Guardians of the Way
and He drove the man out. And He caused to dwell the cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:24
Cherubim – Sin causes tragic results. One of first tragedies was expulsion from the Garden. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree, they had to be driven from the place of God’s perfect provision. The reason might seem a bit obscure. It has something to do with immortality. But that is not the fact that occupies our attention here. What we want to know is how to get back to the Garden. And the answer is: God made that impossible!
Man has been banished from Eden. He can never return on his own strength. God has erected a permanent barrier – the cherubim and the flaming sword – that will defeat any attempt to return to paradise. Why is it important for followers of the Way to recognize God’s prevention of Man ever returning to paradise on his own? Because this is the concrete wall that makes any utopian philosophy of Man an absolute sham. No government, no political ideology, no philosophy, no religion – nothing that Man can do – will bring us back to the Garden. Don’t ever be fooled! Anyone who claims to know the way back is lost.
Does that mean that God has abandoned us? Of course not! What it means is that God has provided His way to return. It is the only way back. Where do you find this divine recovery plan? Where you find the k’roovim.
In this verse, the k’roovim guard the Garden so that Man cannot re-enter on his own. There is one other significant place in Scripture where the k’roovim play a prominent role. They reside on each side of the ark of the covenant. Their wings stretch toward each other, over the mercy seat that sits above the Law housed within the ark. The k’roovim guard the entrance to paradise and they guard the Holy of Holies. Except now, when their wings reach over the mercy seat, they invite rather than prohibit. If you want to know God’s way back to the Garden, you must accept the invitation of the k’roovim and come to the mercy seat. The way back is through the giving of the Law under the mercy of God.
The letter to the Hebrews tells us that Yeshua removed the veil that separated us from the Holy of Holies. He opened the way for us to come back to the Garden. We can return to Eden because Eden is the Holy of Holies – the place where we encounter God face-to-face.
If there were ever a reason to embrace Torah, this is it! Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young had the right lyrics (press play on the link), but only God provides the right path.
Topical Index: Eden, cherubim, k’roovim, ark of the covenant, utopian, Genesis 3:24, Law, Exodus 25:18-20
As I was reading Today’s Word, Hancock (Will Smith) was on ShowTime and his beautiful blond counterpart was telling her husband how she and Hancock were eternal superheros aka angels and that they always appear in pairs of two.
So I consulted Wiki on “cherubayim:”
“Maimonides says (Guide for the Perplexed III:45) that the figures of the cherubayim were placed in the sanctuary only to preserve among the people the belief in angels, there being TWO in order that the people might not be led to believe that they were the image of God.”
“The biblical prophet Ezekiel describes the cherubim as a tetrad of living creatures, each having FOUR faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man.” As I recall, the tetrad is also the key to the Greek Oracle.
Regarding Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, I saw them at the Monterrey Pop festival in ’67 with my first love; it was Stardust, it was Golden…and I definitely needed the Torah to recover from that one
Michael, could it be possible that these two “Keruvim” represents Adam and Eve????
Hi Ismael, Yes. I tend to think in those terms
Don’t you find it interesting that this song was actually written by Joni Mitchell who always seemed to be searching for the truth??
Hi Amy,
I did not know that Joni Mitchell wrote the song, but always loved the sound of her voice.
It seemed to me to have a distinctly divine quality to it
Hello Everyboby!!!!
What a good feeling when your are in front of a door and the door open and let you in!!! This is great and I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Moen for this new opportunity. The Spaniard philosopher David Casacuberta says, “The good teacher is not great because of his/her comments, it is great because of the questions that he/she asks.” Following Casacuberta quote, I would like start my comment with questions. Isn’t strange that Judaism, which generally rejects representations of the human form and of the Divine form, as it were, should prescribe a pair of “Keruvim” in the holiest of places??? After all, what is the difference between the “Keruvim” and the golden calf??? Why should one serve as a place for communication, while other is considered desecration?? Please, remember that these are questions, not statements. One of the great importance of questions is that they help us see the obvious in a different way. And there we can find “something” that we missed it because of its obviousness.
Much to say this morning.. let’s see if I can “word” it out! First, I feel a shout-out within.. “Hallelujah for the cross!! Feeling much better now.. Yes, brother Skip (and fellow travelers) the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to the bottom. Far more signifigant and far more reaching than we know.. Amen. The access we now have to our holy Father is for lack of a better word, “melting”. When I pray to YHWH, I thank my G-d for the atoning/covering blood of the Lamb. There is no other way I could approach His throne, without this blood. Yes, the ark of the covenant contained the Torah, but please,please- do not quickly bypass and forget the mercy-seat and what was placed upon it once every year upon the day of atonement. “it is written”, “when I see the blood, I will pass-over you.” “The blood of Jesus Christ G-d’s Son, cleanses from all sin.” The “Way” back to the garden? Who is the Way? Who is the Truth? Who is the Life? Who is this King of glory? The life of the flesh is in the blood. “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” The Creator became the creature to redeem and restore Adam, restoring unto us (adam) a right relationship, that we once again could know the same fellowship our ancestors once knew in the garden with their Maker. We gain more though “in Christ”, than we ever lost “in adam”
Just to use some of the CSN&Y jargon, this is way cool man. Definitely some good truth from God’s Word that I can use as I wrap up “The Philosophical Problem of Evil” course at Master’s. Thanks Skip and God bless.
Let’s talk about the “keruvim”There is some difference of opinion regarding the actual appearance of the “keruvim.” The composite form was that of two young children (cf. Rashi, Shemot 25:18) with wings, without clothing. According to the Gemara the two “keruvim”were embracing like two lovers (cf. Yoma 54a-b). And the “Zohar” clearly indicates that one was male and the other female. “The word equity [meisharim, lit. equities] in the above quoted verse [Tehillim 99:4] indicates that Keruvim were male and female.” (Zohar, Vayikra 59a)
But this is not all the information that we can find. Let’s go on!!!
This image of naked, embracing innocents obviously could have been misunderstood. The Gemara relates that when the Babylonians captured the Temple and entered the Holy of Holies, they were shock. Here is the quote:
“When the gentiles entered the Hiechal, they saw the Keruvim embracing one another. They took them out to th marketplace and said, ‘This [Nation of] Israel, whose blessings are blessings and curses are curses, are involved in such things!?’ They immediately cheapened them, as the verse says, “All their valuables were cheapened, for they saw her nakedness.” Eichah 1:8) (As appear in Yoma 54b).
The invading forces were evidently quite surprise to see the representation of the human form in the midst of the Holy Temple. The Jews were not thought of as idolaters, and the ininitiated assumed that what they saw was not only prohibited in Jewish law, but objectively erotic. One can certainly understand how they arrived at that conclusion. More on this later on…
Shalom…and keep on asking questions…never stop of asking questions.
Hebrews: 4:12 For the word of Elohim is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Yeshua the Son of Elohim, let us hold fast our profession. 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Astonishing is it not that in Hebrews Rav Shaul declares Torah (The Word) to be the sword specifically within the context of Yeshua the eternal High Priest and invoking the image of the Holy of Holies?
So we have the k’ruvim (noticeably without their swords as was the case in the garden after the fall) covering the mercy seat and sitting atop …. the Ark and of course Ha Torah (the sword)! As Ismael points out also …. all is naked and visible before The Throne … there are no secrets!
It does all tie together so wondrously does it not? As a consequence of the fall and sin …. enter the curse of lawlessness (unrighteousness) which makes man unable to be in ELOHIM’s perfect presence. This condition results in death … as such separation is the only means of our immediate survival. Is perhaps the flaming sword in the garden … The Word? Even then was Yeshua our shield …. keeping us from immediate and eternal destruction?
And Elohim sits upon the mercy seat …. wherein Torah (the standard of righteousness … the Character of ELOHIM) condemns us because of our imperfection…. yet for the blood atoning sacrifice of Yeshua alone we are passed over.
Yet by the law will the unfaithful still be judged and not passed over!
Revelations: 1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword:
19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of Elohim. 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty Elohim. 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
19:21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
In Yeshua … all things! He maintains the sanctity of ELOHIM and lets nothing approach …. and He enables the faithful to approach boldly by Grace!
And then The Tree of Life is made available without the curse to the faithful!
And Yeshua was the curse! Let’s face it …. no matter where we turn within Torah we come back to the story of The Son revealed! For the elect He is Salvation and for the unfaithful (those that did not die with Him on the stake) He will be the ultimate curse!
Sorry about the rambling mishpocha … Skip got me fired up this glorious Shabbat!
no matter where we turn within Torah we come back to the story of The Son revealed! My sentiment too:)
In his the book “Conversations with God”, and it the discourse between N. D. Walsh (author) and G-d, the latter speaks of cultural myths and specifically of the ‘cultural myth’ of original sin. I Quote in part: “Your first cutlural myth is that human beings are inherently evil. This is the myth of original sin. The myth holds that not only is your basic nature evil, you were born that way (Pg. 602 ‘Trilogy’).
On page 603 it continues: “Thus, your basic instincy cannot be ‘survival’ and your basic nature is clearly not ‘evil.’ You instinct and your nature is to reflect the essence of who you are, which is fariness, oneness, and love (the nature of God).”
Any thoughts?
While there are some tangents of truth in the “Conversations with God” series, most of the work is filled to the brim with gnostic Greek philosophy and mystic religion. It is certainly a significant departure from biblical thinking, although the departure is quite appealing since it contains aspects of truth and appeals to humanism. Unless you have a thorough background in Greek philosophy, you are likely to fall into the trap.
And “this Word” was made flesh and dwelt among us! Immanuel,- G-d with us! What happens when G-d speaks? What happens when we listen (and obey) to what He says? Life!! Peace!! Joy!! “Every word of G-d is pure”. The words I speak unto you.. they are spirit and they are life!! Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and they became unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. What has HaShem given unto us? Both His written word and the livng Word.
Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life
Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life
Words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty
Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life
Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life
Christ, the blessed One, gives to all wonderful words of life
Sinner, list to the loving call, wonderful words of life
All so freely given, wooing us to heaven
Sweetly echo the Gospel call, wonderful words of life
Offer pardon and peace to all, wonderful words of life
Jesus, only Savior, sanctify us forever
Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life
Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life.
Are these words his messengers? (angels?)
In the beginning was the Word..
Thank you Drew for your analysis, excellent!!! I’m learning a lot!!!
In order to find a deeper understanding (awareness) of the meaning of the Keruvim, we must investigate the other places that the Keruvim appear. As Drew pinpoint, the first mention of the Keruvim in the Torah is in the verse describing the eviction of man from Gan Eden. (cf. Bereishit 3:24)
As a result of man’s sin, the keruvim enter the to our dimensions in order to protect the Tree of Life. Before the sin of Adam and Chavah, the keruvim were unnecessary; as far as we can perceive they appear only as a result of the sin. This lead us to conclude that the keruvim represent none other than Adam and Chavah themselves, young, innocent, and naked in Eden. Only as a result of their sin did they become aware of and embarrassed by their nakedness. (cf. Bereishit 3:6-11)
Now they knew that they were naked; now they needed to clothe themselves. Now they hid from God. It is fascinating that the Hebrew word for clothing is “beged” from the root “bagad,” treason or rebellion. The clothing which mans wears is a memorial to rebellion and the resultant distancing from God.
In the place of this jaded couple, pathetically attempting to hide from God, now stood an innocent looking couple, representing Adam and Chavah BEFORE the sin, guarding the passage to the Tree of Life, the Torah.
The two Keruvim were made of one piece of gold, just as Adam and Chavah were initially joined together as one (echad) The keruvim symbolize the ultimate return to one’s self. (cf. Zohar, Bereishit 165a).
“The man said, ‘The woman whom You gave to be with me gave me of the tree and I ate'”(Bereishit 3:12) [Rabbi Shimon] said: The expression “with me” indicates that Adam and Chavah were created together, with one body. (cf. Zohar, Vayikra 83b)
Throughout the generations, the “kohein gadol” would enter the Holy of Holies on the holiest day of the year–Yom Kippur, the day on which the Jews were forgiven for the sin of the golden calf. Yom Kippur more than any other day symbolizes rebirth, regained innocence. The kohein gadol, attired in special clothing would venture into the Holy of Holies. As he entered he saw before him this perpetual image of innocence, purity and holiness: the Keruvim, symbolizing Adam and Chavah as they were meant to be. Standing before God, he prayed for cleansing, purity, and innocence for the entire nation. (cf. Vayikra 16:30)
The Mishkan was not designed to be a home for God, but a place where man could return home-to himself.
How important and beautiful is to know this and be able to perceive the incomparable function of Yeshua!!!
Hi Ismael,
I find your analysis very interesting; thanks for sharing!
I also have a few questions for you.
1. Is Chavah and Havah the same; if so why the C?
2. If I saw “Vaykra” out of context I would think it was an Indian name.
3. Are the two languages very similar?
Hello Mike!!
Let me answer your questions
1. Chavah and Havah are the same name. The difference is because of transliteration, nothing important in this case.
2. Vaykra, could be transliterated as Vayikrah. This is the name of the book that we called Leviticus.
3. The third question I can’t answer it because I don’t know which is the other language that you have in mind.
Hi Ismael,
I did a search and found the following information on Leviticus by David Malick.
Looks like the name is derived from the Latin “Liber Leviticus” for the Levite Priests.
An Introduction to Leviticus
By: David Malick
A. Hebrew: In Hebrew the title for this book comes from the opening words wayyiqra (aqyw) meaning “and he called” 1:1
B. Greek: In the Greek LXX the term is Leuitikon (LEUITIKON) an adjective used to describe the book as dealing primarily with ritual worship
C. Latin: The Vulgate (a revision of the Old Latin) rendered the Greek heading Liber Leviticus (Book of Leviticus) from which the English is derived1
1. This is an adjective suggesting the complete title “the Levitical book” or the “book pertaining to the Levites”
2. The book is really about cultic service which the descendants of Levi would participate in.2 The principle people in the book are Aaron and the priests to whom was committed the Aaronic priesthood
3. Later a distinction was made between the Levites and the Priests, and thee Levites could not claim Aaronic descent
Hi Ismael.
Please bear with me, I have a few more questions for you
1. Are Vaykra and Leviticus the same language?
2. Why is it called Leviticus, does it have to do with the tribe of Levites?
3. How close is Hebrew to Hindi? I work with many Indian engineers and you seem to have something in common with them. I don’t talk to them about religion, but many are very religious.
Blessings …
Michael, the first name is Hebrew,and the second one is English.
Its name is Leviticus because is the “Manual” for the priests.
And the third question I can’t give you an answer because I don’t know how close are these two languages.
Blessings my friend,
Quite interesting my brother … the k’ruvim as the unspoiled manifestation of Adam and Chavah!
As you point out “beaten and melded” atop the atonement cover (kapporet) as a “unit”…. as in one basar (flesh).
I am liking this more and more as I think about it yet one more time. In prior studies this was broached yet I remained skeptical. Yet maybe not so at this time!
Especially in light of the fact that the Sanctuary curtains were embroidered with the image of k’ruvim as well. The k’eruvim (if we were to view them in the context of Adam and Chavah) providing all Israel (and the Gentiles with them) with the stark reminder of our fall due to disobedience …. and how glorious we were in our natural innocent state!
From this perspective (as Skip pointed out) the Sanctary can easily paint a picture of being outside versus inside the garden!
How merciful He is to provide us with the hope and then deliver Y’shua through His Own Beloved Son. Oh to be inside New Jerusalem, back in the garden, with all the beloved! Barukh HaShem!
Some great thoughts!
… Keep’em coming folks!
More important, in my opinion, is that both ones are one (echad) Just as our Creator is ONE (echad) One more comment. If we are able to learn from each other is because we are not labeling what we sharing. If we want to learn from each other we must be open to listen so that we can perceive what the other person is trying to communicate. And this is something that we can find in this place. May God bless Dr. Moen!!!
And of course the walk back …. thanks to Yeshua, is spelled out for us as well in the construct of the Sacrificial System associated with the Sanctuary!
1) The Sacrificial Altar representing Repentance/Atonement (Submission and admittance that we are separated!)
2) The Laver representing our Baptism into Yeshua’s death and resurrection
3) The Menorah representing Receipt of Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit)
4) The Shew Bread representing Communion with and in Yeshua; The Word of G_d and Bread Of Life within us … our continued sustenance!
5) The Incense Table representing our Prayers, Offerings and our very lives as a sacrifice of obedience and submission in communion with Yeshua
6) The Sacred Veil representing Presentation to Adonai and naturally our Judgment; for the unrighteous perish when approaching Adonai yet the faithful are provided mercy!
7) The Presence of Adonai (Inside the Holy of Holies) representing Being Echad (one) with Adonai upon being declared righteous through genuine faith in Yeshua. Back to an uncorrupted state!
And now aligning the Holy of Holies with Eden ….. beautiful!
One thing does lead to another doesn’t it?? We have mentioned the veil of the temple being torn allowing (whosoever will) access into a previously very exclusive and holy place. In the O.T. G-d had a temple for His people, but today,a people for His temple. We who belong to Him are now His dwelling place. “Christ lives in me” is very much a difficult concept to grasp and one that can only be revealed by G-d himself in the life of each child belonging to Him. We need also to lay hold of what makes heaven, well.. heaven. Is it the streets of gold or pearly gates? Would heaven be heaven without the Presence of Messiah? Is this same Presence of Messiah available to the children of YHYH right now? Does Christ dwell in our hearts by faith? Are we practicing the presence of G-d as Brother Lawrence so beautifully testified, even while among the pots in the kitchen? Names in Hebrew of course are all ‘signifigant’. Eden means “delight”. May I ask sir or m’am what delights you or in what do you “delight?” Have you learned to delight yourself in the LORD?” Is it your duty to pray or has it become a delight? Do you delight to do our Father’s will as our Teacher stated? This is Eden reinstated. What a delight to minister to one who is in need in the name of Yeshua. To know He is working in us and through us to accomplish that which is pleasing to Him is such a delight and thrill! This is “Eden!” To know G-d is near and to be able to fellowship with Him in spirit and in truth in all places and at all times is no longer dreadful, but thanks to the new birth, we no longer run from our G-d, we run to Him! He is worthy of honor,worthy of praise and worthy of our very lives. It is a delightful to know Him and to sense His “well done.” Through the sacrificial propitiation of the Lamb we have been restored and renewed to a right relationship with a G-d who is alone is Holy. What about the “fear of God?” “There is no need to fear Someone who loves us perfectly.” He who spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all- How shall He not with Him-freely give us all things?? Once again.. Hallelujah for the execution stake of our Savior..
Thank you Father for making the way open for us through the sacrifice of your Son. Thank you for setting this captive free and healing this broken heart. Thank you for bringing me to this table of delight that we can partake in the devine nature through the Bread of Life, Yehshua.
Thanks for sharing all you fellow travelers.
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Mt 18:2-4