Blessed Be The Tie
Therefore, I, the prisoner of the Lord, exhort you to walk worthily of the calling in which you were called, with all humility and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love; being eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1
Bond – Let’s see. How does that song go? “Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love, the fellowship of conformed minds is like to that above.” No, that’s not quite right, is it? The word in the song isn’t “conformed.” It’s “kindred.” But we treat it as if it means “conformed,” don’t we? We think that this song, and this verse from Ephesians, must mean that everyone has to be the same. That’s why we go to church – so we can be with people who are just like us.
Apparently we have missed the point of agape. We would rather display phileo love – the love of people that we like. But agape love is the paradigm of love for enemies. It is love for those who are not like us. That’s God’s love – the love of those who were opposed to Him. What happened to us? Why have we made conformity the measure of Christian love? We aren’t exhibiting a bond of unity in peace. We are exhibiting a bond of restriction in doctrine.
Paul uses the Greek term sundesmos. The root behind this word is the combination of sun (together) and deo (to bind). Do you see the picture? We are to be tied together in our quest for unity in the Spirit in peace! Unfortunately, Christians often act as though they are tied together in argument. For Paul, peace meant shalom, that Hebrew word that encompasses the whole of a person in the world. It is the quintessential expression of well-being. That’s what Paul wants. He wants followers of the Way to be so committed to each other’s well-being that they speedily rush to offer themselves in service for another. He wants the character of the agape God to be so evident that nothing stands in the way of sacrifice for another. He wants us to be dead to our own agendas and alive to the example of our Master.
Does that mean that theology doesn’t matter? Of course not! Paul was undoubtedly the greatest theologian of his time. He did all he could to help others understand the truth of the Messiah. But what good is correct theology if it is used to cut the tie that binds? I have never yet met a man who came to Christ on the basis of an intellectual argument. Yeshua Himself didn’t seem to put much effort into arguing for proper theology. Instead, He healed the sick, restored the disturbed, comforted the grieving and fed the hungry. He bled for the rebellious and died for the salvation of His enemies. Did He have the right theology? Absolutely! But it seems that the only one He was concerned about when it came to theological correctness was the Father. All others were the direct beneficiaries of agape – love for those not like Him.
There is a world of difference between conformity and compatibility. Conformity says, “Be just like me.” Compatibility says, “Let’s see how we can be together just like we are.” Conformity makes me God. Compatibility lets God be God for each of us. Conformity says, “We’re under grace, but you have to do it my way.” Compatibility says, “Grace means I trust God to guide us both as He sees fit.” Conformity takes the risk out of relationship. That’s why it is so tempting. Compatibility recognizes that God can be trusted even when we don’t think the same way. Compatibility shifts the focus of the relationship from my view to God’s sovereignty. My relationship to you is based on my commitment to you, no matter how much we are different, because I trust that God knows how to work this all out.
So, how’s your agape commitment bond doing? Are you speeding toward peace?
Topical Index: bond, bind, sundesmos, conformity, compatibility, agape, Ephesians 4:1
Awesome message Skip. May we all be more like Yahshua!
I agree.
And the most important point IMO is: “Grace means I trust God to guide us both as He sees fit.”
I’m lucky to have worked in companies where leaders build diverse teams of devout, intelligent, hard working, team oriented people (eg, Christians, Jews, Muslims. Hindus, and even one Cathlolic as I recall all on the same team
so this point is easy to see.
With product names like “Unity Server” (Cisco) and “ServerIron” (Foundry), mostly in the “Service Provider” market segment of networking hardware and software.
I just asked this sort of question of our Sunday School. We just finished a study on apologetics and are now going into spiritual discernment. The question I posed was, when considering the idea of spiritual discernment, is it better to “be right” or “being righteous.” Is it both, is one more important than the other etc? After all, spiritual discernment is the mark of a mature believer who through constant use of Scriptures, is trained in righteousness and able to distinguish between good and evil (right and wrong).
Personally, I believe there is far greater danger in my “being right” than in “being righteous.” I have all too often found myself wanting to persuade other’s of the “rightness” of the theology that God has shared with me rather than to really love the person I am attempting to persuade. And of course, a precondition to “being right” is to have “right” information (correct theology). A whole host of Scriptural verses including but not limited to Proverbs 3:5-6 and 14:12 and Romans 10:1-2 tells me that I must be very careful when I want to carry God’s banner of truth and knowledge for Him. I cannot have God’s righteousness (nor His discernment) on my terms but must submit to His. But sadly, it is an easy thing to become self-righteous at worst and at a minimum, to become self-deceived (like Peter who in one moment says, “You are the Christ the Son of the living God” and is commended as speaking “rightly” and in the next he is chastised for Satanic-like speech). God isn’t waiting for me to get all of my systematic theology or Biblical worldviews correct and in proper order so that I can merely “be right” and then attempt to have others join me in my “right-ness”. This fractures unity and is nothing more than self-centered pride. What this says is that I care less about you and more about the “right-ness” of my position. Yipes!
In contrast, Scripture is clear that a precondition to my “being righteous” is not one of merely having correct information but of having a “right” relationship. I cannot be righteous and therefore, am incapable of discerning right-ness, unless the life of Christ and His righteousness is given to me (imputation), unless I am given a new life to live for Him (transformation) and unless the life of Christ, through the Spirit of God is controlling and leading my life as I ask Him (not demand from Him) to lead me daily and moment-by-moment into His truth.
And I love the quote that I heard from Ken Boa on this exchanged life principle: “Christ gave His life for me, so that He could give His life to me, so that He could then live His life in me and through me, to others.” The exchanged life begins with Christ and ends with others. It matches nicely Skip’s metaphor of our lives as being pipe-lines.
YOUR WORDS…..Apparently we have missed the point of agape. We would rather display phileo love – the love of people that we like. But agape love is the paradigm of love for enemies. It is love for those who are not like us. That’s God’s love – the love of those who were opposed to Him.
This has been my life Skip since starting my journey in the dark night, Skip. God wanted to teach me a thing or two! This message penetrates my heart as I have come to understand the deeper meaning of it played out in life. One thing I have found in this journey is that the “enemy” is inside the church! In other words, there is much compatibility…only a few intimate friends are interested in conformity.
Praise the Lord that I have been included in this ministry…a like minded group of brothers and sisters in Christ.
other words, there is much compatibility…only a few intimate friends are interested in conformity
oops…mean the other way around!