Did We Miss You?
The transition to the new web site is almost done. If you made a donation or purchase any time since January 1, 2008, you should be getting Today’s Word every day. If you aren’t getting it, that means we could not find your e mail address in the old list. That happens because often e mail addresses do not correspond to names and we couldn’t match you up. So, SEND US A COMPLAINT :). Tell us you should be on the list and include your e mail address, name and mailing address and we will get you back on ASAP. Thanks,
…last week I went for three evenings to hear from missionaries sent by First Baptist (my church); it was wonderful. My little girls have been on trips to two of the countries. And then spent Saturday at an evangelism seminar given by Mack Stiles (who is a friend of the senior pastor, lives in Dubai)… it was just fabulous—and I’m not an evangelist as you know, but given that almost every week and even more often, a seemingly impossible opportunity hurls itself at me; I’ve decided that I just simply have to learn how to present the gospel WITH WORDS. Just a short list of the people: an accountant, who every so often comes into my office to explain that the bible is just an ancient economic guidebook manual of sorts; my psychologist half-sister in Israel who says that the whole question of religion is “ridiculous” (she has four children); my friend of 30 years who exchanged books with me for decades and went completely silent when he received a couple of Christian books from me; my attorney who when seeing my viewpoint for approaching the current situation immediately declared his Darwinian atheist status (yet supported those “Christian values”); my mother, once a converted and practicing Jew—now a kind and caring moralist; my priestess sister, head of the Wiccan “church” in Canada (with her husband); my brother and his wife (just good people without agendas); my older sister—a kind and caring Reiki therapist “new ager” and health products store manager; the list is massive and grows longer every few days.
So the first step in my plan of attack (along with daily & weekly studies etc.) is to watch twenty times a Ravi Zacharias DVD called “Get a Life” that a friend made for me, to see if it will absorb into my cells, and make notes every second viewing. Because I don’t want to look uncool presenting gospel topics J. I started off doing things with Habitat for Humanity since I felt that I didn’t have adequate understanding or presentation skills—but that’s ultimately a copout to avoid actually getting to heart of the matter and saying things right out loud and taking a chance on being embarrassed. The reality is that most of my openings simply don’t lend themselves to non-language presentation, whether verbal or written in some form. You can’t have friends and family learn anything about your belief by showing them your good-hearted volunteer “works” when they’re thousands of miles away. On the contrary, you need to use language: spoken, emailed, video’d, texted, subscribed, published, facebooked…. and I’ve reached the understanding that “benefit selling” of the gospel is a hollow sham and completely off-course. Because I’m not happier now than pre-conversion (at the observable levels), I’m not a better or kinder person (well maybe just a little bit), and it’s not a better life in the usual measurable ways. But I’ve finally realized that the need to know God is not some alternative of choice in a sales situation: “so, do you prefer the Buddhist system, or would you like to sign up for Islam?”–it is a fundamental fact of existence.
Please return my email address to your list. Hubby, Bob, is on the list, but we use separate emails. I think we’ve done all we should to qualify.
Bible study last night was outstanding. A very important idea with which our family is grappling was confirmed through your discourse. Thank you.
Dixie, you’ve been added to the list.
Terry, as you begin to be more bold, let me caution you with words I’ve heard Skip say, “Do it with hugs.”
Hello Skip.
I love receiving your word in the morning. Please include me in the new distribution list.
Israel Lopez
6402 Cava Alta Dr. apt #408
Orlando, Fl. 32835
Thanks for the “did we miss you” e-mail. Unfortunately I was not missed. I am in my last year of seminary and until I finish and hopefully find gainful employment, I am unable to support your fine ministry. Keep up the good work though and once I am able I will be back.
I am not getting Daily Bread now. Thanks
add me to the today’s word email, please…
No, I am on. Been on since day 1 I am happy to say. Thanks for all the work you do.
dr. bolan
Hello… please add me back to the mailing list… have several of Skips books purchased at a ML Seminar in Orlando late last year… If I need to “purchase” anything else to get back on the list let me know… Joel
I believe my “Today’s Word” stopped last week. I would like to be put back on the list. Thanks!
Neil Wade
382 CR 546
Hico, TX 76457
Skip, I bought your Siritual Restoration vol. 1 and Words to Lead By daily devotional at the Maximized Livng seminar in October of 2008. May I be added back to your email list. Thanks for your consideration.
Thank you for the reminder. I love your ministry—I have learned so much and want to continue but….my husband and I have made a promise not spend any money until March…..I will support your ministry and I think it’s wonderful that you have us pay for this incredible information….I so enjoy your messages. But I need to wait for another month to join you all. I’m sure Starbucks is missing me too!! lol.
I have your website so I plan to join all of you soon—in March.
Many Blessing
Hey Skip,
Victor is getting the emails but I’m not. Please add my email address to your list. I’ve missed you!!
Much love,
Pleas add my email address to the list.
I’ve missed reading your daily emails
Whitney, Anne, Paula, John, Neil, Joel, Charles, Thomas, Israel, & Brad — I’ve added you you to the donors list so you’ll receive Today’s Word each day. If you haven’t made a donation, please go to https://skipmoen.com/donate or https://skipmoen.com/products. If you are unable to make a donation now, please keep At God’s Table in mind as you enjoy the efforts of the community. Thanks for your support and prayers! Shalom.
listed at gmoore@mail.ucf.edu, i check this account more regularly.
thank you for changing it.
in Christ,
would love to send a contribution. i am a doctor in christian counseling and find your emails to be manna! thank you for following our Lord and sharing your wisdom. I truly thank God for you daily and would be so sad and empty if I didnt have the refreshment you bring from Jesus.
Maureen & Grace — — I’ve added you you to the donors list so you’ll receive Today’s Word each day. If you haven’t made a donation, please go to https://skipmoen.com/donate or https://skipmoen.com/products. If you are unable to make a donation now for whatever circumstance, please keep At God’s Table in mind as you enjoy the efforts of the community. And thank you for your support and prayers. Shalom.
Thanks…….do want to donate, as soon as I can stop and focus to do so!
Am always blessed with what the Lord shows Skip
Skip, I have never purchase anything or make a donation with regret, If I pare off anything more of my little pension I won’t be able to eat. I hope that things will get better. However, I have to receiving atgodstable for sometime now so I don’t know how you missed my address.
I have signed up a few people that is now in the Community. Be blessed.
Rabbi Skip, (you are a teacher, right!) Thank you for keeping me on the list even though I am unemployed and unable to contribute at this time. As soon as the Lord opens up that job door and ushers me in, this will be my first offering in praise & thanksgiving. Thanks for all that you do! Pam
Hello I made a donation today but I think I should have been on the list anyways. Possibly I changed my e-mail address ? could be since I have more than one of them. I just want to a make sure I get the past issues of Todays Word because of the marriage articles I do NOT want to miss one of them I am so thankful for them all and for the Hebrew teachings. Just absolutely love them and am thankful to the Lord for them Blessings Darlene
Hi, Hopefully I can be put back on the At God’s Table list. I am able to make monthly contributions (at least I hope that is still set up with all the changes) and am blessed daily with the devotionals. I look at scripture so differently now, with a much deeper appreciation for the meaning woven in between the words. These emails have been my community during a time when my community is in transition. My deepest gratitude for the time, effort, study, reflection and prayer that is evident in each day’s blessing. Laura
Please add me to your list. I enjoy your challenging teachings. I would miss your Bible study on my email if it werent there. I am happy to purchase your work anytime soon ! Thanks !
good morning skip
you had said you were going to add me to your list and send me your greek hebrew study book. i am the one that spoke with you before you boarded your plane a few weeks ago.
carolyne coleman
i have not been getting todaysword since the site changed
thank you.. i sure do miss it.
ps. My greek hebrew bible devotion is going fabulous in my online christian group. seems everyone is tired of playing games and really enjoying what the verses really mean PRAISE THE LORD. i got goosebumps.
i pray for you and your and all you do and all your missionary work daily and will from this day forward . i am really enjoying the 30day hebrew study..
carolyne coleman
128 Holly Circle
Harmony, Pa 16037
i cant wait to get your book, i know it will help me greatly for my own growth and also the bible study i am doing…i promise to keep you posted and you said i could contact you anytime with questions and im making a list for you…the bible is fantastic…
Skip, I’m not receiving Today’s Word but was before the transition. Do I need to make a donation to receive?
I absolutely love your ‘word’. Hi to my friend Patrick Sullivan.
Here a message from Belgium (Europe). We are Dutch speking, our English is not very good, but we do what we can to read your e-mails.
Some time ago a friend pointed out about your website. I looked at it and we (my wife en I) we are very enthusiastic. It opens our eyes. The articles are very sparkling, innovative, constructive. So I have subscribed for a ‘daily email’.
Every day my wife and I were looking for the daily email!
My family and I we would be very grateful to receive again a daily email of Today’s Word.
We watch out for how we can make a donation.
Go on with this very useful work in Gods service.
God bless you and your work!
Fam. Gryson
We have missed you! Glad to be sharing your thoughts again!
Thanks for provoking my mind….
You are a blessing!
Thanks for inquiring. My home address is 4022 Sandlewood Dr., Pasadena, Tx. 77504.
I would appreciate being on your daily email list.