The Big Picture
“and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” Exodus 19:6
Kingdom – A very curious thing has happened to Christianity in the last 2000 years; something that may now be finally coming to an end. I don’t mean the return of Yeshua. In spite of the current crop of “signs,” no one has ever yet been right about that return and there is no reason to believe that human beings will ever be right about predicting it. No, the situation that seems to be coming to an end is the nearly universal assumption about the irrelevance of the God of Israel. For 2000 years, Christianity has basically operated as if Israel had nothing more than passing interest in God’s plan.
In his book The God of Israel and Christian Theology, R. Kendall Soulen makes a compelling argument for the disregard of the core of biblical teaching. He points out that nearly all Christian theology is based on universal ethical principles, not on the particulars of a God exclusively associated with the tiny nation of Israel. In other words, Christian theology picks its universal themes from Genesis 1-3, uses the remaining bulk of the “old” testament as proof texts for the Messiah, jumps over centuries of God’s interactions with one people and claims the universal application of justification, redemption and return in the “new” testament. Christianity basically ignores most of Scripture. It treats the vast majority of the Hebrew Scriptures as nothing more than historical interest with prophetic slant.
Just reflect on this for a moment. Eighty percent of the Bible is the story of God’s interaction with the Jews. In fact, since we now recognize that every New Testament (Ketuvim Netzarim) author was either Jewish or a proselyte to Judaism, the Bible really is en toto a Jewish document. But Christians don’t treat it that way. Christians cull out the Jewish portions and redefine the rest as God’s plan for all Mankind. How did this happen? More importantly, what happens when we finally begin to treat all Scripture within the framework of Judaism?
Soulen demonstrates that the early church fathers, in particular Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, provided a powerful interpretative scheme (a paradigm) for the Bible. This scheme had four pillars: God’s universal orientation in creation (the cosmos and Man), the Fall (Man’s moral dilemma), redemption (the role of Jesus) and final restoration (the return of the Christ). For 2000 years, theologians have basically worked inside this paradigm to articulate the nature and scope of Christian belief. In general, all Christian systematic theology is build upon these four universal pillars. But notice that these pillars completely ignore God’s particular interaction with the specific people called His people, Israel. In fact, with these four pillars in place, there is no real need for Israel at all. It isn’t surprising that the history of Christianity demonstrates a singular lack of concern or respect for Jews. In the history of Christian thought, Jews were replaced by the true and permanent spiritual entity, the Church. Therefore, whatever God did with them was temporary and is now no longer of consequence.
The problem with this paradigm is the lack of biblical evidence to support it. Verse after verse, book after book, recounts God’s specific interaction with one particular people, not with the universal stage of all Mankind. This passage in Exodus is a perfect example. God chose Israel as a kingdom, a mamlakah. Everything God does in the world is filtered through this Kingdom and these people. Without them, there is no connection to the God of Israel. We know this is true because we read it over and over in Scripture, but when it comes to actually embracing the specific, national, personal involvement of God with this unique group, we suddenly become Enlightenment thinkers and start talking in universal terms. We are paradigm-bound. Forget the evidence! Just follow the creed!
What would happen to your theology if you suddenly understood that God is the God of Israel, He shows Himself through His people Israel, He continues to work out His plans with Israel and redemption, justification and restoration are accomplished through Israel? What if your communion with the Holy One of Israel means that you are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, not the universal religion of Christianity? What if the whole Bible is really for you?
Topical Index: Israel, paradigm, kingdom, mamlakah, Exodus 19:6
–what happens when we finally begin to treat all Scripture within the framework of Judaism?–
maybe I should title my response: “Trouble in Paradise”..
I have heard my wife (and others) say the words.. “you always do this or you always do that..” It really gets to me sometimes to hear people (one of which is my wife), with a wave of the hand, and a mental nod, generalize everything and everybody with the wide brush strokes of prejudice and perception. This probably is a moot point- (I seem to specialize in “moots”!) but to say: “For 2000 years, Christianity has basically operated as if Israel had nothing more than passing interest in God’s plan.” is only partly true. Our Bible, (our Bible) states ‘salvation’, is to the Jew first.. and also to the Greek. At my church (apparently a rare one), we teach, preach and proclaim the Jew as G-d’s chosen people. We also teach this: -G-d is far from finished with Israel. They have been, are, and always will be the chosen race of G-d. Jerusalem is the navel (hub) of the earth. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We weep because they do not recognize Yeshua is the Messiah, G-d incarnated in human flesh. I am not a Jew by natural birth but by the ‘new birth’ I am circumcised with the circumcision made without hands. I am one of the ‘adopted ones’, grafted into the One Vine. My heart has been (and is being) circumcised by the heart and hands of ONE unseen. Here is a little piece of what I believe concerning Israel and yes..we serve, worship,love, and pray to the very same G-d as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Just how central (and critical) is Israel to our faith? Israel is “both” physically and spiritually:
a religion
a region
a relationship
a revelation
a reward
a rejoicing
Israel-both physically and spiritually-
a person
a place
a people- reserved, ransomed,redeemed, restored, resting
a prophecy (Jeremiah 24.7)
a pattern
a picture
a parable
a possession
a Prince
a promise
a peace
Israel is both physically and spiritually
God’s called people
chosen people
collective people (community)
commissioned people
covenant people (both old and new)
circumsized people (a physical reminder of a spiritual event)
Israel (prince with G-d) is – HIS-story
both inclusive and exclusive, individual and collective,human and divine, literal and figurative, flesh and spirit.
It is the teaching, the testing, the tears, the testimony.
We are His bride, we are His body, we have His breath,we have (together) G-d’s past, present and future blessing. We have his Name, His nature.
It is our focus, our future,and the fullness of our G-d.
It is the learning, the life, the love of our LORD.
Hear, O Israel (Shema) We (together- one new man in the new Adam) are HIS.
-Baruch HaShem Yahweh-
Boker tov and I add a humble amein!
“What would happen to your theology if you suddenly understood that God is the God of Israel, He shows Himself through His people Israel, He continues to work out His plans with Israel and redemption, justification and restoration are accomplished through Israel? What if your communion with the Holy One of Israel means that you are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, not the universal religion of Christianity? What if the whole Bible is really for you?”
Maybe our theology will be sharp, powerful and alive! Maybe it will be the “living” Word that drives us continually to the Bread of Life for our sustenance, rather than trying to make it the best way we can through our own efforts. Maybe it will come into alignment with the “whole” Word and make us all the branches of the One True Vine!
Regarding the particulars associated with a tiny nation and a tiny remnant!
Romans: 11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: 11:14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. 11:15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but LIFE FROM THE DEAD?
Perhaps we should take a close look at these passages and really get a feel for the unique role set aside for the Jewish People … the apple of ELOHIM’s eye!
Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 23:38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. 23:39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Do we really think that the “ye” in 23:39 means anything other than HIS people …. His Jewish people?
Think about why hasatan works so diligently to eliminate “the Jewish people”. Think about why this order of creation loathes and despises “the Jewish people”.
Since Yeshua is “life from the dead” and as well “resurrection will not take place until He returns” … is it not clear that “the Jewish people” will invoke the return of Yeshua to save them?
Hence Sha’uls exhortation to drive the Jew to jealousy …. so that restoration of the remnant will take place and Yeshua will return.
Skip you are right …. Adonai is HaEl of Yisrael …. and this tiny remnant of Jewish people has been kept from complete annihilation for a very specific and important purpose! Despite the historical best efforts of Christian cultures to wipe them off the face of the Earth! Let’s face it … we need the remnant to survive and do their thing …. fortunately we know that it will be ELOHIM Who insures their success …. praise HIM forever! Barukh HaShem!
The covenant is to the HOUSE OF ISRAEL. Hello. Is anyone out there listening? The “Jews” are only the house of Judah and a few Levites that returned after the fiasco with the golden calves, AGAIN! The Scripture teaches the 10 Northern Tribes were taken into captivity and then migrated. History teaches the “lost tribes” were scattered to the North and the West, and the Talmud even teaches the 10 tribes are gentiles and the “Jews” still pray for their return 3 times a day!
And as far as prophecy, well, the people in the days of Yahshua didn’t recognize He was fullfilling the feast of Passover. It is no different today. There are a few, praise Yah! that are understanding and observing the Feasts of YHVH concerning the fulfillment of the fall feasts.
Shalom Sister
Yes, Yolanda … I hear you loud and clear!!
It appears you and I are of the same mindset as to this matter. I understand the term Yisraelites is really the more proper term to use in many, many instances rather than Jew or Jewish. So todah rabah for turning another piece of the puzzle right side up.
Yolanda, are you familiar with the “Commonwealth” of Yisr’oel?
Yes I am. Anyone who joins themselves to the Elohim of Abraham as Ruth did and even the Egyptians who left Mitzrayim with Yisr’oel.
To Skip: on your comment that “there is no reason to believe that no human being will ever be right about predicting” the return of Yahshua; I Thessalonians 5 states that the day of YHVH comes as a thief in the night TO THOSE IN DARKNESS, when”they” say… and sudden destruction comes on “them”, notice it is not us of the light, v. 4: “but ye, brethren, are NOT IN DARKNESS, that that day should over take you as a thief”. Just like in the days of Yahshua…..
Thank you, Yolanda. You’re right. The day will not overtake us like a thief in the night. But that means we will be ready to received Him. It does not mean that we will be able to predict when the day will arrive.