And, In The End
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
Will Perfect It – God does not operate by the “what have you done for Me lately?” method. Aren’t you glad? Who among us could ever meet the standard that He would set. Holiness is just beyond our grasp, no matter how high up we are able to reach. If you ever felt that there was just no way that you would ever get there, if you ever felt that your catalog of failures even after your conversion were just too many, then this verse is for you. That means, by the way, that is applies to all of us.
Paul tells us the wonderful news that God is not done with us yet. God never quits on us. He guarantees the end result, not you or me. What God starts, He finishes.
Previously, we looked at God as the end-in-view Father. In other words, when it comes to righteous standing before Him, God treats you as if you are already complete. He doesn’t see you as a want-to-be like His Son. He sees you with the same status as Yeshua, righteous. That is half of our true reality. Finished in Christ! Done! Nothing more to add!
But there’s another half. It is not the half about righteousness. It is that half about character conformance and usefulness. This half is a work in progress. However (and it’s a big however), it still isn’t all up to you. God has started something in your life and He will finish it. He will ensure that what needs to be changed in order to get the maximum character conformity and usefulness out of you is accomplished. He will engineer your life in such a way that you will be confronted with those things that He wants you to complete. Most of the time, these are not tasks. God doesn’t need you to be a good little worker. He wants you to become a devoted child. Christ-likeness is the goal. Everything that He does in your life is aimed at that objective. What you happen to accomplish along the way is nice, but it is the by-product of the real target.
Remember what the Hebrew image of sin is? It’s not hitting the dead center of the target. God’s engineering is designed to move you to the dead center of the bull’s eye in order that all the blessings and benefits that He aims in your direction will land right on you. He moves you into the line of fire. That’s the purpose.
The Greek verb here is epiteleo. The root is teleo – to finish, to complete, to perfect. Paul adds the intensifier epi. This is the grand finale. It is completion with an exclamation point! God will do it!!!
You know, today I needed to read what I write for myself. I need to know that God is working to complete me, because on days like today, I just don’t see how I can do it. That, of course, is the point. I can’t! But He can. Thanks be to the Lord for He is God.
Topical Index: epiteleos, complete, finish, perfect
My dear community of followers: Here’s what we can do together. I just finished a phone call with Loy Burgess in Waco, TX. She wanted to contribute and loves Today’s Word. But she takes care of her 103 year-old mother. Now, that is something special! So, I told her to tear up that check and go buy something that her mother would enjoy. She told me that she no longer can go to worship because her mother is too frail, and she has felt isolated for several years. I told her, “No more. There are now 349 people who are connected to you.” This is community! God is on the move.
Thank your “geek” friend for me. This site I can open with my old “free” imac. I have been fed my your insight. I hope everyone will come on board. God Bless.
Hi Loy,
I’m willing to connect with you. Pls feel free to email me directly ( I live in Virginia and I understand about being a caregiver. May God richly bless you for all that you do for your mother. I love you in Christ.
Hi Loy – There are a lot of people in the Body of Christ who cannot attend a formal service because they, too, are locked up in one fashion or another. Prepare to be a part of something that could be what your heart longs for. May you also be blessed in the calling you have and find what it is that He is doing by and through your servanthood expressed to your Mom.
Good morning Carol – I see you are standing tall & strong…
Skip, the Father is blessing so many people through you! Thank you for your kind words to my friend Loy.
Loy, we can meet on Shabbats.
Precious Loy. Praise God for your loving care of your mother for this is the handiwork of God. Your worship to our Holy God is the caring for your mother as you don’t need to go to a building to worship. You are not alone as at times it may seem that way, Jesus is right by your side. Love in Chirst from a sister in the Lord.
How exciting to be swamped, Skip. 349 people to share with each other. Loy, you are ministering to your mother in the most fantastic way, but I know the burden is also heavy. God will richly bless you both as you serve him in this way. I have found that when I am most alone is when He is most able to get my full attention. Lean on the family on this site.
Dear Loy, What a wonderful loyal compassionate daughter you are! Caring for your 103 year old mother must be both a joy as well as a burden at times. I pray that you will always know the comfort and love of our Lord as He enables you to be kind and loving and patient and peaceful day in and day out. May His strength be in you as you rejoice in Him. God bless you.
What a surprise to find a Beatles’ medley at the link under the title of today’s post! I’ve only watched it once–so far. I’ll have to watch it again for more spiritual significance, but I was struck by one line near the 3:30 mark: “Oh yeah, alright, are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?” That line confirmed something I dreamed last night…. There was one more line I thought somewhat profound near the end of the clip: “And in the end/ the love you take/ is equal to the love you make.” I suppose that is how the world sees it, but God has a law of increase that multiplies our love to produce the results that He wants–in the end!
Cyndee/Mom, you found the line that Skip was singing last week. =)
“And in the end/ the love you take/ is equal to the love you make.”
My mother takes care of her mother who is 94, and I see how she feels isolated from the outside world sometimes. I’m sure it is hard on you at times, and God is always there to see you through it. I pray for you Loy. I pray that the presence of God will be felt in your daily walk with Him, and feel free to email me at if you need anything. Thanks and God Bless!!!!
Jonathan Flippen
Lewisburg, TN
Wow! I love to see you so happy Skip! Keep up the good work.
I would be happy to donate on behalf of Loy, in Waco. I am praying about the amount, but will let you know soon Dr. Moen (still not sure about calling you “Skip”, since I highly respect you and your continued accomplishments). God has blessed me and I need to pay it forward to a ministry that is as close to what God sees as real truth!
Philip Bennett
Lewisburg, TN