Measure For Measure

So Sarai said to Abram, “Now behold, the LORD has prevented me from bearing [children].  Please go in to my maid; perhaps I will obtain children through her.”  And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. Genesis 16:2

Please – Did you think Sarai simply forgave Abram for betraying her by “selling” her to Pharaoh?  Did you think she was the obedient, submissive little wife who said, “If you insist, darling.  I’ll do whatever you ask”?  Sarai might have ended up in Pharaoh’s harem but there are plenty of indications that she wasn’t very happy about it.  Furthermore, this verse shows us another layer of the broken relationship with her husband.  Now she uses his tactics to get what she wants.  In this part of the story, we also see something else.  A return to the Garden where it all fell apart.

First, let’s look at “please.”  There are actually two instances of the particle na in this verse.  In translation, you only see one, but the other opens the entire dialog.  Sarai says, “hine-na has prevented me YHWH from bearing.”  In other words, “Abram, notice please.”  Just as Abram began his request with “please” before he used her for his protection, she begins her request to be “built up” with the same tactic, “please.”  She is going to use him for her gain.  She learned.  If her husband can disguise his intentions with a na, so can she.

Notice that she projects the real responsibility on YHWH.  “The LORD has prevented me.”  It’s really not her fault.  She is being cooperative.  But God is the giver of life and He has interfered in the normal process.  You can see in the Hebrew text that the verb “prevented” comes before the subject YHWH.  God’s action is a personal affront and certainly not her own doing.  “So, Abram, what am I supposed to do?  We’re trying, but nothing is happening.  We’ll have to take another path.”  Sarai introduces the second na.  “Please go in to my maid.”  It’s significant that Sarai never mentions Hagar’s name.  Hagar is not a person.  She is a means to an end.  She is merely the storage bin for Sarai’s expected child.  She’s a thing to be used, in the same way that Sarai was merely a thing to be used.  “bo-na,” says Sarai.  “Go, please.”

Our translation softens Sarai’s motivation.  We extract “perhaps I will obtain children” from a Hebrew passage that literally says, “perhaps I may be built up.”  We should notice that the decision to use Hagar is not for Abram’s benefit even though God’s promise is to Abram.  Sarai hopes to gain personal esteem with this maneuver.  There is no greater humiliation in this cultural setting than be to childless.  Sarai’s plan is about Sarai, and only accidentally about God’s promise.  The dysfunctional dynamics created by Abram’s decision to protect himself have now spilled over into the motivation of his wife.  Abram’s betrayal will now be repaid, and along the way, damage will be done to another person, Hagar, the innocent slave.

How is this connected to the Garden?  How does this conversation replay the betrayal of Adam and Havvah?  We will see – tomorrow.  But today it is sufficient to realize that the great pillars of faith, Abraham and Sarah, are experiencing the same consequences of betrayal that occur today.  Measure for measure.  One acts dishonorably.  The other reciprocates.  We call it getting even or settling the score.  But does it?  Or does it just widen the circle of damage?  What do you think?  Can you fight fire with fire and win?  Do you think winning is the objective?

There is another way.  But Sarai and Abram have not found it yet.  Until they do, they will simply show us an ancient lesson that we must learn.  Unless we choose the other way, measure for measure will always be the result and it will always grow larger.

Topical Index:  measure for measure, na, please, Genesis 16:2

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David Salyer

I found the last phrase the most interesting of phrases: “And Abraham listened to the voice of Sarai.” Especially in light of Skip’s teaching on the concept of “listening to our inner voice” (sin of self-rule and self-determination) rather than listening to and obeying God….Tells me we have to be very careful “who” we listen to.



“The dysfunctional dynamics ” …. say it isn’t so brother Skip! LOL

Looking at the consistent dysfunctional state of the patriarchs/matriarchs … family upon family …. le dor ve dor leaves us with one inescapable conclusion …. we are dysfunctional when we act upon own interests. Yes … even our pillars of faith Avraham and Sarah are a microcosm of us …. constantly battling against The Lord’s plan out of fear, pride and ego!

Yet The Word reveals that The Lord’s intent … His will … shall be achieved! Not by power or might but by Ruach! The question for us is how many negative consequences do we want to create? How much pain do we want to pass along?

Praise Yeshua for stopping the madness of the quid pro quo while taking upon Himself our due measure!

Now this is something to be giving THANKS for … THANK YOU YESHUA to YOU all praise and glory now and forever!

carl roberts

Excellent reply brother Drew!.. just in time for “Thanksgiving!”-

Sin contaminates everything it touches, so my vote is for “ever widening circles”. Every choice we make is followed by a consequence, and sin is a choice. A stupid choice, but nevertheless, it is of our choosing. What are the consequences of our choosing to sin? When we refuse to listen to the voice of YHWH and believe that we (His very creation) know a better way, who are we kidding? This has gone on for thousands of years and is repeated daily all over the planet. We have chosen (willfully and knowingly) to live a lie. We have chosen the artificial over the authentic.
In story after story (in life after life- these are “real people”), we see the results of sin. We are witnesses of these things, both in “ancient” history and in the history being written even as I write these words. The words of YHWH are true. “All have sinned.” Moses, Abraham, David, Peter, John the Baptizer, Saul whose later name was Paul. These are “heavy hitters!” These names appear in the stained glass windows of cathedrals and are listed in the Book of books! But, they all have one thing in common with this man. “All have sinned”. I remember reading something to the effect..”that the whole world may become guilty before G-d”. (Romans 3.19)
It is written: “He does not leave the guilty unpunished; He punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.” (Exodus 34.7) Now we will ask the question again: does sin have any consequences? Even if we are blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other, we would have to agree with G-d’s word; “the wages of sin is death.” Every place the sole of our feet walk we see “dead people walking”. Separated from the Source of Life found only in the Christ. How do they “survive?” By substituting the artificial for the Authentic.
We are instructed in the “User Manual of Life” to “wait on the LORD”. Perhaps Sarai’s patience wore out. I don’t know what the “trigger” was, -maybe the Deceiver visited her tent and placed a seed- thought in her pretty little head. “YHWH has forgotten you.” “He is going to let you shrivel up and die, childless, with no legacy, and shamed.” She went into panic mode (as we often do) and (as we often do) decided to bust a move on her own, without waiting for the LORD.
I needed this story today, brother Skip. I’m right here on this very page. Sarai’s story is my own today. I’m hearing those stretching words.. “But let patience have her perfect work”.. (James 1.4) and also “lean not to your own understanding”..(Proverbs 3.5). This is right on time for me. Thank you Skip and thank you Father, for this lesson from the life of Sarai, (whose later name was Sarah!).


My dear brother Carl … nicely stated. What really caught my eye was the following: We are instructed in the “User Manual of Life” to “wait on the LORD”.

Patience or lack thereof is indeed a leading factor pushing us people to “move on our own”. I suppose it is the waiting time that causes the problems … this “between time” that opens the door to impatience.

Perhaps it is what we do in the “between times” that hinders matters. We tend to measure our relationship by the overt manifestations of The Lord in our lives … maybe our relationship and faithfulness is best measured by the in between periods? We love to focus on The G_D of wonders and at least for me sometimes I forget that He is the G_D of my every step … even when I seem to be walking in place!

Either intentional or accidental brother Carl … thanks for the provocation of thought! My uneventful and “in between time” day just became much more significant! 🙂


Patience or lack thereof is indeed a leading factor pushing us people to “move on our own”.

Hi Drew,

I must plead guilty on that count.

In fact, if you asked my wife what I’m like to live with she would probably say:

“He is very impatient and self-centered and that’s why I’m making him move out on his own.”


Shalom Michael,

Not to pry into your personal life but I hope you are speaking figuratively and not literally in “moving out on your own”!

But you are surely not alone in being guilty of impatience or listening to the voice of ego which sadly drowns out the ability to sh’ma! Sometimes the drone emanating from one’s self seems almost impossible to shut up! It is not easy to keep yourself out of your own way is it?


Hi Drew,

No problem. I am literally moving out on my own, but my wife and I have been going through this process for almost two years and I feel grateful and hopeful that the worst is behind us.

My wife’s brothers and I have been remodeling a condo that I bought within walking distance from our house and I plan to move in to this very nice little place within a week or two.

I will continue to help raise the children and we will both probably be happier not living under the same roof.

At the moment, we are still together and my daughter (13) and I are going to cook the turkey for Thanksgiving tomorrow 🙂




As I type this I’m listening to Tevye sing “Do You Love Me?” from the movie my mother is watching in the other room. (You seem to be a movie fan since you often quote favorite lines and characters. I’m sure you’re familiar with “Fiddler on the Roof.”)

I’m sad to read that you are moving out of your house because you and your wife can’t seem to get along. I hope that it is only a temporary separation and doesn’t lead to divorce which is devastating to all, and the effects never end.

May I recommend a helpful resource? HOPE FOR THE SEPARATED by Dr. Gary Chapman. I pray that you will walk in love and forgiveness and humility. May you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all you think, say and do so that His wisdom prevails and your marriage is reconciled and your family preserved to the glory and praise to God.

BTW, the way I understand marriage, it’s purpose is to rub off the rough edges so that we become holy. Happiness is to be a pleasant byproduct of this, but not the main goal. Here’s a definition of marriage that is succinct: THE UNION OF TWO IMPERFECT PEOPLE ENTERING A COVENANT RELATIONSHIP, DILIGENTLY PURSUING INTIMACY UNDER THE LOVING RULE OF GOD.



Please understand I am NOT advocating divorce but here is some food for thought.
Yahweh can take and make good from any situation.

D is for divine
I is for inspiration
V is for victory
O is for over
R is for resentment
C is for character
E is for enhancement

He is doing it with Yisr’ael!

carl roberts


Shalom CYndee, I love this definition of marriage. This one’s a “keeper.” Michael, (if you’re reading this-), I’m not speaking specifically, I’m speaking generically. G-d however, has stated specifically (to each and to all), “I hate divorce”. (Malachi 2.16) “It is written.” We really need to know the likes and dislikes of YHWH. We need to know what pleases our Father. This is the “will of G-d”. What pleases Him. Our lives (everyone called by His name) center on the will of G-d. I have heard this “will of G-d” phrase seventy eleven times until it finally “sunk in” to this thick skull, the will of G-d is doing what is pleasing in His sight. Years ago, our forerunners (and there are many who have walked this path before us) had an old Latin term “coram deo”. It means “before the eyes of G-d.” And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. (Hebrews 4.13) Even if we know what is pleasing to Him, we are still left with a decision. Will I do what He wants or will I do what I want. The choice is mine. Every time. His will? or my will?. What pleases Him? or what pleases me? I have to remember His ways are NOT my ways.
Ego has been defined as “edge G-d out”. When ego rears its ugly head, it’s not a pretty sight. If you will look in the book of Proverbs there is a list of seven things that G-d hates. (Isn’t it wonderful He has revealed these things to us?). Numero uno on the list is pride. (Proverbs 6:17) What was the downfall of HaSatan? -uh -huh. Now, how can we defeat this “enemy within?” (Help me out here people..) The answer is brokeness. Ouch! I didn’t want that answer. I wanted to be right! I wanted to be in control! I wanted things my way! I,I,I. I need to see the “I” doctor! I’ve got something in my “I”! (it ain’t pretty either!).
Meanwhile, (back at the ranch), “iron sharpens iron”. (may I add another “ouch”?) Friction. He rubs this way and she rubs the other. The daily “grind”! For more help on this I would recommend (to all), the “Purpose Driven Life”. G-d shows up everywhere. (everywhere!). Where are we goin’ to go to hide from Him? (lol!). Quit your running (Jonah) and submit yourself unto doing His will. Easy? Nope. Worth it? Yup. Short term pain.. long term gain. No pain.. no gain. You know the drill. But knowing is a long way from doing isn’t it?
Now for the good news. (bout’ time isn’t it?) His grace is sufficient. Where G-d guides, He provides. He will give you what you need, when you need it. He is able if (I should say when!), we are willing. The perfect “marriage”. Mr Able and Mrs. Willing. It’s a beautiful thing!
Abba’s (recognized and realized) blessings to all. “because of Him”… -Amen!


The perfect “marriage”. Mr. Able and Mrs. Willing. It’s a beautiful thing!

Hi Carl,

I am always encouraged by your comments on this site. 🙂 Please continue to share freely what the LORD is showing you.

BTW, the definition of marriage that I quoted was from the July 2006 message “Once Upon a Time… The Story of Marriage” by Pastor Jeff Helton of Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood, TN.

blessings, CYndee


Hi CYndee,

Thank you for your kind and supportive thoughts. Yes I am familiar with “Fiddler on the Roof;” for some reason I saw a production of the play when it first came out west and then saw the movie a year or two later. I liked them both a lot.

The thought of moving out of my house was very difficult, especially because of the children. About this time last year, I didn’t know if I was going to survive. But now things are much better and I think having a place of my own, with room for the kids every other weekend, is a big step in the right direction.

I will check out HOPE FOR THE SEPARATED and try to walk in love and forgiveness and humility. I’m not sure if I understand marriage but it certainly has brought me closer to God. Thanks again for your prayers and kind thoughts.

May God bless you.


I have thought of you quite often since reading your post and wondering whether you were speaking literally or otherwise. I am certainly saddened to hear of your marriage in this time of trouble. Keep the Lord Jesus Christ in the forefront during this time. Seek Him and godly counsel…ideally, both of you could benefit and then include the children. Praying for you and your family.


Hi Mary,

Thank you for thinking of me, you are very kind.

Just to be precise, all the paperwork for the divorce is in place and it is just a matter of days before I move out.

At this point, I am following my wife’s lead on the legal proceedings and not sure when she plans to finalize things.

In any case, at 11 and 13 my children are still my responsibility and, because my wife works full time, I will need to help them one way or the other.

I have always felt that my family was a gift from God, that He gave me the “project” as a blessing, and that it was my job to support until my services are no longer required.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Hi Skip,

Thank you so much for your offer to help. Actually, I can’t tell you how much you and the others in this community have helped me already. As I was saying, this time last year up through Christmas was very difficult for me. I was in so much pain over the thought of losing my family that I started drinking to kill the pain and inadvertently almost killed myself. So I stopped drinking and started praying and things turned around very quickly. During the last year I have grown much stronger spiritually by just reading Today’s Word every day. Then reading the dialogues of other members of the community has also been very enlightening and inspiring. Of course, I’ve learned the most from you and the books you recommend. You have provided me with answers to questions that I’ve had for many years. So I am very grateful for all that you have taught me. In terms of needing any help, I can’t really think of anything I need right now. I might feel a lot different a few weeks from now when I’m living down the street, but for now I’m fine. Just keep sending me Today’s Word 🙂

Bless you and thanks again.



Hi again Michael,

I’m glad to read that you are relying upon the LORD to get you through this difficult time since only He can supply you with hope. We know in our heads that His grace is sufficient, yet each day brings new challenges to trust Him for strength and wisdom. I agree that “Today’s Word” is definitely a boost!

Have you seen “The Story of Us” (not your typical Bruce Willis movie) and “The Family Man” (Nicholas Cage)? I know you agree that drama can speak to our souls. Perhaps these will somehow touch you and your wife deep inside and bring healing to the wounded places of your relationship.

I am praying for you and believing God for a restored marriage for His glory.

John Offutt


I am disappointed that you didn’t respond to Carl’s post. You are willing to respond to sympathy, but not to correction that requires any effort on your part. You are willing for change to take place in your marriage as long as YOU don’t have to change. As a young man, I overheard a wise man who had very little formal education advise another young man having martial problems. He said ” Son, you just let her do what she wants to do, and you do just like she says and you won’t have any problems”.
I thought it was a joke since I wasn’t married at the time. Today, after some 48 years of marriage I realize the deep truth here. Are you a servant to your wife at home and in public? Or are you just a servant out in public where you can receive the praises of men? Will your pride let you be a servant at home where no one but your wife and the Lord can see? Becoming a servant to a wife is probably the most difficult thing any man ever did, but luckly we have a person to imitate in our Lord Jesus.

I want you to know that knowledge does not make me a good servant. If I hired on as a servant to my wife this morning, I would be fired before lunch for insubordination. Knowledge of sin doen not keep me from being a sinner either. Luckly, my wife and the Lord Jesus both forgive me on a daily basis.

I would like to hear from LaVay Billings on this subject. I could write you 10 pages, and I bet she could write you a whole book on married people being submissive to each other.

John Offutt


“I am disappointed that you didn’t respond to Carl’s post.”

Hi John,

I tend to respond when I feel comfortable that I know how to respond to a given communication.

Carl wrote:

“Michael, (if you’re reading this-), I’m not speaking specifically, I’m speaking generically.”

In another example, Carl wrote:

“The perfect “marriage”. Mr Able and Mrs. Willing. It’s a beautiful thing!
Abba’s (recognized and realized) blessings to all. “because of Him”… -Amen!”

I read Carl’s comments every day and enjoy his style, but I’m not sure how to respond, without going into great detail.

Regarding your comment about not wanting to change, I can only say that I tried and did not succeed. And now I’m paying the price.

I appreciate your feedback.




PLEASE don’t give up on your wife or your marriage even if you are separating for awhile! Saying you’ve “tried and did not succeed” is a cop out. It’s an excuse for not taking responsibility. It’s staying in ‘victim’ mentality. Keep submitting yourself to God and HE will accomplish the change in your heart.

I probably won’t quote Bethel Church Pastor Bill Johnson excatly, but this is what I remember: GOD CAN’T CHANGE YOUR MIND AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE YOUR HEART. SO RENEW YOUR MIND AND SUBMIT YOUR HEART TO GOD AND HE WILL ACCOMPLISH THE CHANGE (Psalm 138:8).

John Offutt has some hard things to say to you, but please receive them in love and allow other men to challenge you to lay down your life for your wife. She is hurting too! Divorce isn’t easy for either party, and is especially difficult for your children.

I hope you watch “The Story of Us” soon and see the revelation that Bruce Willis begins to understand.

My heart grieves for you and your family.

John Offutt

Michael, Skip, CYndee and others concerned for Michael’s situation,

I have prayed for Michael and his wife many times a day since I first read of his pending divorce. I apoligize for sounding hard, but when the going gets tough-the tough get going. I have been very close to your same situation in my life, and I can tell you that CYndee gave you the best advise. You have to submit 100% of your situation to the Lord. Not 90% or 95%, but 100%. You can’t keep anything back that you are going to take care of yourself. Get down on your knees where God is and pray without ceasing, and that means that you pray at least once ever waking hour. There are people out there who are going to help you that God is going to send when you submit and even they don’t know who they are, or that they have been sent or what they said or did that helped. God is truly amazing. When you are attempting to be a servant to your wife perform your service like it was the Lord Jesus you are serving and He will honor it. Most of all, don’t do it with a selfish motive.

Please take comfort in all the love and prayers we are sending your way. Don’t give up, because God still answers prayers every day.

John Offutt


“when the going gets tough-the tough get going”

Hi John,

I like that quote from Knute Rockne, it makes me think of my father who was also a football coach when I was a kid.

My father had played football in college (center/middle linebacker) after leaving the Navy and some of my earliest memories of him were coaching midget football, a team called the Fighting Irish.

Football was very important to him all his life.

When I was in the second grade, I was sick a lot, with scarlet fever, German measles, mumps, etc and was awfully skinny and weak when summer came and it was time for me, in his mind, to learn to swim.

I vaguely recall taking a few lessons and then the next thing I knew it was time for the test, to see if we could swim the length of the pool.

About half way across I ran out of breath, started sinking to the bottom, and the lifeguards had to pull me out.

Obviously, I was feeling pretty bad during the ride home when my father, staring down the highway, exhaled rather loudly and said:

“One thing I can’t stand is a quitter.”

That kind of statement would probably not be considered appropriate by parenting experts today, but I can tell you one thing.

I do not give up very easily, I tend to get the job done 🙂


“PLEASE don’t give up on your wife or your marriage”

Hi CYNdee,

First let me say that your enthusiam and advice warm my heart 🙂

Please forgive me for giving the impression that I had given up on my wife. I have not.

What I was trying to say is that the legal aspect of the marriage is out of my control at this point.

If I were in control of anything, we would not be going in this direction; for me, it is all “cost” and no “benefit.”

But I’m not in control, so I am following my wife’s lead, trying to help her raise the children and run the household, while she has a full time job.

The hardest part for me was accepting “reality.” Only by accepting God’s will was I able to make it this far.

Now I think I’m on the road to recovery, whatever happens.

BTW I was not sensing harshness in John’s words, just his disappointment 🙂


HI Michael,

I read your response to John re: your dad’s comment, “One thing I can’t stand is a quitter.” That one line made me feel SO sad for you! How devastating to not have the unconditional love and support of your father. I’m sorry you didn’t have that while growing up.

I sense that you may have made a “childhood vow” that is plaguing you now as an adult. May I recommend a few more resources? FREEDOM FROM YOUR PAST by Jimmy Evans and SHATTERING YOUR STRONGHOLDS by Liberty Savard.

I’m glad you sense my compassion for your situation. Call me an idealist, but I believe that GOD is able to redeem, reconcile, resurrect and restore any relationship. Please continue to make positive declarations over your wife, and leave the results to God. But remember that words kill or heal–it’s your choice.

Praying for you and your family,


Many years ago, a woman in my Sunday School class was describing how difficult it was for her to forgive her husband for abandoning her and her three toddlers. She said she became convicted when she realized that she was not truly willing to forgive him. So, her starting point of prayer was that even though she did not want to forgive him, she was ‘willing to be made willing’. That made a huge impact on me and I never forgot it. When I was in the place that I felt justified in those same feelings, I recalled what she said. Here is how I remember the necessary attitude:

Our willingness to be made willing is God’s way of preparing us for what He has prepared for us.

David Salyer

Reading through these posts encourages me to see such diversity of feelings and responses to a “community” members pain (i.e. rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn etc.). There are a lot of things community can offer (e.g. encouragement, accountability, prayer, support etc.) but there are also some things and some paths we must and often do, travel largely alone…or at least bearing our souls or being “soul naked” before our Father in tears and contemplation.

When we relate to God, we must relate to God on His terms and not our own. The core of our relationship is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is our salvation – true life now and eternally. Its parts are “by grace” and “through faith” (Eph 2:8-9). In the same way that we receive Him (by grace, thru faith) we are to continue to live in Him (Col 2:6). In our parlance, faith is trusting God’s character and trusting God at His Word no matter what; grace is “every good and perfect gift” that comes from the Father (Heb – his fences as my supply). From the gospel, all of life is enervated and flows. Like David…when we are confronted with the consequences of our own failures in life (and his was adultery and complicity to murder), what we must plead for God to grant us is found in David’s brokenness recorded in Ps 51:12: “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.” The cross and an empty tomb isn’t just where I start with God….its everything and the solution to all my needs and broken-ness. But I need His help to restore that joy of His salvation and must pray for it. And I need His help to grant me even the willingness to be willing (“willing spirit”) to sustain me….no matter how desperate my circumstances might be…And the beauty of all of this? Psalm 51:13 tells us that, if God is at work and we are willing to be willing, then we, as broken transgressors, will be useful to God in ministry to other transgressors (teaching)…and talk about a model for successful evangelism….sinners WILL return to God! What a beautiful picture of God’s redemptive work in not only restoring our own personal broken-ness but then using our shattered but “restored” and “joyful” lives to draw others to Himself as well. But only He can do it and He doesn’t force His will on us but longs for us to be willing to be willing.