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For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh; but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13
Serve – “How may I serve you?” When someone in a retail store asks that question, what do you think? You probably anticipate a sales pitch. You might reply, “I’m just looking,” in order to forestall further interrogation. Does all this commercialization taint your attitude toward Paul’s command for service? It might, but it shouldn’t if we see this verb in Greek. Why? Because the verb is not about an employee offering assistance in order to make a sale. This verb (douleuo) is about the service of a slave! Paul is not saying that we are to serve each other as if we were employed. He is saying that we are to serve each other as if we were slaves! That’s a big difference.
In the NASB translation, you don’t see the emphasis of being a slave. The verb is translated as if it were diakoneo, another verb for serving. But diakoneo puts attention on the work or the job, not on the relationship. If I serve as a diakonia, I serve voluntarily in order to accomplish a task. Once the work is done, my service has ended. A great many Christians take this approach toward community interaction. There are jobs to do in the church. We need volunteers. We won’t require more than just getting the work done.
This is not douleuo. The service of a slave is not voluntary. I don’t decide if I am going to do what the Master asks. I do it! Why? Because He owns me. It is the relationship of ownership that governs the assignments, not the tasks to be accomplished. So, Paul exhorts us to act as slaves of each other because love is the active expression of benevolence toward another at cost to myself. My Master has redeemed me in order that I may serve you. This is the basis of “love your neighbor.” I am not just doing a job. My relationship to you doesn’t end when the clock says it’s quitting time. You and I are bound together no matter what the circumstances because He owns us. So, let’s try this verse again. “but through love serve one another as slaves.” That captures it.
Now we get to ask, “How may I serve you as if you owned me?” I put aside my agenda, replacing it with yours. I do what is best for you, under God’s guidance, in order that you might serve Him with glorious satisfaction. My only hope is that I may bring God closer to you and let you experience His delight in you. I am here to make your life wonderfully godly.
Now, “How may I serve you?”
Topical Index: serve, douleuo, diakoneo, slave, employee, Galatians 5:13
Tell us and proclaim unto us of the “sipeyrs” of Scripture. Words like “serve”. What does this word mean?
(Does G-d say what He means and mean what He says?) There are mulitple definitions for “serve”. I can choose one among many and try and make it fit what I think it means. I probably will be frustrated in the end when I can’t make it all fit “my definition.” Might even end up in a religious cult somewhere..who knows. There is such power even in a single word. There truly is a “world within a word.” Hurtful,hateful words or healing,helpful words. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Yeshua has said, (and His words are forever). “The words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” “Every word of G-d is pure.” “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of G-d.” Jesus said unto the Advesary three times- “it is written.” What is written? The living words of G-d. We do err, “not knowing the Scriptures, or the power of G-d”. Words such as “serve.” (avadh-work,worship,serve). “For the word(s) of G-d are alive, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword..” <> Please follow the words of the Christ spoken unto you.. -“feed my sheep.” Teach and proclaim to us the words of the Master/Teacher. “Thy words were found, and I did eat them.. and they became unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart”.
Skip, the last Gal. reference at the bottom, is incorrect: I was reading this in a rush, as often I must because of doing for others, ONLY BECAUSE GOD, BY THE POWER OF HIS SPIRIT, SPEAKS TO HIS SPIRIT IN ME, AND GIVES ME THE LOVE AND DESIRE TO DO THAT! CURRENTLY WE ARE getting ready for another day of helping “OUR FOSTER” military family- THEY DID NOT ASK US TO HELP THEM, THEY ARE ALONE WITHOUT FAMILY, AND still without a car- AFTER A WRECK–NOT HER FAULT– and three little ones, a wife with injuries- WE DID HELP GET THE SISTER AND HER TWO LITLE ONES TO THE AIRPORT TO FLY TO NY, the father with pneumonia & other injuries not taken care of–the reason for him being here- is returning to Iraq Mon.–no matter–what–(appeals from many -even Red Cross- have not helped, he will be sent out Mon.—
——Now, I pulled out my Bible, read the bottom scripture for reference, as I was somewhat bothered in my spirit, about the Teaching—- then when I looked at the bottom ref. and verse 3, did not add up, at all. I went to the top AND SAW IT WAS V. 13. ——WE ALL NEED TO READ V. 16, TOO–
THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE STATES GAL. 5:16 , ” bUT I say, walk and live (habitually) in the (Holy) Spirit (responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit); then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God). — v. 17 is great,too, but, v.. 18. is a necessity in this study on serving—– v. 18. But if you are guided (led) by the (Holy ) Spirit, you are not subect to the Law. and then on into the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear:—
CARL ROBERTS: thanks for your excellent imput, it was worthwhile as usual, and according to God’s Word. I must run, three little ones and a young mother extremely bureden and with injuries, need me—— God ” gave” this family to us three years ago this Aug. outside working in the yard, where, He has given us several through the years; they range from a Turkish Muslim mother walking by, another area in a large city, to two miltiary women ( sisters) with total of three children— to casual needs for local ones, that wanted seeds, plants, knowledge in greenery and flowers and veggie gardening by my now 80 year old husband—– too the current military family that I have written about: she is half Korean, he is Spanish— the children are all so smart and beautiful, too. God is so GOOD, to allow Us to be a part of their lives–as hetic as they are——If you will, anyone that reads this, pleas pray for them!!!!! love and blessing to anyone who reads this. L.B. —No time to reread it, hope it makes fairly good sense! L.B .
Sorry, my typo. It is Gal. 5:13
flesh – (human nature without God)
Hi L. B.
Whenever I try to read Paul, I tend to get confused when I come to his usage of the word “flesh.”
In fact, it tends to derail my mind.
I’m wondering if there are always at least two meanings for flesh in Paul; the one you mention above and another that is determined by the context of his specific message?
Hello Michael
I’m including one link to a book written by Dr. James D.G. Dunn where he analyzed the word “sarx.” and “basar” Hope it will be helpful.
Thanks Ismael. Very Interesting
If you move to section 3.3, there is an extended analysis of the word “sarx.”
Shabbat Shalom Everyone!
I love reading these insights into the Word. It would be wonderful if Skip did a weekly Parshah commentary for Shabbat, so we could question and comment as they did in Yeshua’s time. I would so love to have a weekly midrash within our community … what do you think?
Sounds good to me
I think I can barely keep up now.
You asked, how can I be of service.
I did not mean to add to your work I meant “in place” of the posting you do for Saturday, I’m sorry.
If there is any way I could help bring this about by offering the audio Parshah reading page of my blog; http://www.seekandyouwillfind.ca/Seek_and_you_will_find/Parshah_Talk/Parshah_Talk.html -as a starting point, or anything else, I would be more than willing help.
Skip, you have served us in Holland more than you know. I daily read your Today’s Thought, and use them for my sermons in an ecclesia in Rotterdam. So do my fellow workers. You know Andries, I think: we are longtime slaves of Christ in our congregation. Slaving together has brought us much difficulty and pain, but it’s always a reward reading the next Thought. Like taking a warm bath after a long and exhausting day. Like coming home after a long jouney. Although we are at the other side of the ocean, we / I feel like we are very good friends, yea, real brothers!
I did not sign in for meating other members of the ‘family’ ecause of the distance, but we feel related!
God bless you all,
Kees Brakshoofden, Holland (Ha, try to pronounce that one!)
Someday I would love to visit all my readers in Holland. That would be very special indeed.
Dear Skip,
May I take it that “ignoring my input” is your way of saying you are not interested in going in that direction? (Parshah Midrash) I sense a reluctance that I don’t understand.
When I first wrote a comment to you on this blog site, I said how you had really impacted me. As I was being led to do His Word in my life with a more Messianic observance, I also noticed in your TWs that they seemed to be less Evangelical but more Messianic. You did not reply on the blog, but sent me an email to say that you liked what I said. At the time, I wondered why you didn’t say so in public.
I have also tried to arrange a meeting with you and Bob when you are in Israel, at first you responded that would be nice, but when I asked for your itinerary to actually make it happen, I have not had a reply.
I know you are very busy, and I was thinking that after I have completed my volunteering in Israel, I would, God willing, come and volunteer for your ministry.
But I am at a loss when it comes to lack of sincere response to my efforts in brotherly love and community relationship.
My apologies. I have been traveling since July 3. 25 days on the road does wonders for responsive messages. I am not “ignoring” you, I just don’t have time to respond in detail. I leave for Houston on Tuesday, back on Thursday and then some needed “no-travel” time to try to answer everyone. You are not alone on this. With 500 people in the community, I often get behind these days. I have all your material about Israel, but that priority is later. Now I have to prepare for classes in August.
Last paragraph of this article, ” Now we get to ask, “How may I serve you as if you owned me?” I put aside MY Agenda, replacing it with yours. I do what is best for you, under God’s guidance, in order that you might serve Him——. My only hope is that I may bring God closer to you and let you experience His deligh in you. I am here to make your life wonderfully godly.” ” Now may I serve you?” Posted by Skip Moen on July 24, 2009————–
Skip, It appears after reading some of the “Replies” above, and your July 26th reply above, and observation of the things going on/ or not moving on, is the reason I wrote on another post recently, my Spirit is bothered.
No one is super human, you have a wife & family of children–even if some of them are grown–they deserve some of your time and attention, prayers and practical teaching. Why is it necessary for you to try and take on so many different “positions”? This is all from the TORAH–
So what if, you “somewhat” educate a large amount of people in the Messanic community, and none of your own children know & serve God through Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit.( and have a great relationship with their father? How will they know of the Father’s love, if they do not have it shown to them? Do not lose your own family, and your health. Please evaluate your need to seemingly be so driven–running here there and yonder, and trying to keep up with writing, (peaceful ? things from the Heavenly Father–no matter what language you use. God understands it!!!) –
PERHAPS IT WILL BE DURING THE DAYS YOU MAY FIND, AFTER CLASS PREPARATION, AND THEN ANOTHER TRIP: MAYBE THE NEXT ONE is TO ISRAEL IN OCT., or maybe another country or two, will be visited in between. Yes, we personally, have traveled enough to KNOW the toll it takes, you must evaluate that, in the choices you make.
– –evaluating, choosing God’s way, slowing down to keep up, gains- needs??? let God show you
— We have been with you almost since the beginning of Today’s Word . You were just beginning to try to come out of a terrible large financial disaster. We met you via Vince S.( that we all knew) down in Florida, and through one of our daughters who got on line with you. —-We care for you with the love of Jesus— That is why I write. Remember who you are in Christ Jesus, and walk carefully and slowly ( gently, gently). GOD IS GREATER—- L.B. and Ed, too