have to rub elbows together, walk together, eat together, play together and experience pain and joy together.  No man or woman can disciple someone occasionally.  You can’t become a carpenter by using a hammer once a month.  You need to go on the job with a journeyman carpenter for a few years.

It’s time to stop recruiting spectators for membership.  It’s time to choose an apprentice and get to work – together.

Topical Index:  Evangelism

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