Today’s Word in Chinese Mandarin

I am honored to have Crossroad Publications offer Today’s Word to Chinese Christians.  Your support made this possible.  Thank you.


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LaQuonne Holden

Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters. His flow poured through you continues to bless the nations!

Well done, thy faithful servant!


Reaching the Chinese people is especially exciting to us. We have a 30′ Chinese junk, 3 masted, all teak, named Mandarin Star, which we restored (taking 6-1/2 years) and flies the Christian flag. We are currently doing cosmetic work on her, but she should be back in the water this summer in Georgetown, SC. You may wish to use her for photo ops for your website or presentation to the Chinese.

You can see a picture of Mandarin Star on the Dreams page of our website,

Ken Selzer

Well done! My wife and I spent 6+ years in the orient…most of the time in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The church in mainland China is alive, well, and growing. Your insightful words will be consumed and eaten by the Chinese church. I speak Mandarian and can vouch for you that the Chinese Christians as a whole, are much more mature than we Americans. They obey, they listen, they study, and than act. Ken Selzer, North Georgia