Some Questions Resolved

Recently, some blog comments have raised issues about various Hebraic topics.  Some of these can be easily resolved with an internet search.

How did the name Yeshua become Jesus?  click here

The shift from the Hebrew Bible to the Christian Bible.  Click here

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Roderick Logan

Great resources. I recommend saving these links or printing them to file as pdf’s. Then, be ready to share them as people ask and inquire about Yeshua, his roots, his words, and his intentions.

I have a group I meet with weekly and it started from people asking these kinds of questions. Now there is another group in another part of our valley who has heard about our group and they want to start one of their own (too far to drive to ours and besides keeping the group small is the point of community). There seems to be a growing grass-roots interest in the Hebraic worldview and a growing disenfranchisement with the church’s traditional theology, faith, and practices. Yeshua said, if we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we would find satisfaction. May we hunger and thirst for Yeshua’s desires, and as Paul may we learn to be content with what he provides.