James in the Psalms

You have said to YHWH, “You are my Lord, I have no goodness except in You.”  Psalm 16:2    

Said – The Hebrew verb amar is fairly common.  It is used in all kinds of situations where the next phrase is a quotation.  Since Hebrew has no punctuation, it’s a useful little verb, showing us who said what.  But that isn’t the only thing that amar does.  The second implication of amar is particularly important in this context.  Amar not only introduces a quotation, it also implies that the speaker’s words are followed by actions.  This is James’ letter found in the Psalms.  What you say is what you do.  If you claim to have faith, your life must demonstrate that claim in actions.  In Hebrew, the only people who say something but do not do it are liars.

“You are my Lord.”  Adonai atah.  The phrase is not simply a declaration of belief.  It is an obligation to action.  If YHWH is my Lord, I am obligated to follow His direction.  I do not live according to my own rules.  I do not make it up as I go along.  For YHWH to be my Lord, I must be His servant.  I wait on His instructions, follow His commands and live according to His decisions. 

While we don’t give it much thought today, in other ancient cultures such a declaration would have been considered repugnant, insulting and unconscionable.  Nothing was more humiliating than to be a servant (slave) of someone else.  Outside Israel, freedom from dominion by another was considered absolutely essential to human existence.  The Greeks would have vomited at the thought that the path to spirituality was through servitude.  If we really think about it, we probably find the same revulsion in our society.  When governments and politicians extol the virtues of freedom, they are not expressing the Hebrew point of view.  They are endorsing Greek values . . . freedom at any cost.  They do not realize or understand that freedom at any cost is destruction, both to society and individuals.  There is no freedom in this world.  Jesus’ insight into the necessity of serving one master or the other does not find much credence in contemporary worldviews, but He is right.  Believers are never called to freedom.  They are called to slavery – to acknowledge that “You are my Lord.”  Unless we preach slavery, we will never know comfort, security and fulfillment.  We will be like the false prophets who cried, “Peace, peace,” when there was no peace.  We cry “Freedom, forgiveness and fortune instead of “Adonai atah.”

David appeals to God for preservation.  He may do so only because YHWH is his Lord and Master.  A Master takes care of a slave.  No such obligation exists between a Master and an employee, much less a stranger.  The role the Master plays is contingent on the submission and fidelity of the slave.  Too many times we hear “Christians” cry “Lord, Lord,” but they do not do what the Lord says.  They are not His slaves.  They do not use the Hebrew verb amar because their words are not followed with actions.  And from a Hebrew point of view, they are not confused or carnal.  They are simply liars.

Topical Index:  amar, slave, freedom, Lord, Psalm 16:2

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Tom White

Amen! A very hard truth!

Moses told Pharaoh YHWH’s purpose in redeeming and delivering His people Israel. “Let My people go, THAT THEY MIGHT SERVE ME!” [7x in Exo 4-10]

Interstingly the first ordinance YHWH tells Moses, after delivering the children of Israel from Egypt and bringing them to Sinai for a covenant ceremony by first giving them the Ten Commandments, is the law ot the bond-servant. Exo 21:1-6

The people of GOD were to live righteously according to His Torah so that the rest of the world seeing this would be attrached to the GOD of Israel- Deu 4:5-8.

Rom 6:16- “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, YOU ARE SLAVES TO THE ONE WHOM YOU OBEY, either to sin resulting in death :-(, or of obedience resulting in righteousness. :-D”

Tom White

Who is our lord?
Is our lord YHWH…, or Pharoah/Satan/our sin nature?
Who do we obey?


Hi Tom,

Is your syntax intended to imply that YHWH is one thing…, not three?

Or four things and three things?

Or just four things?

Or two?

Mike 🙂

Tom White

YHWH Echad!!!
does that help? 🙂

Rex George

Skip: This is excellant! It truly is by His Grace that can find fulfillment. Shalom, My Friend
Rex & Dottie George

Robin Jeep

Thank you Skip for telling it like it is! And than you Tom for your equally piercing comments and Scriptures.


Thanks, I didn’t want to reveal any more of my ignorance.

When I Googled Echad, the first hit had to do with Trinitarianism.

But I did not think that was what Tom meant 🙂

Tom White

Sorry. 🙁 Been on this path so long I forget many do not know this.

Shema Israel; YHWH eloheinu; YHWH echad is what Yahushua said in : Mark 12:29-30 NASB

29 Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord;

It is (should be) central to our faith that we are monotheistic- we only have one GOD. The Almighty can express Himself differently- Father, Son, Holy Spirit- yet all these expressions are of one/echad GOD. o/o/o/


Thanks Tom.

I appreciate your clarification!

I understand that we are monotheistic 🙂

But you seem to imply that He takes three primary forms: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

I guess that was my real question.

And the next question would be what are the angels and demons and devil and false gods?

Are they part of His creation? Are they under his control?

Tom White


What I am trying to do is NOT put the Almighty in a box and overdefine Him- Who is infinate and beyond my simple finite mind.

Scipturally we seem to experience YHWH in His expressions of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-yet within those expressions we see the physical manifestations in “angel of the LORD”, Melchetzedik, the wrestler of Jacob, and the Son. In the spirital manifestation we see Him in the Shechinah Glory which is so awesome that mankind cannot come into contact; and in the Holy Spirit that can reside in the hearts of men.

There is something about this 3-dimensional universe that causes us to see the Almighty in three ways. In our world there is:height/width/depth; there is solids/liquids/gases; there protons/electrons/neutrons; there are… you get the idea. 😉 Something about this universe of three’s has us seeing Him in this fashion too.

Does that mean He is limited to 3 expressions? Consider that scientist claim there are seventeen (or more) dimensions, most of which we are not aware of. Yet the Almighty is in all of them. Does He/can He express Himself differently in those dimensions? Who knows and who cares? The important thing is that we respond to Him as He has expressed Himself to us here. 🙂

Angels- are created beings [even Satan was one who fell from grace].
Demons- seem to be unclean spirits, which can habitate humans.
False gods- any thing/person that is set up to be GOD- they are created in the imaginations of men. EVERYTHING ELSE is created by the Almighty.
Since the Almighty created everything, ultimately everything is under His control…, although He allows free expression of some of His creation… for a time.

That’s the best I can do in a blog. Those were ultra-short answers to very deep questions and are in fact merely how I see them. 😉


Thanks again Tom.

I appreciate your detailed response.

That’s basically how I understand these things as well.

Just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same things 🙂


I would be very interested, but live in SF Bay area, have two young kids, an 11 month old dog, and a wife that works weekends, so it would not be possible to commit at this point (I’m at work).

I’m wondering if teleconferencing would be an option?

Linda Smith

Not exactly a question but an observation…God did consider freedom from earthly slavery important enough to take Israel out of Egypt and eventually to a land where they were free to be His “slaves”.

Tom White

Depends……. 😉
They were free to serve the Living GOD. 😀
They weren’t free to serve their flesh. 🙁
Which is TRUE FREEDOM? Which frees us to express the purpose for which we truely were made? o/o/o/