Single Service

But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. 1 Corinthians 7:8

Single Service

Unmarried – “But what about me?”  The painful cry reached me by email.  “I’m single.  You teach about the ‘ezer. But I’m not married.  What am I supposed to do?”

A single person today stands between two worldviews.  The culture tells us that we need to be married (or in some sort of “committed” relationship).  For decades we’ve heard that fulfillment comes with coupling.  The church pretty much teaches the same thing.  So, we are swayed by the bridal advertisements, the sit-coms and the constant bantering of the twenty-nine areas of compatibility.  We think that without someone special, we are destined for a life of just a little less than real happiness.  Worry takes over.  Then we go about engineering our own partnership.  This is a Greek alternative.  The world is filled with it.  It begins with the fear that I will be alone.  It ends with making things work out for me.

There is another way.  It is the way that places my agenda for life on the altar and watches it be burned away.  God tells me that what is consumed on His altar is holy to Him.  Therefore I know that this deliberate act of self-denial is within His will.  By the way, it isn’t any different for someone who is married.  If I am married with an agenda, I too am called to self-sacrifice.  A single person can never take this step unless that person first understands why there is no reason to be afraid.  In this world, fear of the unknown is a powerful influence behind taking life in my own hands.  But it is not the biblical way.  The God of the Bible is the sovereign King of the universe.  When I commit myself to Him, I give Him the authority to decide these crucial life issues for me.  I know that His plan is a good one.  I know that He is perfectly capable of engineering my life so that I encounter (not find!) the right partner.  And I know that if I do not encounter this partner, God is still good and His plan is still perfect.

I have a choice to make here.  I can languish in disappointment because I fear the unknown and I have embraced the partnership goal of the world, or I can wait expectantly for my Master and King to provide for me according to His purposes.  I serve Him.  He will never give me less than what I need to be able to fulfill His design for me.  I can be confident in that.  But what I cannot do is focus my eyes on anything less than His character – my Father who knows exactly what I need.

In a way, those who are single are immeasurably blessed.  Yes, I know it doesn’t feel like that sometimes (after all, who am I to talk?).  But I know that God’s standards are upside-down.  I know that He never allows us to bear more than we can while we are upholding His honor.  So, that means that God knows who can be trusted to carry the extra loads and who can’t be trusted.  The disciples called it being worthy to suffer for His name, and they rejoiced over His choices.  So, here’s the backwards part.  We think that marital bliss is what makes us whole.  God knows that some of us can actually better fulfill His purposes by not being married.  And He counts our willingness to go against the grain as something special.  In fact, it is so special that few are called to such a life.  Those who are called exhibit a devotion to Him that most of us mere mortals can’t handle very well.  To be single in this world is definitely upside-down; but upside-down is a mark of spiritual strength, not weakness.

Don’t be discouraged.  The culture pushes ordinary understanding of life’s objectives.  We who are followers of the King must leave those choices to Him.  We don’t run after the same goals.  We let Him arrange life for us.  And when He engineers being alone with Him, we rejoice and relax.  Life lived for Him is the best reward.

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Paul Michalski


This was a wonderful angle on this quote. You brought in so many themes that should run through all aspects of our lives –surrender to God, trust in God, wait on God. But this passage seems to be saying more than leaving it to God. It appears to be encouraging the particular path of staying single. The “plain reading” of the translation might lead one to conclude that they should not get into a marriage relationship. But that must be an oversimplistic reading. Do you believe the only thing we are to take from the passage is the surrender/trust/wait message or something more?

Thanks for making me think every day.


I so agree with what you write/wrote here Skip – I have been single twice now in my life in between two marriages that were not His Will for sure – 10 years the first time & 10 years at present. This does not mean that I have lost my desire to be an ezer in the covenant of a holy marriage – but that my waiting is in joy (not always but mostly – imagine that!!!). I have learned the hard way not to take things into my own hands because it makes me miserable – a very hard lesson to learn in my 56 years!!! I do not believe that we have to make things work or go out & present ourselves to the world – I am a hidden treasure that God will show when it is His time or bring that special man to me – I don’t have to go looking – it will happen when it is God’s time & it may never happen because that may be God’s will for me also (I don’t feel I am called to be single but I am somewhat more content that I used to be). I trust His will for me & that is it – may not be what my flesh cries out for but I buffet my flesh & reign it in & my emotions too – somewhat the characteristic of being mature in Christ & that means a lot to me & HIM!!!

The bottom line is this – when God/Jesus/Holy Spirit want me married – then I will be married in His name/covenant/will.

Ms. Jan Carver

Rich Pease

A personal message for you, Skip. Hope I can do so here.
With interest I read today, that you will be speaking in CT to the New Canaan Society.
Five years ago, while still living in CT, I had the distinct blessing to join the New Canaan Society every Friday morning for years while the meetings were still being held at Jim Lane’s house.
About 120 guys (many who limoed in from NYC) squeezed into Jim’s living room to pray, worship and be blessed by listening to some of the finest Christian speakers on the planet.
Small world you are connected to this great group!
Rich Pease

Pam Thompson

This Today’s Word is incredibly timely and I am totally blessed by it. I wholeheartedly concur with you too, Jan. I have been living single since a divorce in 1984. The Lord knows my heart and in that He knows my desire to be in a Godly marital relationship. However, I too have had to learn not to seek, but to allow the Lord to bring someone into my life if that is His will. My marriage wasn’t a Godly one and we were unequally yoked; and it almost caused my destruction. Since I always was much of a “loner”, the loneliness isn’t overpowering for me. For me, the great thing about being single is that I have lots of time to serve the Lord and allow Him to minister to His kids through me. Nevertheless, I still “long” for that special someone, that can be my best friend on this earth, 2nd to the Lord of course, and with whom I can share in ministry and allow the Lord to use my gifts of service and intercession to an even greater degree. Bless each & every one of you!


Skip … nicely done.

I suppose I would let anyone know who may be languishing without a spouse that even in marriage one must apply patience and submission to Adonai. There must be many believers who wonder why we respond to The Lord’s call AFTER we are married. And of course we live with the consequences of past waywardness while walking our path alone for a time frame that we can only hope is short.

Loneliness is not reserved for the unmarried by any stretch. Ask any believer who prays every day that their precious spouse is delivered. In some respects being married and not united with Adonai can be worse than being single! But with Him there is always hope and acceptance that it is because it is!


Jan and Pam,

I am in the same “divorced boat” now too–not by my choice, but God has used it for GREAT good in my life. I have spent almost 3 years examining the dysfunction in my own life and am more healthy and free than ever.

So now I am at peace and simply waiting on God. I’ve adopted the following line as my ‘mantra’:

“A woman’s heart must be so lost in God that a man must seek God to find her.” (Chris Wyatt, CEO


I love that statement – it is on my profile page on flickr… 🙂



How can I interpretate Mathew 19. verse 12 where Jeshua Himself told the disciples that some(eunuch) are not going to marry , cos they are born so from the womb.
And Isaiah 56 verse 4 and 5. Who are the 2009 eunuchs.
Be blessed in Jeshua Name.