Re-Listening to Living The Biblical Worldview
Hey everyone, Patrick the Tech Geek here. I just started re-listening to Skip’s audio class on Living The Biblical Worldview over this last week. (I attended the class and “cut-up” the audio, but I decided it was time for a re-listen.)
I heard something that I totally missed the first time through on Disc 1 at the 47:21 mark… “John is saying ‘believe *into* Christ’, not ‘believe in Christ…’.” Wow!! The implications of that subtlety are incredible.
If you haven’t listened to this course, I highly recommend it. You can download the audio for free here. As with all of Skip’s audio courses, a donation to At God’s Table is NOT required. But it’s certainly put to good use if you do.
Thanks for the reminder, Patrick. The Greek preposition eis is used in a special way in John. It’s what I call “moving house.” Yochanan (John’s real name in Hebrew) gives us a very Hebraic view of “belief.” It isn’t what I say. It’s what I do. I have to MOVE from one way of looking at the world (and one way of acting in the world) to another way of perceiving and acting in the world. I often say that people say what they believe but they do what they value. John is all about what we value. In this regard, he sounds the same note as James and Paul. Faith is not faith unless it is accompanied by the evidence of the operation of the Spirit in a person’s life. Without the evidence (works), a claim of faith is just dead men’s bones. For John, and the rest of the apostles, faith is a verb. It must be LIVING, that is, active, exhibited manifestation of the character of the Father by copying the example of the Son.
We would all agree, I’m sure, until we understand that exhibiting the character of the Father means living the kind of life that pleases Him – a life that is described in detail in Torah. Then we want to throw up our hands and say, “Well, I’m not moving to that house.” Funny, isn’t it? What house do you suppose John had in mind when he used the preposition eis? The Bible tells us. At the first Jerusalem council, James describes the impact of “moving house” on the first community of believers. He says that there are thousands who believe that Yeshua in the Messiah and “they are all zealous for Torah.” I wonder how we missed that?
most all of us have heard the “exodus” story but few have understood “the rest of the story”- the “eisodus”. Not only a coming out but also a going in! The fine folks who left Eygpt had a destination. G-d brought them out that He might bring them in! 40 years in the desert when a straight and narrow path would have brought them to Canaan in 11 days! O well, these things take time. One more trip around the mountain? We sure are a bunch of slow learners.. Hey Skip! Let’s talk about Canaan and the good land of Goshen! (John 10:10) Blessings!
Patrick, thanks for getting this online so we could hear it, and for your excellent work on the site! You are truly appreciated by all of us who benefit from your expertise.
Skip, thanks for allowing us to download this class. It is such a blessing to have access to this kind of teaching. It gives us a much deeper understanding of Scripture and the meaning of what was conveyed in the Word. I am continually blessed by this ministry, and am grateful for all who have made it possible. Bless you, every one!
Hi, Do you put these out on cd for purchase?
I know I could listen to them on my computer but would love to have them to share with a friend.
Thank you:) Between reading here and listening to Robert Gorelik’s tapes, I am learning a whole new way of reading the Bible and am beginning to understand why I have had struggles in areas of my life. I am so thankful for both of you.
These are available on CD, but they are a real pain to do – and Patrick doesn’t like to do it, so we charge an enormous price ($75) because it takes so much time. If you really want them, maybe you could convince Patrick (you might have to send him cookies).
Why don’t we have CDs ready now? Good question Marchien.
So far, Skip and I haven’t wanted to mass-produce his teachings to CD sets because of the extra cost and time associated. My time. His cost.
If CD sets are something that enough members of the community really, really, really wanted — and were willing to pay for — we could consider doing it. But it’s much, much, much easier for me (and Skip) to upload the audio files on, let you download them and sync them to your iPod or burn them to your own blank CDs.
If you need help getting it from the website to a CD. Here’s the steps:
1. Download each file to your computer.
2. They’ll probably end up being downloaded to your desktop. So open iTunes (make sure that window isn’t covering up the files on your desktop), click back to your desktop, highlight the files, click and hold, and drag the files into the Music folder of iTunes.
3. Watch this 60 second video tutorial on how to use iTunes to burn an audio CD.
4. If you don’t have any blank CDs, you can get Memorex 700MB/80-Minute 52x CD-R Media (100-Pack Spindle)
online for $22.
Any questions, leave a comment or contact me via this contact form.
Hi Patrick,
FYI I’m almost always on my computer at work and could not download the disks on hermenuetics the last time I tried… something about “apple” as I recall…
Mike, I just went and checked out that page again.
I was able to download just fine. Could you email a screen shot of the error message to me? patrick AT
Thanks Patrick!
I will try again tonight when I get home.
Hi Patrick,
Understandable. Thank you for the tutorial on burning it to a cd. It will be a new learning experience for me.
Patrick I have been listeneing avidly to the above ” The Hebraic Worldview ” and have been trying to access the article ” Balancing Act ” , which Skip talks about. I am having extreme difficulty. In fact no success at all. Can you be of assistance . Many thanks in anticipation.
Jim, glad you’ve been enjoying it!, Skip’s old website, has some on-going technical issues where it’s totally unavailable. Long story, but I’ve been working 6 weeks to try and restore it from the current registrar.
But here’s the article Balancing Act.