Getting It Done

who executes judgment for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. Psalm 146:7

Executes – Do we really believe God takes care of things for the oppressed? If we knew the Hebrew verb here (‘asah) is a verb that usually means a deliberate action with distinct purpose, would that change our expectations about God’s intervention? Perhaps it would be helpful to realize the oppressed in this verse are not the poor, the downtrodden or the wretched of the earth. In this verse, the root word is ‘ashaq. It means those who have been cheated or exploited or extorted. These people have been defrauded or abused, usually because someone in power took advantage of them. Do you know people who could be described as ‘ashooqim? I certainly do. Pensioners, investors, buyers, mortgage holders, lenders – the list is long. The psalmist tells us that God Himself will bring judgment upon the reprobates responsible for such abuse.

Do you believe that? Do you believe God will take deliberate action for the purpose of bringing judgment on those who defraud others? Of course, that doesn’t mean God will strike down the abusers with lightning bolts. But it does mean God will not allow them to act without consequence. David suggests God’s judgment is one reason why I can hope to God. God is not passive or impassible. He hears my cry and feels my anguish – and He does something about it. I move toward Him in prayer and outcry. He moves toward me in justice and mercy. Those who think they are getting away with it will encounter the God who protects and vindicates the righteous.

But do you really believe this?

It’s so easy to think I have to create my own lightning bolts to rectify things. It’s so easy to discount the invisible God. It’s so easy to take on the operation of judgment myself – “to get even.” The expression itself is Greek. “To get even” implies to set the balance back to zero, to make someone else carry the appropriate weight. But God doesn’t make things “even.” He makes things holy. Perhaps we need to reflect on the difference. Holiness doesn’t always imply a return to the previous distribution, but it always implies redeeming action that glorifies God. Is that what we are looking for?

I believe God executes justice. I believe fraud is a sin (it is, after all, a lie). I believe God is glorified when I take redemptive action on behalf of the oppressed. But I don’t know precisely what that means until I run to Him for guidance. And that implies movement over and over and over again until I meet Him on the road.

Let the journey to righteousness begin, Lord.

Topical Index: executes, oppressed, ‘asah, ‘ashaq, defraud, judgment, Psalm 146:7

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Really great lesson today, Skip. “God doesn’t make things even. He makes things holy.” Never looked at it that way, but it is really true, and an encouragement to go to Him yet again today for direction, for guidance, and for encouragement.


“who executes judgment for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. Psalm 146:7”

Hi Skip,

I think the point here is that when we are walking in the Way, we act in a Godly manner.

And we are the ones who are supposed to execute judgment for the oppressed; to give food to the hungry.

What happens if we act in a Godly manner? The Bible tells us we will reap what we sow.

Gal 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.

The Bible tells us that if we act like the Good Shepherd, we will be judged accordingly.

But we might still end up like the Sacrificial Lamb.


You know … this is quite a difficult paradigm at times! At least for me!

Yes we must await the awesome ELOHIM … for vengeance is His and only He can search the hearts of persons. Yet on the other hand we simply can not sit back and watch …. as people get abused and taken advantage of.

Skip … I really like that you pointed out this is not something that is often apparent and that we need to move towards ELOHIM for guidance. Perhaps it remains difficult for me at times because I am attempting to figure out the actions on my own!

Good message brother!


Skip… to further your example. When the fruit is good on the tree it is desirable to, and benefits others. When the good fruit is not given out it soon withers and falls at the foot of the tree where is rots and is eventually able to re-nourish the tree. As the tree is nourished and thrives, it again is allowed to blossom and produce new fruit. YHWH gives us many chances to git-r-dun. The important thing is that we don’t take our eye off the Promise. His re-newed covenant with us was to write His Torah on our inward parts and in our hearts (Yirm 31:33). In obedience we look out for the poor, the widow, the fatherless as we walk toward the promised land.

Jeffrey Curtis

Thanks Skip for the word today, the Spirit of God gave me a revelation on the fruit.
While reading and studing Gen 1:12 the description of the tree’s fruit, it says the seed in the fruit repoduces the same kind of tree. As I offer the fruit of the Spirit to others and they take it in it will reproduce the same tree in them. Does this sound true? or did I miss what the Lord was showing me?
A fellow traveler on the Way,