A Citizen in the Community

I thought about posting this as a comment, but then not everyone would see it.  Part of the purpose of going to a smaller and dedicated community is to take care of each other.  That’s how the world knows that we are His followers.  So, I am posting an e mail that I got today from Kathleen.  She is now a member of the community but I thought it might be nice for her to experience some of the love that we have for each other.  I have included her contact information, so write her if you wish.  But please remember that this is about caring for someone in need.  I don’t think she will mind being encouraged.

March 10, 2009  

Dear Skip:

Since September I have been in and out of the hospital for heart failure, open heart surgery then the implanting of seven stents in a heart that needs a full transplant but cannot receive.  Your “Today’s Word” has been the center of my morning devotions and has breathed life into my spiritual heart this difficult months and for that I am very grateful.  Because I have not worked since September and have no income I cannot contribute even the smallest amount as much as I would love to do.  Is there any way I can again receive your emails and excellent teachings?  I promise to make a contribution as soon as my situation changes but for now I’m still hospitalized and won’t be returning to work for months.  Your definitions and hebraic viewpoints are encouraging, life giving and life changing.  Please continue what you are doing and I will continue to lead all my friends to your website and emails.

Shalom and Toda,

Kathleen Anne Gabrielle

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Linda Motcheck

Skip, this donation of 25.00 is for kathleen, and my prayers go with it. Thank you for your service to the body in your well done, thought provoking studies. With you at God’s table, Linda

Lynette Anderson


I’m sure your heart will tell you to keep her on your list. Thanks for sharing!


Rocky Progano

Isn’t this what it’s all about! It’s about HIM, not me or you, PTL!
Thanks Skip for all you do and for your comittment to keep it Community.
May God richly bless you and prosper you in all you do to further the Kingdom.
Have a blessed and wonderful weekend, Rocky


Skip, this donation of 25.00 is for kathleen, and my prayers go with it.

ellen maze

Kathleen is also on FaceBook. I just went there to Friend her. FaceBook has helped me keep in touch with many ministries, post prayer requests, and just encourage one another in Messiah. Just thought I’d share that!! Love to you all in the Name above all names– ADONAI YESHUA (Lord Jesus) !!
ellen <