Your Advice, Please

This is a request for advice from the English reading audience of Today’s Word.  As you know, we decided to move toward a community that consisted of people who valued Today’s Word enough to contribute toward the goals of the community.  With your help, we have now distributed funds and other forms of help to several members of the community – and we will keep doing that.  But now we have an issue.

For several years, Today’s Word has been offered to the Spanish speaking readers, principally in Central America.  Bessy Bendana has faithfully translated each edition (without fee) and sent it out to about 250 readers.   Bessy and I decided that we wanted the Spanish language community to also make a show of community commitment, so we sent a message similar to the one that you responded to, telling readers that we would  move to a donor-only (plus unusual circumstances) list on 1 June.  Now we aren’t so sure about this.  There are several reasons:

1. This culture seems to be a “spiritual things should be free” culture.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons that they are so dependent on foreign missionary aid.

2.  In Honduras and El Salvador, many believers simply earn such a small amount of money that donations of any kind become a problem.  Some pastors I know earn less than $20 a month.  Of course, we are not asking for a specific amount and it is difficult for me to believe that someone is incapable of offering $1 a year, but that might seem impossible given the economic conditions there.

3.  We have had only 2 people offer donations of any kind, and we have had about a dozen people write to ask if they can still be included without a donation.  Otherwise, we have heard nothing at all from nearly 230 readers.

4.  Your donations are what is actually keeping this Spanish ministry going, but I am hesitant to continue it if it has such little value to the readers that they don’t even correspond.

SO, HERE’S THE QUESTION:  What should we do?  Should we continue to provide it without any commitment, or should be push toward making a commitment like each of you did?

Please help us.  It’s your community.  Tell us what you think.


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Kim Sutton

We would be happy to sponsor someone who wants to continue to receive Today’s Word. I am blessed by it every day. There are so many opinions…all valid; but I think the bottom line is to trust God to guide you. You are a wise man and I’m sure you will follow God’s leading.

Les Young

Almost every suggestion given is supported by Scripture or scriptural principle. It seems that whichever way you go would be appropriate, depending on the goal. I have been involved in missions for 2 decades, and in every case it has been one of my goals to teach the church in foreign lands the principles of financial stewardship, including giving. In your case, it seems like this is one of the goals, with a strong dose of sensitivity for the conditions of the poor. I doubt seriously that $1 per year supports the ministry, and so for the most part it would be supported by those who give more substantially. Personally I think it is proper to be “no respector of persons” and to lay the requirement of voluntary giving (however small) on the entire community. Perhaps you could spell it out in concrete terms that as little as $1 per year qualifies as, if nothing else, a a tangible token of interest in the ministry.

Roy Ludlow

I sense the disapointment in having to few responses to wanting to continue receiving the daily mailing. Percentage wise, I would guess it is about the same as with the english listing. I would think that those who respond in some way, asking to stay on the list but unable to pay or do pay should stay on the list for a time. However, no response would mean little to no interest. Let them go. Community and commitment go hand in hand. If a person has a computer, and internet access, it is not because he or she has no money.


I live in a predominantly Hispanic area, and in honor of my Hispanic son-in-law (my pastor), I’d like to double my donation of $25.00 a month to $50.00 a month to help this Spanish ministry. I’m semi-retired, and have taken a 50% pay cut in salary, but I know that GOD demands that I be faithful to share what I can to assist this ministry. GOD bless you, Skip, and your family for all that you do to faithfully share a deepening understanding of GOD’s Word!

Jim Newman

Jesus never charged for what he did. He just wanted everyone to give from the heart. I don’t believe Jesus wants us to put a price tag on disseminating the WORD. I have been sending out spiritual messages to a group of over 600 daily for several years, and don’t charge for it. I get paid by the blessing it gives others and me.


Jim Newman


Well, Well, Well, some very interesting thoughts and comments. I intentionally waited to write my comment after I read all of yours. I believe that all of you are correct in your thinking (your mind). But I believe that this isn’t the real issue. It is really about your willingness to bear the cost. It’s about your heart.

I not going to quote “Scripture” because it can be slanted either way and I feel that it is intimidating, “my quote is more powerful that yours”.

I am on many “free” subscribers list and to be truthful I rarely read them.

Bessy is really my concern. She is in our community and we should support her. Isn’t that what this is about? I personally know Bessy and she is a wonderful and loving single mother of 2 boys. How do we support her and at the same time create a Spanish speaking committed community as well? Out of 286 “listed” only 8 “readers” responded. That in itself should tell the story. 2 said that they would like to make a donation and 6 would like it for free. Anyone that asks will receive it for free, which has always been the case.

I do not benefit from what she does, I do not speak or read Spanish, but as a believer it is my duty to support her. She provides a valuable service to all of us.

So what is her value worth? How do I support her work? We all agree that “God provides”, does that mean the money will fall from the sky? No, it means that “God has provided in my heart” to give what I can. Saying that, I commit to send a $300.00 donation to support her valuable time and effort. This is my “cost” and I am glad to do it.

God provides BUT God doesn’t sign the checks. We do!

What is the cost to you?????

Bessy Bendaña

Dear Rosanne,

I have never, never felt so cared for by the Lord. You have made His care tangible. God made provision for me in your heart. Amazing. Thank you Lord.


As it appears, once the set has already been set up, and the translation done, there is no extra cost whether you have 1,000 readers or 10. So, I might ask that readers either donate a small amount or request a free subscription.

I can tell you a bit about my own experience. I really got a lot out of Skip’s books and often recommend them. I don’t always read the email, depending upon my time constraints. I purchased, “Guardian Angel,” and, “Jesus Said to Her,” via Amazon, and sent an email asking if I could be included in the daily emails, as the requirement was to make a purchase, which I did, albeit not via his website. I never received a response. Then I purchased an audio download from the site, and was automatically added to the list.

Perhaps a year later I after perhaps the second or third comment I made on the site, I received an email, I don’t know if it was from Skip Moen or the ministry, that said anyone could read the material, but I was chided that commenting was for those who had either purchased an item or donated to the ministry. I felt rather offended, as I had done what was asked.