Love One Another

For those of you in the community who have been praying for Kathleen and who offered to help her, I thought you would like to see this:

Boker Tov/Shabbat Shalom:

I can’t tell you how much the many emails from the God’s Table community have meant to me.  I never expected my email to you to be published but I am so very grateful as each one has been prayerful, encouraging and brought strength to my heart. For the first time in many months I feel like I have a community of people with “like hearts” to call upon and recieve encouragement from.

thank you – it has been a great unexpected blessing this week.  Please know that anything sent to help me also helps my dear roommate who also is a God’s Table reader and has sacrificed much to keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge een though I cannot contribute to my portion of the expenses.  She was working over 60 hours per week as a Cardiac Nurse to make up the difference of my income but recently was taken from hourly to salary and her monthly income dropped nearly $400 per month.  I know many are being hit hard and even asking for help is not where I am comfortable but I also know that the Father will nudge those He desires to nudge on other’s behalf.  Again, thank you for your kindnesses toward me and for letting others know.  The prayers of this community mean much to me.


So, here’s what we are doing.  At God’s Table, with your support, is sending a large assistance check to Kathleen.  This is what it’s all about.  Love is a verb.


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This is wonderful what you are doing and I would like to contribute.
God bless their hearts and God bless you.

Robin Jeep

Dear Kathleen,

I would like to offer you my nutritional dietary services free of charge. Richard Couey, PhD, a retired Baylor University health science professor and cell physiologist, and I have been helping people reverse disease through nutrition. He has written 26 books and we have written The Super Antioxidant Diet Nutrition Guide together. We teach courses and have taught medical doctors and nurses. Please go to our website and read our success stories and the reviews on Amazon. Serious nutrition can help you reclaim your life here on earth. Please feel free to contact me at

Robin Jeep

ellen maze

Love is a verb! Any money I send to Skip’s ministry I would be honored to have it go this way. Adonai considers it as though we gave the money to Him when we help a brother in need!!

Kathleen Anne Gabrielle

Dear Friends in this awesome community:

If your precious emails and comments here weren’t overwhelming enough, today my roommate called me (I am still in the hospital since January 9th) to tell me that an envelope from Skip had arrived. fully trusting her I allowed her to open it. I have to say I was in no way expecting such a large gift but I can tell you that every penny will be used and used wisely and with a very grateful heart. None of you have ever met me and yet you reached out to me, the writer of an email that was only asking to receive Skip’s daily teachings,

I have had to leave my position as a Department Manager of a local specialy grocery store and it doesn’t look like it will be possible for me to ever return. Your gift has once again showed me that God is able to provide even from unexpected sources.

I cannot repay your generosity but I will pledge to remember each of you in prayer even if I don’t know all of your names. If there is one thing I DO have it is a lot of time and I try to use the majority of it praying and interceding for friends, family and especially Israel. Please know that I consider all of you both friends and family.

May God richly bless you for your blessing me,
