Dead Ends
We don’t really believe in a God of hope. If we did, we would rejoice in dead ends. No, my observation is that we really believe in the God of stoic perseverance. We believe in that inner resolve of the human spirit that shouts at the dark, “I will not go quietly. I will fight. I will prevail. I will never give up.” Of course, all that emotional rhetoric is very inspirational, until you come to a complete dead end.
We are prisoners of the Greek view of life. Human achievement. Victory against impossible odds. The Greek mythic heroes who fought the Fates. When we approach dead ends, we do everything possible to find our own way out. Denial is the usual beginning. “Oh, it’s not really that bad. We’ll make it.” Followed by anger. “Why did this happen to me?” Followed by remorse. “I must have done something to deserve this.” Followed by resignation. “It’s too late for me now.” Everything but rejoicing. Anything but contentment.
Why are we like this? Why do we struggle and strive and squirm and squeal to change the circumstances of our lives? Why don’t we see what dead ends really are – carefully crafted but disguised blessing of confrontation with the divine.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not suggesting a passive, compliant posture toward living, sitting quietly on the side waiting for life to take care of me. Life is work. Work is sacred. God intended it that way. If I chose to do nothing, I will receive the reward of nothing. Dead ends that come as a result of my own laziness or disobedience are not God’s intention, although the results of my foolishness can certainly be woven into His plans. No, I’m talking about the real dead ends. The blindside hits. The disasters of life that seem to have no reasonable explanation.
My close friend was healthy, vibrant, joyful and a fine example of a Christian. I stood by her bedside as the cancer overcame her body. She left behind so many who were transformed by her smile. No one saw it coming at all. One day, wonderful. The next day (or so it seemed), passing through the door marked “No re-entry”.
My wife is driving home. She stops at the intersection. There are no other cars. As she pulls out to cross, two tons of flying metal obliterates the passenger side of her car. The van ran the stop sign at 45 miles an hour. She is instantly covered in glass and shrapnel. She never saw it coming. She’s alive but the agonizing recovery has just begun.
The children chase a can along the side of the road. Kicks and shouts and laughter. It is a brief respite in the war-torn village. They reach the end of the street just in time for the car bomb to explode in front of the police station. Parents sifting the dirt looking for anything for comfort, hoping not to find it.
Death is the final dead end. But there are plenty of others in this fallen world. Our Twelve Step friends call it “hitting bottom”. It doesn’t matter what the addiction. They all push us toward the dead end. I suspect that no one really understands life until the journey reaches a large yellow sign saying “Dead End”. It’s not that life is morbid. It’s rather that life cannot be clearly seen for what it is if we can only look at it through Miller Genuine Draft commercials.
The biggest problem is not that life’s aim is to put us in the pit with Joseph. The biggest problem is that we do everything possible to pretend it won’t happen. I suspect that we feed this delusion because if we faced the pit, we would discover how powerless we are. So we drive ourselves toward the clutter of the busy in order not to hear the silence of the damned.
But what if we’re wrong? What if it is God’s intention to bring us to the dead end? What if the dead end is the place where we can encounter blessing and God is interested in blessing us so He just keeps trying to get us to see where we really are? What if all the hype and the activity and the success images and the power games only serve to keep us from really finding God? What if God is standing in the wilderness, waiting at the dead end, while we run to the concrete cities for protection from ourselves?
The wilderness is a very important piece of geography in the Bible. We think of it as the place of the temptations. That makes it Jesus’ problem; one which he, being God, overcame. But if we think of the wilderness only in mythical terms as some battleground between Satan and the Christ, we have robbed ourselves of a great truth. The wilderness is not the territory of Satan’s evil empire. The wilderness is God’s home.
The Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness. The Spirit took Jesus to the place where God could be found to offer all the sustenance Jesus needed before Satan arrived at God’s doorstep. The wilderness is the place of refuge, not of battle. Why? Because the wilderness is the place where I must confront my powerlessness.
When Israel left Egypt, God kept them in the wilderness for forty years. They could have marched to Canaan in a few weeks. There were much shorter routes. But they were not ready to possess the Promised Land. They had slave mentalities. God needed to reconstruct their thinking. And He did that by showing them what it is like to live in His house.
Daily bread from the hand of God. No planting. No harvesting. No storage barns. Living water from rocks. No wells. No cisterns. No canteens. Victory over enemies. But no fortresses, no shock troops, no military prowess. What was it like living in God’s house? It was complete powerlessness under the authority and reign of the Lord of Hosts. It was learning the truth of “Be anxious for nothing”. For forty years God provided what life needed. Food, shelter and security. An entire generation’s worth of daily lessons. It still wasn’t enough.
Some of them understood. Most didn’t. They were unable to be completely dependent on God. Any attempt to make do for themselves on their own power just brought them back to reality – face to face with the wilderness, the place where only God is in charge. The story has been the same from the beginning. Adam, a dependent steward of the garden. Abraham, a dependent traveler. Jacob, dependence learned in brokenness. Joseph, dependence forged in prison. Elijah, David, Daniel. Over and over, God engineers wilderness encounters in order to bring us to the reality of dependence.
We buy Hummers. And life insurance (just what are we insuring, have you ever asked?) Portfolio management. Retirement accounts. Security systems. We don’t want to live in the wilderness.
No wonder we can’t find God.
“Moen comes in with a left jab to the head, followed by a right to the abdomen. Michalski is dazed. Moen puts together another combination, left, right, left, right. Michalski’s knees are wobbly. Moen follows with an uppercut to the chin. Michalski goes down.”
Skip, thanks for is–it is the kind of Today’s Word that wakes you up and changes your life. This is the style of Today’s Word that Lisa and I call “Oswald on Steroids”–the truth with no sugar.
Keep ’em coming.
Love ya.
Had to laugh, Paul. You need to work for ESPN. Thanks for the “blow by blow” analysis. I miss you.
I’m laughing on the outside but stinging on the inside. Yes, Paul Michalski is right, that was a dominating butt-whoopin’. But, in the way that only God can do it, it’s a can of whoop poured out in extreme love and infinite patience. It’s the kind of mirror-shattering hit needed to open our eyes to the truth; and it’s done entirely out of love.
Folks, this is me. I’m the man in that story. I’m the guy who hates to fail, who tries to balance the Horatio-Alger “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” with the reality of Jehovah-jireh, true God provider. It can’t be done. I either fully admit AND live out the understanding that God alone is the provider and that I’m simply the steward He uses to handle the provision.
Can I be brutally honest and self-revelatory here? The “smarter” one thinks he is, the harder one works on self-motivated reliance, the more difficult it is to submit to the One who is in charge, knows all and provides all. Pride goes away in containers of obedience and must continually be poured into those containers and constantly shipped out through steps of obedience. Just when you think there’s none left, that’s the perfect time for another shipment of containers.
Intellectually, I get it. But I don’t need to change my mind nearly as much as I need to change my heart.
Skip, thanks for the chat. Thanks even more for the whoopin’. I love ya.
Great article. OK, so lets stop pretending it won’t happen, how then do we live, daily, knowing that we’ll get blindsided at some point, maybe more than once, maybe quite often? How do we then, practically speaking, balance the task of standing mentally prepared to experience the “dead end in the wilderness” all the while pursuing a joyful productive robust life for Christ, for famiy, for community, for self? This has been a central question I can’t seem to reconcile. So we know the medicine is good for us, just not exactly something I can honestly pray for. How do we “desire life like water and yet drink death like wine” and not spoil the former experience from trepidation about the latter. Its hard not to develop a “stoic perseverance” under these conditions.
Thanks Skip for another eye-opening article.
My first experience in the wilderness occurred after Katrina. What seemed like a God-ordained partnership ended after only 3 months, but I had already moved 1,100 miles to Ohio and was away from everyone and everything I have ever known. I did not have the provision to move back to Louisiana and so for 6 months, I asked God why He put me there by myself, and He mostly was silent.
After finally receiving Divine provision almost six months later, I was able to move back to La. and only then did I realize that this had been preparation for me to totally depend on Him.
We are so blessed to serve a God who can see the end from the beginning.
I had a similar experience like Jay when I was laid off from my job last November. Only after things started to turn around did I realize I had not been totally depending on God; yet He still prepared me for things to come. He was so patient and gracious. Sometimes the wilderness is the best place to be…unfortunately, we can’t always see it when we’re there.
Years ago when I was young (17 years old) I lost my mom to cancer. How you describe the Greek view of human life is quite frankly a picture of the young man that I was. I remained lost for many years due to my response to that event (I ran back to Egypt). I can speak openly of it now because it is true and He has dealt with my pain and shame!
Now I pray for strength to handle what He brings to me. I focus on obedience so that my personal situation has minimal impact on my behavior when things turn south. In this way (at least the hope is) the provision is not the extent of the blessing received. In this way blessings can be found in the dead ends!
In the end the true reflection of our Faith is seen when we are broken and helpless. May we all have the faith to march into the wilderness when it confronts us and not run back to the delusion of this world’s safety net.
Your messages and insights into this matter resonate greatly for me. I Praise The Spirit that inspires you my brother Skip!
To ALL OF THE INTELLIGENTSIA, be careful that you do not spend more time studying, writing promoting your causes, than you spend in the presence of the Lord. Yes, the intellect can so deter you from “true riches”. One group that it certainly has done that to, is the Fourth Estate (the public press—in our time the Mainline TV News, Newspaper, etc. Have you noticed how they can even elect a president of the U.S. ? They certainly are not for bringing any real light on Judeo-. The Public Press also refuse to promote conservative politics.— These statements are really mild compared to what I see that they plan for our future! But , “I know in whom I believe, and that He is able” — And that does not mean that I or my family in all areas, will not suffer greatly.
Also a message to those that do not truly understand what lots of material wealth can do to harm you, it can keep a person from “TRUE RICHES” the ultimate in God, through Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit.. For those of us, who have not had an extremely high intellect; or have not been showered in material wealth (no matter that material wealth– can and often does come through greed, and wrong doing, or that it is inherited wealth, or through excessive work, to the detriment of loved ones of all ages, and even your own health and soul) — if you have not had either a very high intellect, or great material wealth, please be thankful to God! YES, TRULY. HONESTLY, I mean just that.
—- Our Greek Heritage says the opposite. It is a lie of the evil one. I run around often speaking thanks to the Lord Jesus, for me/us not having had those things. I can honestly say that I am so thankful to the Lord that during my almost full life span, 76 years, I was not permitted either excessive wealth or intellect. Just enough on both sides of the equation, to keep me working, in a literal sense, and seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, reaping many blessings from our large and wonderful family,–all of whom are walking with the Lord Jesus, perhaps in different levels, but still seeking and looking to Him for more of His Light, and Love.
Several are into Christian music, and Praise the Lord, none of them came out of the drug scene, and extreme lives of those that the world just buried this week. All of them labor, as commanded in God’s word, and I agree with Skip, WORK is SACRED. May we all bring Honor, Glory, to God. L.B.
correction first paragraph: should read ” Judeo-Christianity” L.B.
The “wilderness is God’s home”…..I have come to know Him there…..a divine appointment/place that is indescribable.
Like Paul’s comments on Today’s Word, I say thanks for the “workout” in mind and heart.
I have a handicapped daughter. Really handicapped. She has Down Syndrome and CP. She doesn’t walk or talk, is incontinent and can barely feed herself. She is now 30 years old but there was a time when she was 14 that I met the dead end. The dead end was when something had to change, or one of us would have been dead, and I had completely exhausted every single thing I knew to do. It was only then, when I said, “I can’t do anymore” that YHVH said, “Good. Now I can work.” and the answer was a true miracle; circumstances that never would have happened without His intervening. Now I have a question.Why can’t I stay there, that spot when I let go of my own will. I still say, ” I will fight, I will prevail, I will never give up.” I have always seen this as a good thing in me that has helped me through so many hard places in life, yet, it was so hard to do everything all on my own (or so it seemed). Why can’t I just get to the end of myself in the beginning and let YHVH fight for me to start with because it is so much easier in the long run. I think it has something to do with the stuggle for survival in a non-supportive world as a child. Can anyone else identify?
Yolanda, Oh yes, I can identify, over and over and over again–God has allowed me to walk in the heavenlies for months and years at a time, I mean I am talking about a life of poverty,”seemingly too many children”, illness, heartaches,THEN when I was 41 years old after always seeking, searching, studying the scriptures, praying looking for a real live God; I was inundated, immersed ,filled with His Love, Joy, Health, for months and years– The Lord prayed through me so prayers that were answered by Him. GOD IS ALIVE AND WELL TODAY!
( just the past two weeks, through one of those ” now” great children, she found from three different churches we attended in a large city-where she grew up, and I was so humbled and yet so joyful, to see the writings to her about me her mother, and the Lord let me remember or never even knew, the things that He did through my life.during the years after he miraclaclously “filled me with HIS Spirit”–others call it the infilling of the Holy Spirit, some the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. No one could ever convince me that does not exist today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A thousand Bible Scholars with all the Hebrew and Greek meanings that available could tell me all this did not happen!—-)
But then back to identifying with your statements, so many possiblities, in this world we can never truly know the mind of God or all His ways–or we would be Him, but these are some of things I have leaned on, !! Corinthians 4:v. 5- 18, but focus on v. 5- 18 from the Amplified Bible-Expanded Edition.. I will just type 7-10,
” However, we possess this precious treasure (the divine light of the gospel) in (FRAIL, HUMAN) vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatnes of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.” v.8. We are hedged in (pressed) on every side (troubled and oppressed in every way) but not cramped or crushed: we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not driven to despair; v.9 We are pursued (persecuted and hard driven), but NOT DESERTED (TO STAND ALONE); WE ARE STRUCK DOWN TO THE GROUND, BUT NEVER STRUCK OUT AND DESTROYED: ( –continued below so I can see what I have written)
Well, L.B. again, I certainly got double reward for writing that! It went twice, my first time for that — oh well— JUST HOPE YOLANDA and others will read the continuation: I just could not stop writing this marvelous word from Paul via Jesus the Son of God! !! Corinthians 4: v. 10, ” Always carrying about in the body the liability and exposure to the same putting to death the Lord Jesus suffered, so that the ( resurrection) life of Jesus also may be shown forth by and in our bodies.
v. 11 For we who live are constantly (experiencing) being handed over to death for Jesus sake, that the (resurrection) life of Jesus also may be evidenced through our fles which is liable to death. v.12 Thus death is actively at work in us, but ( it is in order that our) life (may be actively at work) in you. v.13 Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken. We too believe and therefore speak. ( also Ps. 116:10)
v.14 Assured that He Who raised up the Lord Jesus and bring us (along) with you into His presence. V. 15 For all these things are (taking place) for your sake, so that the more grace (divine favor and spiritual blessing) extends to more and more people and multiplies through the many, the more thanksgiving may increase ( and redound) to the glory of God.
v. 16 Therefore we do not become discouraged ( utterly spiritless, exhausted, and weaired out through fear). Though our outer man is ( progressively) decaying and wasting away, yet our inner self is being progressively renewed day after day.
v.17 For our light, momentary afliction ( this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of of glory ( beyond all measure, excessively surpassin all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!)
v. 18 Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.”
11 Corinthians chapter 5 : v 1 ” For We know that if the tent which is our earthly home is destroyed (dissolved), we have from God a buildin, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. V. 2 Here indeed, in this ( present abode, body), we sigh and groan inwardly, becaus we year to be clothed over (we yearn to put on our celestial body like a garment, to be fitted out) with our heavenly dwelling. v. 3 So that by ptting it on we may not be found naked (withou a body). please grab a Bible, and continue reading and then studying all of these words given to us from God. ——-God will speak to you through whatever translations you have , I know for that for sure, too!, This Amplified ( printed in 1989), uses more than one meaning from the Greek and Hebrew languages, and has been a great source with many other helps, through many years for me! Praise His Many Holy Names!!
I was so blessed by reading and writing these verses once again, and now again today, I must enter the last part of life’s cycle of dealing with old age for my 80 year old husband and myself.— And no, Yolanda, “we are not made completely whole YET, and Not Perfect Yet to learn all there is Yet, Sin has crept in.—- but we WILL BE MADE PERFECT AND COMPLETE THEN— IF WE DO NOT TURN BACK FROM THE ONE WHO PROVIDES PERFECT KNOWLEDGE THEN— SO VERY AWESOME, ISN’T IT? Print these scriptures, if possible, and keep them visible, to read, reread, and loved. L.B.