His Other Name
“for I, YHWH eloheikha, am a jealous God.” Exodus 20:5
His Other Name
Jealous – The Hebrew word qanna is exclusively God’s word. This adjective is never applied to any person. It is only used to describe God. In fact, in Exodus 34:14, this word is part of God’s name (“the Lord whose name is jealous”). What we know about naming in Semitic cultures should cause us to gasp when we read this. Jealousy is an essential attribute of the Lord.
If you don’t take some time to reflect on what this means, you simply won’t understand just how serious His claim is on us. And you probably won’t understand why He demands exclusive devotion, or why He expects our marriages to reflect the same quality. Jealousy is right at the heart of who God is.
I know. You and I have been trained to believe that God’s heart is a heart of love. Because we have a fuzzy, self-centered, possessive-desire kind of definition of love, we tend to imagine that God is an always-forgiving, generous, kind Father who overlooks His children’s mistakes and rebellion, holding His breath until we eventually stop acting like idiots and return to His care. Sorry. That isn’t what Scripture tells us. If one of the names of God is jealous, then we better make sure we have this imagery well in mind before we go off acting as though our behavior doesn’t matter.
The other side of love is jealous wrath. The two come together. God is compassionate. He says so (Exodus 34:6). It is the first attribute of His self-identity. But it’s not the only one. He is also immeasurably possessive of what belongs to Him. He will not tolerate any duplicitous or deceitful intentions. He will never countenance spiritual adultery. You and I belong to Him and He will never permit us to wander in our affections toward another. He owns us. He is not going to let us run away. Any gospel of love, grace and forgiveness that does not include ownership, jealousy and fidelity is like a wedding ceremony attended by the mistress.
What does this mean for us? After all, we all know that God demands exclusivity in worship and we don’t offer our obeisance to idols. Wait! Let’s look again. When God describes Himself as a jealous God, He often associates the behaviors of infidelity with serving false gods. We should not think of this as bowing down in some pagan rite. This is the equivalent of making a covenant with a false god. In other words, we allow the false god to dictate the terms of our living. The worship of false gods may be disguised in the way to work. If we are not spending our efforts and time according to His commands, then we are entertaining mistresses or paramours. Graphically depicted, we are having an affair with another lover, provoking God’s jealousy.
Now it begins to sink in. If what you do in this world is not what God directed you to do, then you are probably serving another god. It might be the god of security or wealth, of pleasure or passion, but it will not be YHWH elokeikha, for He will tolerate no rivals. Maybe it’s time to take a serious look at your employment, your priorities and your plans. Are they the result of listening to the King and serving only Him?
Today’s msg hit my heart like a piercing arrow. I am an ordinary woman…..leading an ordinary life. I am a working mother and have 2 children…..and my days revolve around my children, my home, and my work. I have never read the Bible cover to cover. I try to read it everyday (I am not proud of this and it takes courage to admit this so openly) In the end, I know when my days on earth are done, I have to go back to my Creator. Is there anyone out there who is going through this internal struggle of wanting to spend daily time in prayer…..but for some reason…..just does not seem to make the time for it (I wake up at 6am and somedays go to bed at 11pm). How did you deal with it ???
Song of Solomon 8:6-7
6 Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
7 Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of his house for love,
it would be utterly scorned.
Excellent point Skip! We should agree that mainstream Christianity has somehow lost an understanding of this core attribute of Elohim. Certainly the idea of ultimate forgiveness for us as long as we believe in Yeshua is a Christian mantra. Yet as we can see in Revelations, Yeshua warns this end times Church that He will spew us out of His mouth for being “lukewarm”. Lukewarm of course representing those who claim to believe but live life without any transformation. Simply speaking they don’t walk the walk and ignore all the ways which we have been commanded to follow!
This was a sobering message to start not just today but every day. Thanks Skip and praise The Lord for another helpful reminder.
I can relate to your struggle. I am a single mom of two boys, I work 2 jobs and am fully responsible for the care and support of my children. Try not to think of prayer as this separate thing you need to do and try to make it part of your life. When you clean, drive, wash dishes, do laundry make the beds, talk to God. That is prayer. Instead of chatting on the phone with friends about lifes challenges, talk to God, he is the only place we can truly turn to to get our strength and the answers to our problems anyway. In the morning take a moment and look outside and thank God for the day, the sun, the trees, all of creation. You will find yourself living in prayer and surrendering your will and your struggles to God. All it takes is the willingness to step back for a moment, take a deep breath and if you reach to God he will meet you there in every present moment.
Good Luck and Enjoy God.
Lori & Sandy, both of you will REALLY appreciate the audio of the class that Skip taught last week in Pensacola about “The Hebrew view of Prayer”. (Hint: It’s flow.)
Check it out… https://skipmoen.com/products/hebrew-view-of-prayer/download-palal/ (My gift to you. =)
The key to Biblical ‘jealousy’ is that it only exists within a covenantal relationship, like the one the Almighty has with His people Israel.
The most common usage of ‘jealousy’ in our society is battered around in the context of boyfriends and girlfriends. There is no covenantal relationship. The Bible calls what goes on between those boys and girls ‘coveting’!
Lori, thanks for putting it in such wonderful terms. I’m a Mom with 3 kids and “only” work part time but still feel the pressure to do it all. Praying throughout my day and taking time for study, even if it’s only a moment or two is the only way I can make it happen. Thanks Patrick (and Skip) for the download too.
Thanks Tom,
You’re right. Jealousy in the Biblical context is the flip-side of covenant commitment. You’re also right about our common use of the word. Plus one other thing. What happens in our common use is also called sin.
I am reading this on a special day of celebration known as Valentine’s day. It is a day to remember love. This article today defines G-d to me even clearer than ever. He is our eternal Lover. G-d so loved.. Our Bible is a love story from start to stop. G-d is jealous I have pursued other lovers!! He wants the “all” of me. I have been distracted by other “pretty things” and have not given Him the focused attention lovers give each other. He wants an intimate relationship with me!! A jealous lover is revealed on Valentine’s Day! I will return to my “first love” and He will be my “only love”. Love lifted me!! thank you Brother Skip.. Let us love our G-d supremely, let us love each other too! I will turn and embrace Him again..with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to please and honor Him, I will love my neighbor as myself.