Your Advice Taken

Thank you all so much for offering your helpful suggestions.  Bessy and I have gone over every comment. Many offered insights into cultural issues, help with the next step and other useful suggestions like sponsorship.  Here’s what we have come to believe:

1. Most of the 250 readers are NOT in the poorest of the poor. They have cell phones, computer access, etc.  They are what we would consider “middle class” in a country where the middle class is very small but not under the abject poverty on the masses.  These people are often involved in serving the masses of poor.

2. The culture endorses “free” which leads to entitlement and we do not want to support that – it isn’t good for the community and leads to an individual “what’s in it for me” mentality. We Christians have preached a free grace gospel so long that we no longer believe there is a cost to grace. There is. It cost God His Son. But we are now endorsing a “give me” gospel.  This is not what it means to be part of the Body.

3. There is little real value placed on spiritual things in this environment – other priorities take over – this is true in churches and with Today’s Word.  This is perfectly understandable with the wretched poor.  They are in survival mode.  But our readers are generally not in this situation.  Sacrifice is also part of the Body.  Without it there is little real spiritual growth.

4. There are real “need” cases, none of which we will ever turn away.  All they need to do is ask.

5. The support we are asking for is NOT for Today’s Word or At God’s Table or me – it is for their own community – so that we are able to do things in that community that fall through the cracks like we do in the English speaking community.  We want to encourage members of the Body to act like the Body.  That is the purpose of Today’s Word – to put hands and feet on the Scripture.

6. The cost to provide the above is relative to the culture, so $20 does a lot more there than here.  Nevertheless, there is still a cost.  We have born this without asking for anything for 4 years now.

7. We don’t care about the money (other than for #5 above).  We care about the VALUE to the community. Without any response, the perception is that there is little value placed on this effort.  Since Bessy lives in this culture, I value her opinion on the cultural issues we face.  Today’s Word is not a “ministry” in the classical sense – given away at someone else’s expense.  We did that for 7 years.  What we want to build is a community of believers who learn together and work together for the benefit of each other.  OUr community does not have to support bricks and mortar, salaries and overheads.  We support each other.  That’s what we believe is the biblical model – the fruit from each life supports the other lives.

8. I doubt that most of the 250 readers are using internet cafe access or that they can’t afford the access – I have met a lot of them.  While they earn little compared to our USA standards, I don’t know a single one who cannot give anything at all.  And since the giving is merely a sign that they want to help build the Body in Central America, I don’t believe God expects us to enable a culture of receivers. Meat, not milk.  No more baby bottles.

9. When we decided to move to a donor model in the USA, there were 5000+ readers. Now there are 500. Everything is better. People care for each other. The teaching is real and makes a difference in behavior. I wouldn’t have cared if we had 12, but God answered that decision and we have grown by 150%. It never happened until we said, “Make a commitment.”

10. I think that “opt-in” may be a reasonable alternative, but it does not meet the goal of #5 and, basically, they have had 4 years of “opt-in.”

11. I think transactions by internet may be a problem, but we might overcome that with some alternative. I don’t know how to do this yet, but I don’t think that this explains the lack of response from 95% of the readers.

So, we are going to explain once more that this is about the Body, supporting and committing to the Body of believers in your own culture where you have first-hand experience.  We are going to ask once more for some sign of commitment, either write to us and ask or send some donation that we can use to help each other.  And then we are going to cut the list in a week or so.

Bessy has never received any funds for her labor.  I have never taken a salary from At God’s Table.  It’s time for the Spanish community to realize this and support this effort – principally Bessy – because they all benefit from her work, and a workman (or woman) in God’s service deserves to be taken care of by those served.  She has agreed to continue to translate even if there are only a handful.  I hope that will not be the case, but I firmly believe that it’s time to stop this entitlement thinking in Christian circles.

Thank you again for all your input.  It is wonderful to see so many who have a heart to help.  If you do wish to sponsor someone, we can do that, but my guess is that what really would matter would be to sponsor Bessy’s work.  She will be the one adding those who wish to stay but cannot donate.

May the Lord be blessed.  May His name be lifted up.  And may His people reflect His character.  We are ready and willing to give of ourselves, but we know that the objective is to pass along the willingness to give, not the gift.


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LaVaye-Ed Billings

Okay, Skip and Bessy, at five-thirty a.m. (yes, in the morning, and at 76 years, I am no longer an early riser, but my husband had to be an hour away for a VA Hospital).– IT NOW APPEARS FROM ABOVE THAT MANY MORE FACTS ARE “IN AND OUT” TO US, AND YOUR DECISIONS SEEM LOGICAL.

If I had known them before, my statements would have been different. —- Communications of the facts are essential in understanding of the problems. We each have come from such different situations that make our thought patterns so different (even when walking closely to Jesus).

Be greatly blessed in the work of the Lord. Most of us have given and never received, nor would have taken, anything financially.– Unless it is necessary for family provisions, we have always thought we were never ever to accept any resources, and let the Lord give us our rewards.

We are so turned off by TV /computer “Christians” that live such lavish lifestyles. We were drawn to Skip’s teachings in the beginning because he had a heart to give and not take. L.B.

Bob Naugle


I spent 19 years living in Honduras and can possibly add a little to this. I was a Gideon and distributed their pocket-sized New Testaments in our area, and quickly found that the level of illiteracy made many of our efforts worthless, and costly, among the poor. It was common to give NT’s to very enthusiastic families and upon our return a day or two later find the copies in the mud with other garbage in the front yard. It would be learned that not one person in the family could read and the enthusiasm for the NT was a sham in order to get a bauble with less true value to them than a shiny one-centavo coin.

The middle class DOES have the ability to support your endeavors there but does not have the mentality required to do so. They are looking for ‘freebies’, not something in which they must invest. As you note, they have cell phones and computer access, but what you are promoting is not something that can be physically displayed to friends and neighbors, and as such has less appeal.

The literacy issue is probably the biggest factor in the ‘survival mode’ of the poor. They couldn’t read, and certainly couldn’t understand what you promote even if they could read. In infancy they have been undernourished to the point of having under-developed brains and bodies, and their system of education simply aggravates the situation – it’s a basket case. Further, parents generally talk the talk but where the rubber meets the road do not support the kids in their school lives. Kids are taken from school because of lack of notebooks and pencils, or lack of clothes, or simply lack of concern by the Mom and Dad. Often this is due to poverty, but often it is simply sloth or apathy. The parents grew up without education and do not feel the need to push their kids to acquire it, and the new clothes the parents sport have more value than the items needed for the education of the kids.

And the educational system itself is little help. While schools are ubiquitous, they are rudimentary at best and the teachers are little more than high school grads from the same corrupt and bankrupt system, and subservient and obligated to whatever political party is in power locally, as that’s how they get and retain employment. It will be another generation or two before decent teachers are available.

All this is discouraging, but there is a core of good people there who would listen and learn if exposed to your teaching. And they would teach others. Not all are middle class or any particular class, nor are all literate, but there are some good ones among the masses and those are definitely worth pursuing. Getting to them effectively is going to be the ongoing problem.

There are also a few right here among us in the States who would benefit from Spanish language translations of your words. Bessy could be a bigger influence than she thinks. I have several friends from Honduras who live in the States and who are fertile ground. They would welcome a Spanish language version of the Daily Word. One in particular only yesterday went to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, and of course speaks enough English to do that, but lacks confidence and competence enough to study this in English, and other members of his family are far worse, though willing and of good heart. As I said above, fertile ground.

Well, enough. I started out planning to be concise and have written far too much already. Hope this is some help.

Shabbat shalom,

Bob Naugle

Bessy Bendaña

Thank you Bob, the situation is quite complex. But you have opened another window I hadn´t even seen, the Spanish speaking community overseas. With a large enough base, we can offer real assistance to those who are in dire need here. We don´t believe in giving anything away, it has little “fruit” in this environment, but in helping people with tools to help themselves. We are sent to “make disciples,” this is what we have to do through the Word, our ultimate goal.

We have to be very careful though, for there are many communities where people do not work at all or minimum hours waiting for the $ from their family members who migrated the the US or Europe. So all assistance has to be directed towards providing tools, not gifts. And as Skip said it, transmitting the willingness to give.

marie whyland

Dear Skip,
Please forgive me for not responding sooner. I live with an unsaved husband for 48 years and
the money I donate is hard to come by. You have blessed me in so many ways I cannot tell you.

I will send when I can. I have grown in the Lord since I started reading your emails.

Thank You and Bless You my prayers are with you.

Marie Whyland

Renee Swann

Amen, and amen,
How precious of the LORD to allow this testing to let us see our hearts. Your decision is very sound according to Torah. Many of our Hispanic brethren are Sephardim, and are even descendants of Aaron. We too have lost our identity and the Torah of our G-d, just as He promised because we did not shema, (listen and obey). Now is the time for the restoration of the fallen tabernacle of David. Every man, rich or poor should follow the commandment of the census for the Temple (the body of Messiah). Five silver shekels are today equivalent to $20.00. The LORD wants us counted! Are we or are we not Israel, He asks with this commandment.
Oh how beautiful upon the mountains (worship places) are the feet of him who bring good news, basar, who proclaims peace, shalom, who brings glad tidings (perhaps translation) of good things, devar (Word), who proclaims salvation, yeshua, who says to Zion, (grafting), “Your G-d reigns!”.

Kelley Mossburg


Sorry I did not have a chance to respond but I agree wholeheartedly with the decision.


Bessy Bendaña

Hi Edwin!

I´m so glad to hear from a fellow Skip translator – you know it´s not easy! (Sorry Skip, you´re not. But we love you anyways. :)) I have worked with Skip for so long it´s just a part of my life now, I can´t imagine not having a TW to come home to. But I DO NEED A PROOFER! Sometimes I´m so busy with work that I don´t have time to really proof my translations, and in translation, one shouldn´t edit ones own work. I have prayed for a proofer, but the few who have tried have had difficulty commiting to the forever after part of the job. No holidays, vacations, 365 days a year.

So please pray about it. My email is And join us in the Spanish community! We have tons of work there.



Pam Thompson

Hi, Skip. I concur with all that you spoke and it registers true in my spirit. Yahweh be with you. Shalom, Pam