So Far – Amazing
UPDATE 1: Well, apparently some readers are concerned that I have suggested that Sunday is the Sabbath. This happened because you received this post on Sunday. But I wrote it on the Sabbath/Saturday – not Sunday. I’ll try not to be so mixed up next time. God didn’t change His mind about Sabbath just because the computer sent the message on Sunday.
UPDATE 2: I (Patrick) was on the phone with Skip for 90 minutes Sunday morning going through Quickbooks, a new accounting package that he just switched to. He is soooooooooo overwhelmed right now and just needs to catch up. So it’s going to take probably another week (he’s travelling/teaching Wednesday and Thursday) before he can answer all the comments and questions that are directed at him.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
– Patrick (Skip’s Tech Geek)
It’s Sabbath. I am connecting with the tribe early this morning – all of you who are taking this journey with me. Many of you have been friends, at least by email, for years now. It is quite apparent that there was a willingness to step up to a new level of interaction because now that we have this new site, the comments demonstrate just how involved all of you are. I am so blessed. Every time I see someone write to help another, the thrill of being in the Kingdom is so wonderful.
We have grown. In our effort to become a smaller, committed group, we have almost doubled in size. Isn’t that amazing. When we tried to get smaller, God added to our tribe. I should have known. He does things backwards all the time.
This morning I just wanted each of you to know how much you mean to me. Your emotional encouragement is my greatest reward because it shows me that God really is using these struggles of mine. Forty years of preparation. I could never have guessed it would turn out like this. He’s full of surprises, isn’t He?
“The Hebrew word Gat-Sh’manim (Gethsemane) has great significance. It literally
means ‘The Olive Press’. This is where Jesus took His disciples to pray many times.
OLIVE PRESSES were apparatuses that squeezed olives in order to bring about OIL.
That OIL was then used widely for two purposes, primarily:
Let that sink in just a moment.
When we have been crushed at Gat-Sh’manim, what ADONAI produces in our lives will
be used for LIGHT and HEALING in other lives. ” ~ The Fulfilled Woman (Beit Midrash)
Thanks, Skip! HE IS most certainly using your personal Gat-Sh’manim in our lives as BOTH LIGHT AND HEALING!
Ms. Carmen (~Beit Midrash~)
Tell us the interpretation of the 10 virgins & 5 having not enough oil to get them there – how does that really play out in the Hebrew mind/thinking/world if you have that knowledge???
Daughter of Jerusalem/Zion
btw: i have loved Israel since i became a Christian & was somewhat involved with Jews for Jesus when that was all there was for Christians – the Baptist church I attended way back then was so Pro-Israel – the taught Hebrew classes & i took a few & made many trips per year to Israel – they would even bring back the wine for communion. I still wear a Star of David/Magen sometimes just to show my love & stand for Israel.
Carmen (~Beit Midrash~)
Can you give us the Hebrew take on the 10 virgins (5 of them not having enough oil for the wait)???
I have always had a heart for Israel ever since I became a Christian – was somewhat involved with Jews for Jesus when there was nothing else out there. The Baptist church that I attended a long time ago was so Pro-Israel when it was not so kosher!!! They had Hebrew classes (I took one) & made several trips per year to the Holy Land/Israel & brought back wine for communion (imagine that in a Baptist church)!!! I still wear my Star of David/Mogen when I feel I want others to know I stand for Israel. ˈmɔɡen ˈdɔvid or מָגֵן דָּוִד
Carmen (~Beit Midrash~)
Can you give us the Hebrew take on the 10 virgins (5 of them not having enough oil for the wait)???
I have always had a heart for Israel ever since I became a Christian – was somewhat involved with Jews for Jesus when there was nothing else out there. The Baptist church that I attended a long time ago was so Pro-Israel when it was not so kosher!!! They had Hebrew classes (I took one) & made several trips per year to the Holy Land/Israel & brought back wine for communion (imagine that in a Baptist church)!!! I still wear my Star of David/Mogen when I feel I want others to know I stand for Israel. ˈmɔɡen ˈdɔvid or מָגֵן דָּוִד
Carmen (~Beit Midrash~)
Can you give us the Hebrew take on the 10 virgins (5 of them not having enough oil for the wait)???
I have always had a heart for Israel ever since I became a Christian – was somewhat involved with Jews for Jesus when there was nothing else out there. The Baptist church that I attended a long time ago was so Pro-Israel when it was not so kosher!!! They had Hebrew classes (I took one) & made several trips per year to the Holy Land/Israel & brought back wine for communion (imagine that in a Baptist church)!!! I still wear my Star of David/Mogen when I feel I want others to know I stand for Israel. מָגֵן דָּוִד
All the honour to the King of King and we grant Him alone.
Be blessed in Jesus Name.
An humble servant of the most High God.
How do we “prayer warriors” reconnect with you, Skip, when we get some cash?
Bill, you can make donations electronically on this page.
Skip, you got it right. We are all on this journey together and you help make it so much better for myself. God bless you as you continue to be used mightily of the Lord in this hour we live in. We will all break bread together in heaven. After all, God told me or put it on my heart, this is all in preparation of heaven . That is what He told me. Living down here is all in preparation of going to heaven if we dare to believe His Word and Trust Him. Sometimes this is so hard for me giving the circumstances we are presently finding ourselves in, but hay, I asked Him for adventure and that is what He is giving me . Exactly what I asked for. Whew.. I need to ask Him for some other things .. Love and blessings.. Helen Owen
Wow, that is great, Carmen!
Wow, Skip. Forty years in the preparation. Didn’t Moses spend 40 years in “exile” before leading the crowd from Egypt? Then the Israelites spent 40 years in wandering because of disobedience. Now I am not saying you were 40 years disobedient.–I’m just thinking about 40 year periods seem to be normal for us in our travels. Does that mean if we spend 40 years in preparation we get another for for practice and then another 40 for perfecting? (Just a little humor there.) It does seem to me though that somewhere in the OT I read that we could with obedience to God’s laws live to 120 years. Just rambling there. Sometimes my brain gets derailed onto some really strange sidetracks. Have a very restful Sabbath.
Yes, the Word of G-d promises us 120 years of life if we keep His commands…
What a joy it was the day that John Lawson introduced me to your daily thoughts on GOD’s Word. How glad and enriched I am that I followed through and listened…and have learned…no am learning! Your walk into GOD’s holy Word is not just a path, but a highway where any who truly desire to understand His Word more clearly. At 65, with 60 of those years serving CHRIST, I had no idea that there would be an opportunity for me to see more clearly “behind the Author’s eyeballs!” Thanks so much for being obedient, and providing such a lavish breakfast each day!
Fantastic! I just realized that it’s been several years that I’ve taken Today’s Word for granted. Keep up the wonderful work and teaching.
all the best
Well, apparently some readers are concerned that I have suggested that Sunday is the Sabbath. This happened because you received this post on Sunday. But I wrote it on the Sabbath – not Sunday. I’ll try not to be so mixed up next time. God didn’t change His mind about Sabbath just because the computer sent the message on Sunday.
Yes – He is truly Hebrew – from the left to the right – from end to the beginning – everything is backwards most of the time & yes, He even turns the tables (there is scripture for that also). Forty (40) years – again just like Him (does that surprise us?!?!?!)…
The Moen nomadic tribe for sure wandering together going who knows where with the fire & the cloud with us…
Under His Wings
jano aka Ms. Jan
I have an envelope ;ready to send
Romans 2: 28 & 29
28 A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.
29 No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise is not from men, but from God.
beautiful pics below:
Two more beautiful graphics:
this new direction seems to be a profound example of the Godly organic of growth
We are connected by One Love, mi brudda.
Sorry about the triple reply to Carmen – every time I would submit it – it would go away so I would start over (different wording) & then copied & pasted it into Microsoft word so I wouldn’t lose it & now I am here on the same reply/subject 3 times – so sorry please forgive…
Skip – I’m blessed to be a member of the Tribe. And that on top of all other blessings poured out on me.
Thanks for preparation which goes into each new post. Suz
“Forty years of preparation.” You have got to be kidding? You are more than 40 years old aren’t you? (Just kidding) The 40 years is Biblical as you well know. Some learn after the first 40 years; but others like Moses take 2 time periods of 40 years. But of all the books that I read, I read all the time, you have become one of my favorite authors. I send out some of your devotions every week to the congregation that I am preaching at…Rick
Thanks man….
Hi Skip,
I keep having dreams of going BACKWARDS which just now reminded me of your article “Natural Idolatry” from 1/8/08. Remember the imagery of the man in the rowboat? He’s rowing BACKWARDS into the future without being able to see it clearly. But he has his eyes focused on the landmarks of God’s faithfulness in the past so he knows he’s headed in the right direction.
When I saw you in December I told you of my decision to not ‘reenlist’ for September 2009 in my leadership position that I’ve held for almost 5 years now. Since I have been getting some pressure (from others in this organization) to reconsider if this is REALLY the direction God is leading me in, I’ve been questioning if I did in fact hear Him call me to a new place, a higher place that I can’t see, but that I know will be good because God is good.
After reading today’s update, I believe that I am supposed to leave this position. The following comments have confirmed it again: “He (God) does things backwards all the time.”
and “Forty years of preparation. I could never have guessed it would turn out like this.”
On 9/9/09 I will be entering my 40th year of personal relationship with Jesus as Lord of my life. I need to appreciate and reexamine how He has been preparing me in the 1st half of my life for something amazing that He will launch me into in the 2nd half of my life. God IS “full of surprises” and has something NEW ahead for me. I can’t see it yet, but I am trusting that He will reveal it little by little. I feel almost like Abraham who was called to step out in faith on his journey looking for the city which has foundation, whose Architect and Builder is God. (Hebrews 11:8-10)
I bless God for the foundation that Today’s Word is building in my life. Thank you sharing from the rich treasure of His word that has been worked into your life for the good of so many. I love the way God reveals Himself to me through your column every day!
I’m being flooded with email. Please uncouple me so I can finish my forthcoming Korean War book, “THE FORGOTTEN.”
This represents an interesting perspective on the spiritual significance of the number 40…
Dear Patrick the comment tech issue is resolved! Thanks and Shalom
In reality God never does things backwards it is just not what we expected. His plan always perfect…always!
Thanks for the blessing that you to the body!
Hi Skip, i have loved your devos. esp about the ezer and husbands role. we are empty nester and my husband wants me to submit to him in a way that shakes up the foundation of marriage and etc… it just gives me peace as to what all these means. marriage is broken and i cannot fix it but i rely on god. thanks for your meanings of hebrew words… i wish our churches would teach that correctly… so much damage is done on the airwaves and with pastor preaching submission in wrong way. i love the lord and i want to submit to my husband ….but we are on different wavelength and understanding.
love anjana
p.s i do not know if you respond or not …please respond to my gmail account only.
I love the miracle and message in John 6:12- “Gather up the fragments that remain.”
This let’s me know our mighty and Sovereign G-d wastes absolutely nothing in our lives, not even a crumb. He is a G-d of the crumbs. A G-d of the macro and the micro, the telescopic and microscopic.
Why count the hairs on our heads? Is He that concerned with the details of our lives? Zechariah 4:6 mentions “the day of small things”, and Proverbs 11:2 states “wisdom is with the lowly”. He is the G-d who sees and the G-d who knows every minute detail from finish to start. You got me thinking Hebrew Skip!! Our G-d reigns!! Blessing to His family and mine..
Hi, Dr. Skip:
Thanks. Your Today’s Word helps me to dig into “deeper” understanding of the meaning of the Bible. It is a good tool in my ministries.
Skip, I have been a fauthful reader of your site every morning. My wife, Cathy passed it on to me several years ago and I have passed it on to many others, including our pastoral staff at E91. You may have already been in touch with Roger Wall, whom I also directed to your work. He lead me to Christ and baptized me, my wife and daughter back in 1994. It was the first day of the rest of our lives and He has used us for His glory. It is a very humbling experience and now He is calling us to different ministries in a different place, but with the same message of hope and reconciliation.
Many blessing to you and your famiily…..
Dear Brother in Christ,
I thank the Lord for the things He has allowed me to get in touch with. You are a special person in my heart, and I appreciate all the work you have done and still doing with the cooperation of your dear family, friends and partners.
I understand the messages of God are free, but it costs dearly to supply them. I have learnt a lot from your e-mails and definitely we need to be responsible and accountable to be followers of Christ.
My contribution will be forwarded soon before the dead line to help the wonderful works you do. I pray for supernatural provisions and for your needs to be granted from our Almighty God.
May God richly bless you all.
Brother Govinden.
My husband, Anthony, and I have been reading your blog together for about 2 years… he… longer. You have provided incredibly insight into the scriptures and your “devotions” are so much more than a “devotion”… each and every one is a mini-study in and of itself. God has anointed you with a gift to teach in such a different way than most pastors. You take your readers to the exact source of each and every scripture and you transport us to Bible times through your words. The understanding we have gained because of your commitment to stay true to what was originally written is invaluable. Your transition to this season in your ministry is so earned May the Lord continue to bless and grow what He started and is continuing to work through you – His vessel.