OK, I have hand sorted 125 people who said that they want to know who is close by. I wish the list included everyone, but we will only reveal those who gave permission. There were 5 who did not provide a ZIP code so I am waiting for them (I sent them each an email). And there are people in Canada and one in Australia (I think I will have to visit there).
Anyway, soon the database will be ready and we will get it to you somehow.
What happenned to Scotland?
Oh, yes. Scotland is on the list.
“I wish the list included everyone, but we will only reveal those who gave permission”!
You know what my brother … I will say what needs to be said …. this response is pathetic! What are we talking about …. less than one third of the community a.k.a. subscriber list? You know we can never judge anyone’s heart because we can’t, but actions …. or inaction …. that is a different story.
Perhaps I now have a better understanding as to why so few seem to engage in this forum …. essentially there is no real desire for engagement and this community outreach exercise shows that a majority would prefer to keep to themselves.
How sad … there is so much to be learned by sharing!
Skip I share your disappointment!
Skip and Drew I too share a large measure of uneasiness in my spirit with the number of people on the subscribers list willing to step forward and be identified. I cannot really be the only one in all of central and eastern Pennsylvania that is connected to this awesome site. I did connect with you, Drew but does appear to be abit of a stretch to expect ‘genuine’ fellowship when we are geographically separated. Well, Yahweh does not make any mistakes so here’s growing where I have been planted!!
Todah rabah for being there …..
Drew, et al,
I missed the message about giving our locale’s so we can determine who is who… Suffice it to say, I do not come to the comments section very often because I usually check Dr. Moen’s posts from my Blackberry and don’t have the opportunity to check the comments. In addition, with a business, Master’s Schooling, and so many other church activities, I just don’t have time to spend much time on any forum, though I really love this one. I am from Delaware…