Scary Demographics
It’s possible that you have already seen this excellent video about the new shape of the world. If not, please take a look. As a global community, we are marching toward the domination of idolatry.
It’s possible that you have already seen this excellent video about the new shape of the world. If not, please take a look. As a global community, we are marching toward the domination of idolatry.
I am surprised that this link is given. There is some truth to it – but it is not entirely accurate. We do need to reach these people – but honestly, mankind has been marching toward idolatry since the beginning of time! The Old Testament shows that clearly.
I am totally astounded by these facts/truths – come quickly Lord Jesus…
Dear brethren. Let us react as christians at the linear projection of this possible scenario.
Let us in prayer bless the moslims and pray the Lord that He would reveal himself to those who earnestly seek God.
Let us pray at the other hand, that the Lord soon will intervene both in the West by touching people’s hearts and that the Lord would break the backbone of Islam.
Indeed: Maranatha Lord Yeshua HaMashiah!
Laura added a piece from Snoopes, providing some alternative views. Since the population demographics depend on future human behavior being like past human behavior, and that can always change, it is probably a good idea to look at this link too. However, I have been to Europe recently and I can give you my impression. Most Europeans are scared. Muslims are highly visible and growing while they feel that their culture is slipping away. While I am not an alarmist, I can certainly see what COULD happen, and that is cause for concern. While the West enjoys its luxuries as replacement for large families, other cultures take a decidedly different view. McDonaldization of the globe might slow it down, but I frankly don’t see a reversal of the trend.
Regardig the video above: As stated elsewhere, we have lived in Pakistan at the time we went in l962, it was West those days, and the population was according to the U.S. Educational Foundation, 95 % Muslim. We were able to meet and know one educated Native Christian family, as articles and information were written about us going there to live. Their daughter was in a Christian College in TX. and contacted us to take personal gifts to her family. Which we did,
with our household goods via freight, that she got to us by mail. We later contacted her family in large & old city where we lived. So we learned about the few Christians in the country.
Later the East & West Pakistan that were divided by the country of India ( both Pakistans had been carved out of the Indian Continent during its partition in l947), would battle and two separate Republics came into existence: Pakistan, and Bangladesh in 1971. Both are Islamic Nations. This is just a bit of history of my views to make things real and authentic to the readers.
There is an excellent book written by an authentic Christian man, George Otis, Jr. in 1991,and I have been told is out print, but if you can get a used copy anywhere, please do so! The title is THE LAST OF THE GIANTS- Lifting the Veil on Islam and the End Times, forward by David aikman, senior correspondent, Time Magazine —- A Chosen book, Publishing Co. Ltd., Fleming H. Revell Co.————–All of the things in the Video, and many other facts on Islam, are in the book. I have had a copy since 1992, and have learned so much as I have heard and read so many things on the Muslim people, and their religion, Islam , since l960’s.
I taught in the English speaking School, with an Italian Cathlolic that had married a Muslim man in Italy. He brought her to Pakistan to live, and this educated lady lived with his family in the women’s compound , with his mother and brother’s wifes, sisters, & children. The elderly mother made all the the choices for all of them. The young teacher felt that it was a miracle that she finally had been permitted to go out and teach in a Western School. They had a son, that she did not care for or make decisions for, and her heart was broken over all these things. At Christmas time, she asked the teachers to pleas invite her during the day to any Christian events that we were having or attending. She was not permitted to visit Rome, and of course there was no way to divorce this Muslim man. Of course, her husband could add wives, which most of them do. Dear friends, I am telling you not to underestimate what this culture will do our own lives.
I have a longer article I started writing about 2004 on these same things. IF anyone will ask for more of my personal writings, and Skip approves, I will complete the one I started in 2004, and send it in.– Yes, free, and for anyone to use however, the Lord shows them, and without my name or etc. on it. I am not interested at 76 in having a web site.——————————————–Without the Blessed Hope that I have been given by Jesus, the Sonof the Living God, the Creator of the Universe and all that is in it, I would be totally devastatedhearing and seeing and knowing what is really going on in the world and now, our own beloved country, where freedom has been so free, that a great percentage of people, do not even know history nor care what has happened in the past, much less the Bible and what it teaches!!-
—————- If we truly understand how in what we in English call the Old Testament, and the sins of Israel, and lack of repentance in say, such books as Jeremiah, and what happened to them, it would be such serious business with the Lord God and all that relates to it. My prayer and Hope is that we will, and then see what God will do for us. Sincerely, and with the love put in my life by Jesus the Son of God, our HOPE, I write and send this to each of you. L.B.
Interesting story LaVaye.
Looks like we are going to have to follow your lead and learn to live with the Muslims.
Seems unlikely this trend will reverse itself; seems more likely to me that it is part of God’s plan.
Michael – how do you perceive it to be part of God’s plan – in what way??? Do you think He wants us to be content with idolatry & deception – we already live with that in the USA – I don’t think He wants us to compromise if that is what you mean – what do you mean by what you stated here???
Hi Jan,
Well I guess I start from the premise that God is ultimately in control of everything.
So when something looks like a foregone conclusion, I assume it is part of His plan.
In my view, we have no control over the Muslim birth rate or their religious beliefs.
So I don’t want to make myself miserable thinking about them.
But I can’t imagine why I would have to compromise my values for Muslims.
Maybe what I had in mind was something like the “helper-enemy” concept.
Because they are very religious, the presence of more Muslims might help me focus on my own religion.
And try to bridge the gap between us.
I agree with you that God is sovereign & in complete control for sure but there is an enemy & his name is satan/lucifer & God allows him to create much havoc/evil/widkedness – sometimes this is for our benefit. I have not heard of the “helper-enemy” concept – perhaps you can explain that to me.
Here is where I differ with you greatly – yes, that is exactly right – the Muslims are “religious.” Religion is a very man made evil too. God is not about religion but about relationship – especially ours with HIM. The presence of more Muslims will not help you focus on your relationship though. There is only one way/bridge to God for man & that is through Jesus Christ – not Buddha, not Mohamed & not Joseph Smith. I myself consider Islam/Muslims to be a cult that is sorely deceived – any faction that believes in any other way except Jesus Christ is counterfeit. Who is not for Him is against Him & if we are friends with the world we are at enmity with Christ. That bridge you speak of is Jesus Christ & I hope/pray that many Muslims see the way/bridge & come through Him for there is no other way.
I consider the “religion” of Islam/Muslims to be an enemy of Christ as we were before we were regenerated with the Holy Spirit of God/Jesus – the movement represents the spirit of Anti-Christ to me.
I need to get ready for work, but would like to say that in my concept of enemy-helper a terrorist would be my enemy.
He would project his sense of evil on innocent civilians that he hates and that we might love.
He would kill them and I might learn how not to behave under any circumstances.
We would probably need help from God to get over the pain of losing our loved ones.
This act of evil could help us get closer to God.
Jesus commanded us to love our enemies not hate them.
In my view Muslims are not our enemies by definition.
I have good friends who are Muslims.
My wife just walked into the room and said an Air France plan is missing.
My wife is a Christian from Malaysia, a Muslim country,
We are all connected.
I am not connected with the spirit of Anti-Christ.
You have no evil impulse?
I am finding the conversation between Michael and Jan interesting because it reflects the perspective of the Hebrew worldview. Michael’s last comment about the “evil impulse” is about the yitzer ha’ra (evil impulse) which is part of the Hebrew view about the way we are created. Jan’s comment about the spirit of the anti-Christ is a Christian perspective. It seems to me that right now you are both trying to say the same thing but with two different languages. It will be interesting to see how you work this out.
This is how I know & I don’t know it from a Hebrew perspective unless what I’ve read in the Old(er) Testament comes closer to the Greek in the new Testament. I am born in sin (with an evil impulse) & when I receive Jesus & the Holy Spirit (coming from the Father/God) – I am regenerated in my spirit – born again/anew. I still have to deal with evil impulses in my flesh (that which is not totally controlled by the Holy Spirit yet but will be upon the return of Christ Jesus) while in the process of sanctification (being transformed more into His image while still living here on earth).
When someone says we are all connected it sounds like New Age theology/mindset. I hope/pray that I am not connected to the spirit of Anti-Christ because I am separated now because God/Father wooed me to Himself through Jesus Christ His son & I surrendered my life to them. In all reality I am no longer connected to everyone or the world – I am set apart & as well I should be. Again, for me there is no gray area in this life or the next – it is totally black & white for me. Either you are for Him or against Him & I chose to surrender all when He called.
I apologize – I know nothing of the Hebrew side except maybe what I have learned here & I’m sure it is not the whole picture for sure. AND – the Hebrew perspective is missing one great & wondrous part – the Messiah/Jesus Christ that has arrived & the Gentiles have surrendered & the Hebrews have not – I do know that for sure. But I also know that Israel is still the apple of His eye & it provokes me to jealousy (as well it should also).
Skip – you made me laugh out loud this morning for the delight you find in the dialogue between Michael & I – laughter is good medicine (Psalms).
I’m glad you got a laugh. Me too. There is a lot here that is sort of twisted around two different paradigms. First, we are born now with the yitzer ha’ra, but that is not the same as being born sinners. Adam and Eve both were created with the yitzer ha’ra, but it did not become sin until they allowed it to determine their actions. Of course, the longer the human race continues to endorse the yitzer ha’ra, the more it becomes our standard operating procedure so that eventually we think it is NORMAL. That’s when moving to a new operating system, like the Way, looks crazy.
You are also right that something happens when I receive the Holy Spirit at redemption. But receiving the Holy Spirit does not erase the yitzer ha’ra (see Paul in Romans 7). Now I am at war with the enemy within.
On the other hand, I am connected with every other human being for two reasons. First, from a Hebrew perspective, we all come from a single set of parents. Therefore, we are all family. Secondly, we are all connected to the earth. So, it may be the case that there are distinctions between us in terms of our relationship to God, but there are also deeply important connections between all of us.
This does not mean that we tolerate every behavior. Of course not. But we remember, “but for the grace of God, there go I”.
Furthermore, I wouldn’t be quite so quick to dismiss all Jews simply because they have not yet embraced their own Messiah. God calls. That’s the only way we come. Perhaps our attitudes of segregation and judgment are blocking His own chosen people from seeing the truth.
Thanks Skip for clarifying this issue.
I thought it was funny to appear as a new ager.
Having lived in the SF Bay area for 30 years, I have made fun of new agers a number of times.
Guess some of it must have rubbed off on me
Well, you’re excused. The country of San Francisco has never been the same since Dirty Harry retired.
Wait a minute you two – I don’t have one thing clarified here – good thing both of you do. Ah ha – explains a lot – living in the SFO Bay area does have an effect on you whether you recognize it or not – I don’t have very good feelings about that area for the very reason you stated, Michael.
AND Skip I never wrote off any Jew in my previous comment so where did that come from in you???
I imagine that Gentiles do outnumber Jews though & that’s not my fault.
What was made clear for me by Skip’s comment was his validation of the “connection” metaphor.
I tend to think in terms of connection: positive, negative, or no connection.
Typically I think in terms of the Hebrew worldview (and Hegel).
And don’t think in terms of the anti-Christ.
If I sense someone is evil, I make no connection.
Well – I am so grieved in my spirit by what the man in the Whitehouse stated yesterday – he quoted with heartfelt passion from the “Holy Koran” & called himself a Christian. I have never heard him quote anything from the Bible with such passion but then what can you expect from a Muslim in the Whitehouse. I think that action summed it all up very good to all those who know the Truth, Way & the Life & it is not in the holy koran. What is in a man’s heart comes out of his mouth – that is from the Holy Scriptures of God where my passion lies unto death as stated in Revelation (which we are heading toward on a fast track). COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS…
I have tried to share a great article here by Restoration Ministries International
Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Church
Preparing the Family of Jesus to be Light in Darkness
The article is titled “God Requires Love, Not Tolerance” but it won’t let me post it – says it’s spam – I don’t know how it determines that but if anyone would be interested in reading it you can email me at & I will send it to you.
I know the work of Restoration Ministries on the early church. It’s pretty good. But I only have it in hard copy.
I tried to copy & paste it in here but it won’t let me – I’ll email it to you Skip & if you can find some way to post it – maybe you should.
I live in a western European country where muslims are a steady growing group, very visible and having a real power in the streets. The European Arabic Union gave instructions how the muslims should cluster together in our towns. The goal is to take over the power in that part of the city and eventually to take the power over the whole city.
They call the US and in fact the whole Western World the big satan.
When I look to the moral and ethical state of the Western World, I can understand them: a never seen number of divorce. The divorce rate with “christians” is as high as the non believers; never seen numbers of abortion; Belgium being the first country to legalize euthanasia etc etc.
Let’s be honest: what do we have to offer to the muslims, who love warm family relationships, who reject homosexuality, whe reject abortion etc ?
If we christians, cannot make the real and very visible difference in our Western society by living a life full of the love for Jesus and his kingdom (is not the same as a local church) in the power of the Holy Spirit, what should muslims cause to risk their lifes to become christian?
This is a challenge: being born again should make all the difference of the world. Colossian 3 is very clear about this. What are we waiting for?