Bi-Polar Communities
I’ve noticed a few things over the last months. Our community seems to have two wonderful strains going at the same time. We have a group of serious biblical exegetes – those who are willing to turn over all the stones to find the truth. This group follows the theological paths that I only hint at, and reading along with them usually uncovers a lot of insights. It’s a pleasure to be among people who are not afraid to seek and who are willing to learn from each other.
At the same time, we have another strain that focuses on the personal, practical, compassionate elements of peace with God. These people write about their victories and struggles. They comfort one another. They offer help. They pray for each other. I am blessed each time I read about their endeavors. I am sure you are too.
Now, here’s the best part. Often the two groups are the same people. There is room for all under His banner and one approach feeds the other. Good theological discussion should lead to compassionate acts. Compassionate acts should be based on solid theology.
It has been nearly 40 years since I experienced this kind of community – a long time ago in Switzerland with Francis Schaeffer. I am glad to see it come back. Thank you.
As you know, Francis Schaeffer said this: “So, there must be two orthodoxies; the orthodoxy of doctrine and the orthodoxy of community. And both orthodoxies must be practiced down into the warp and the woof of life where the Lordship of the Lord Jesus touches every area of our life. Thus, there are four requirements if we are to meet the needs of our generation. They are the two contents (The First Content: Sound Doctrine and the Second Content: Honest Answers to Honest Questions) and then the two realities (The First Reality: True Spirituality and the Second Reality: The Beauty of Human Relationships). And when there are the two contents and the two realities, we will begin to see something profound happen in our generation.” The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer – A Christian Worldview, Vol 3 “A Christian View of Spirituality” pp. 407-422, 422…..I would summarize by saying: “Our Christianity must be True and our Christianity must be Real.
Hi David,
I’m not familiar with the work of Francis Schaeffer, but it sounds good to me
Don’t know if there is any good evidence for it, but I read many years ago that Jesus said if you want to enter the Kingdom of God, you must make the two things One.
I think it was in The Divided Self by R. D. Laing, back in the sixties, and it always stuck in my mind.
R. D. Laing – Yes, haven’t thought about his work for many years. You have a librarian’s handle of life, my friend. It’s so good to have you along. Schaeffer was panned by the philosophical elite of his day, probably because he as such an “ordinary” thinker, but his true gift was that he was a deep ordinary thinker who did not hide behind philosophical jargon. His little book “Escape from Reason” changed my whole direction, pushing me toward issues that alter culture. He made philosophy radically important. I miss him.
Thanks David. I talked with him often and heard him talk even more often, but I had forgotten about this one. L’Abri was his version of that reality. Maybe we are the cyberspace L’Abri. I can tell you that I have not been “home” since I left there many years ago.
Hello everybody!!!
Dr. Moen take just two minutes. What take just two minutes?? Well, take a look at the Tree of Life. You can go to Tamar Frankiel’s book and there you can get in touch with the opposites and how to find harmony between the two extremes poles. You don’t have to do it now, but once you get in contact with these concepts I’m pretty sure that you will get a new perspective of this bipolarity.
Ismael, I have appreciated the books you have sent to me. Now I will have to go find this one as well. It sounds great. Thanks for being one who is constantly looking beyond.
“How Should We Then Live?” was the question put forth by “Dr.” Schaeffer (back in the day!).
And the answer was given 2000 years before the question!..
“and thou shalt love the LORD thy G-d with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength.. and love your neighbor as yourself.”
“Love”, “Dr.” Shaeffer.. “walking in love”- speaking the truth.. in love. And “let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus.”
I love this community and the deeper things we share…including the privilege to pray for one another. We are knit together and have the mindset that Paul spoke of in Col 3:2-3 “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. And next my fav in verse 4…When Christ, who is our life…! Yes, Christ is our life!
Kelly or anyone – how do you get your pic/photo on these responses????