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Do we then nullify the Law through faith?  May it never be!  On the contrary, we establish the Law. Romans 3:31

Establish – Christians tend to think that the death and resurrection of the Messiah means that the Law is no longer valid.  Of course, this conclusion starts with the erroneous premise that the Law has something to do with appeasing God in the first place.  Thinking that the Old Testament is a religion based on “works” leads directly to the current view that the New Testament is based in grace – and never the two shall meet.  Then we read a verse like this one.  Suddenly our conclusions don’t look so solid.

Paul uses the Greek verb histemi here.  It means, “to cause to stand, to confirm, to make permanent, to make enduring.”  That certainly doesn’t sound like the Law is no longer valid, does it?  In fact, Paul confronts this error.  Is the Law nullified?  Never!  Grace makes the purpose of the Law possible.  Grace confirms the Law!

How can this be?  Doesn’t the New Testament teach that the death of Christ is the end of the Law?  Doesn’t Paul himself say that Christ is the end of law for righteousness to everyone who believes?  Of course he does!  The problem is that we think of end as termination rather than fulfillment.  Christ is the fulfillment of what the Law is all about; namely living in such a way that God is so glorified that all the world will return to Him.  The Law points to Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.  Jesus accomplishes His mission and satisfies the condition for righteous credit.  But fulfillment does not mean finish.  It means filled up.  Jesus “fills up” the Law by showing us what it was intended to do in His life.  That does not set aside the Law as the means of evangelism.  Faith justifies.  Jesus paid that price.  But the Law sanctifies.  Without righteous living, God’s people can’t fulfill their mission.  So, says Paul, since faith brings me into the right relationship with God, I am now free to accomplish the mission God has for me – to let my obedience become the spiritual magnet it was meant to be.  Grace establishes the Law as enduring part of the plan.

God made several covenants with His chosen.  He established a covenant with Noah.  He established a covenant with Moses.  He established a covenant with Abraham.  The sign of Noah’s covenant endures.  Rainbows appear confirming it.  The sign of the covenant with Abraham endures.  The faith-nation of Israel still exists.  And God treats the covenant with Moses no differently.  The Law endures.  Jesus Himself told us that not one letter of the Word of God would disappear even if the world stopped existing.

It’s time to set the record straight, at least for those who think that the New Testament has no regard for the Law.  Of course the Law doesn’t save us.  It never did, even from the beginning.  It was never intended to save us.  God redeemed Israel out of Egypt before He gave the covenant to Moses.  The Law has a different purpose.  That purpose is anchored in witnessing to the world.  Jesus showed us exactly what the purpose of the Law was when He lived a sinless life.  It was to draw all men to Himself.  So, is that what you’re doing with the Law?  Are you living according to the covenant to draw all men to God in Christ?  Or have you forgotten why God gave the Law in the first place?

Topical Index:  The Law

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