Event Horizon

The grace of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach with all of you. Amen. Philippians 4:23

GraceCharis is one of the most important words in the Ketuvim Netzarim (New Testament). It is by grace (charis) alone that we are saved. God’s charis is our strength and shield as we await the return of His Son. We are known to each other by the charis we share with each other. The word is found in the symbolic meal (eucharist), in our greeting (“Rejoice!”) and in the character of our community. We know this word. Or do we?

If we recognize that Hebrew is a dynamic language, built around the flow of actions rather than the accumulation of things, perhaps we need to give more consideration to “grace” as event-language rather than spiritual coinage. Perhaps our experience of God’s grace is much more akin to swimming in the flow than it is to being awarded a trophy. Maybe it’s the journey, not the destination, that really matters.

We have a verb “to grace.” It’s not very common, but we do know how to use it. “Would you grace my presence with your company?” This is grace as action. What does it mean? It means to do honor or provide credit to someone by the way that we behave. This verb is entirely relational. It can’t function at all without at least two “players” in the mix. The action of “gracing” occurs only in the event of the relationship. As soon as the relationship is removed, the word no longer has meaning. I can’t grace. I can only grace someone or something.

What if God’s grace is a verb? What if God is gracing us with His presence and in that relationship we find rescue, deliverance and salvation? It has nothing to do with us, of course. God is the one who does the gracing. He shows up and we are graced by Him. But if we don’t show up, all God’s gracing won’t benefit us one bit. If we want to experience God’s gracing event, we must get into the flow of the relationship with Him. If love is a verb (and it is), aren’t faith and grace and joy also verbs? None of these are “things” I can add to my spiritual treasure chest for use at a later time. They exist only as I experience them in action, right now. While the grammar is horrific, perhaps we should be speaking of “faithing” and “joying” and “gracing” along with loving. Maybe we need to see our spiritual condition in terms of the journey of experiences in the household of God rather than a collection of mementos from past travels. Do you think the Bible is a picture album or a narrative story? When you read it, are you immersed in the flow of God among men or are you merely a critical historian observing what others wrote?

Imagine what it would be like to walk the event horizon of the intersection of God and His creation every moment of the day. Imagine the wonder, the surprise, the awe you could experience as each new verb came into play along your journey. Imagine what it would be like to swim, not with the Spirit, but in the Spirit. Just imagine.

Topical Index: event horizon, verb, grace, charis, Philippians 4:23, journey

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carl roberts

To all of the words concerning grace written above I say “amen”. “it is so”. Except for one small minor detail. “always something”, isn’t it? (lol!)- Dear family. To all the animals in the ark of Noah. (lol!) -Grace be unto you and peace from G-d our Father. Aren’t you glad to be part of the family of G-d! Hallelujah for the cross! What a diverse famiiy we are in. Abraham, Moses, Noah..(name-dropper!).. –all part of G-d’s story and all different, yet all are in deep relationship with YHWH. Could we add some more names to the mix? Let’s fast forward a couple thousand years and add these names.. – Dwight L. Moody, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Billy Sunday, Skip Moen, Carl Roberts. Ho now. How did these last two names slip into the “A list”. (lol!) .. (don’t worry or fret.. your name is included as well..- He knows your name!).
—Yes, ‘grace’ is a verb. Faith also. Worship also. We (all) are in a deep relationship with the living G-d. And daily G-d shows up in our lives and constantly ‘attempts’ to communicate and reveal Himself to each of us. I used to read (with envy!)- “Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD”. – Now that -is a beautiful thing. That is something I want. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could say it and know it- “Skip found grace”, or Moses , or Carl,or Abraham? Grace to you and peace from G-d our Father. Yes,it has been said, “it’s not the destination- it’s the journey”. To this, I reply -“absolutely” , but, -don’t “endure”- “enjoy”..-Why?- Because in reality.. – it is not “either/or” it’s both.” He is LORD of heaven AND of earth. It is “both”-the journey AND the destination. I’m on my way (and so are you) to the Exit door. Brethren (and sisteren) -we are heaven born and heaven bound. -It is “not only”/”but also” JOY unspeakable and full of glory. Not either/or but both! Because He is LORD of heaven AND of earth. To die is “gain”. Yes, “Eye has not seen, neither ear heard the things”.. (but wait there’s “more”..) Have you discovered the “more” of Jesus Messiah? Salvation is to the Jew first AND also to the Greek. Not either/or- both. Not old testament or new. Not either/or- both. From Genesis 1:1 thru maps- “every word of G-d is pure”. G-d is a G-d of diversity, yes!, but G-d is a G-d of unity also. One LORD, one faith, one baptism. One G-d and Father of all. It had to have been some kind of noisy within the ark of safety- don’t you think? Can’t you hear Noah’s thoughts- “how long, Adonai?” (lol!). The big boat was sealed with “pitch”, within and without. “Sealed”. Didn’t leak a drop! – It’s G-d’s call- ‘all aboard!!’ Whosoever will.. may come.


This grace is the experiential difference between religion and relationship with the Lord, isn’t it? Seeing grace in this light will cause us, produce in us, the “working out” of our salvation with “fear and trembling” because we know it is not anything we have done within ourselves that we should boast. We see that our brother Paul was operating in the strength of his own mind and religious mindset, actually persecuting to death, believers and followers of the “Way”, until God “graced” him with His light, voice and consuming Presence. THEN, Everything CHANGED! Yes, brother Skip, grace changes, grace teaches, grace illuminates, grace purifies, grace disciplines, grace forgives, grace seeks the good of others…the list goes on as does the mercy and grace of God that is eternal.


“This grace is the experiential difference between religion and relationship with the Lord, isn’t it?”

Hi Mary,

Well said, and couldn’t agree with you more.

BTW don’t meet many folks who use “experiential” as an adjective or make casual references to Søren Kierkegaard.

Regarding the Ketuvim Netzarim, just found the following link and wanted to share it


“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Netzer (Branch) shall grow out of his roots:”

Isaiah 11:1

Ketuvim כתובים, is a common Hebrew term meaning “writings”. Netzarim originates from the term “Netzer” which is a prophetic term spoken by Yeshayahu (Isaiah) the Prophet. 1Ketuvim Netzarim means “writings of the Nazarenes”.

“Netzer” means “sprout or shoot”, which is the evidence of the first new life taking root. The Netzer is prophetically referring to The Mashiyach.