“For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach.” Deuteronomy 30:11
Commandment – From time to time we have spoken about the 613 mitzvot (commandments) found in the Torah. The actual count might vary a bit but the list complied by Maimonides (in Judaism he is called Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon or Rambam) is the usual place we look to see what these commandments are. You can see all 613 here. But for the moment, I only want to emphasize once again these two points: 1. Most of these are commandments you will quite naturally keep as a follower of YHWH, and 2. Only a portion of the remaining commandments actually apply to any given person. So, don’t be overwhelmed. Don’t be frustrated. And don’t treat them as rules. These are the very aids you need, given by God, for life to become what it was intended to be – a radiant example of living within His care as a beacon to the dark world. If you want to be a priest in His Kingdom, you will need to live according to His plan.
Here are the first ten:
1. To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6)
2. Not to entertain the idea that there is any god but the Eternal (Ex. 20:3)
3. Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16) (negative).
4. To hallow G-d’s name (Lev. 22:32)
5. Not to profane G-d’s name (Lev. 22:32)
6. To know that G-d is One, a complete Unity (Deut. 6:4)
7. To love G-d (Deut. 6:5)
8. To fear Him reverently (Deut. 6:13; 10:20)
9. Not to put the word of G-d to the test (Deut. 6:16) (negative).
10. To imitate His good and upright ways (Deut. 28:9)
Any problems? I would think not. Are these too difficult for us? Of course not. We may stumble in practice, but there is nothing here that surprises. These are absolutely basic to being a follower of the one true God. Do you feel better already, knowing that you are keeping some of the Torah commandments? Do you see that classifying these as rules misses the point entirely? These are instructions about the way the world exists, what actually makes up how the world is put together and how it works.
Now, if this is so obvious in the first ten of the 613, why do we choke on excuses and rationalizations when it comes to the remaining 603? Aren’t they also God’s instructions about how the world works, how it was put together and what we must do to honor Him with our way of living? Who gave us the authority to pick and choose which of the 613 apply? If these ten set the stage, when did we decide that the rest were only temporary? Who told you that following the instructions about the nature of the universe was legalism? I would have thought that it was just the smartest thing to do. If God hands you the roadmap of the universe, what makes you think you can arrive at the destination by drawing your own map and following it? So, don’t be afraid of the map. Take a look. You just might find it does what it was intended to do – teach you God’s ways.
Topical Index: mitzvot, commandments, instructions, Torah, 613, Deuteronomy 30:11
Why do I find it so hard to overcome the years of prejudice toward the “rules” that come from the Torah. My mind says that it is only logical but the prejudice says that it is “unchristian.” Totally illogical but that is the nature of prejudice, illogicall!
It’s OK, Roy. Everyone of us who was subjected to decades of replacement theology struggles with the same issue. I have very good and dear Christian brothers who think I am totally legalistic when I don’t eat shrimp. What can I say? God didn’t change His mind. If I want to be like Yeshua, then I need to be like Yeshua, not the version that is presented in Sunday School.
The pastor of our church says I am “weak” and involved in a cult, being lead into bondage, per Romans 14:2.
A family member whom I love dearly and is lovingly attempting to “set me free” is constantly on my case for denying the acceptability of pork, shrimp etc. as “food”. He actually “tests” me to see if I have “changed my mind”, as if I am going through a phase. Very recently, he told me that I would be offensive as the guest of someone offering me a meal including these items, and my refusal to eat what had been prepared for me, citing Galatians chp.2.
I knew a personal commitment to obedience would not always be easy, such as forgiveness, gentleness, kindness and the call to love even when I do not “feel” like it, but I certainly did not expect that trusting God’s authority to give me direction in EVERY area of life would be so viciously resisted by OTHERS. I am not asking anyone else to live this way, but they see themselves as “rightly dividing” the Word and saving me from heresy. I do not say this in a whiny way…just sharing.
Hi Mary,
I just returned from Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia where I visited one of our group who has been a reader for many years. What a joy to see him for the first time. In Singapore I met with the same resistance. Dear Christian brothers could not believe that I would refuse pork and shrimp (which was almost a part of every Chinese meal). They were respectful and did not attempt to test me on this, but I think they were mildly shocked and considered my stand a return to “legalism.” After all, we are under grace, right? And free from the Law.
This theological error is deep and has a very long history, back to about 150AD when the early church fathers began to invent Christianity as a separate religion from God’s call to Israel. After so many years, it is no longer considered peculiar to think that we aren’t the same as the congregation God elected to make into His nation at Sinai. Now, we Christians try to “convert” Jews.
But the bottom line is this: what difference will you make in the world if you aren’t different? God does not reveal Himself by accommodating Himself to the culture. He calls us OUT of the culture to His own kingdom, a separate and distinct reality. Today, Christianity is essentially the same as the world’s culture. Yes, it might have a God vocabulary, but fundamentally, at the philosophical level, it is a reflection of the same Greek-based view of the world that powers the Western culture. How can we expect God to show up in churches that embrace the pagan elements of today’s Christianity? The fact that He sometimes does is a miracle of grace. But we cannot on that basis decide that our view of His accommodation is therefore correct.
Anyway, I am sorry to hear that you are being treated so shabbily. For those who claim to be under grace alone, the behavior is quite revealing, isn’t it? As a wrote some time ago, it’s OK to be under grace as long as you think just like me. Who’s the legalist here?
Hi Mary,
I understand how you feel. One strategy you might want to try, when friends and family get on your nerves, is to remember that it is God who is testing you, that these folks are just pawns in the game, and that God wants you to be strong. Before going into stressful situations, you might want to develop a simple plan of action, then focus on executing it. Let the others think what they want. Just remember you are doing the right thing and that you feel good about it. That you are OK
Thank you brothers! Of course, I realize with understanding our LORD is using this in a far greater capacity. As Skip mentioned in a very recent post recent, the levels of the prophetic Word (encompassing the entirety of the Word) run deep AND wide. As we learn and grow, He reveals the greater picture and it truly is the ultimate art formed by the Original artist. It is our understanding (true belief) that comes through initial obedience.
If He IS King…He has every right to show me His preferred Way.
Blessed through His glory!
Simple and sweet brother Skip!
The more of HIS character and plan that is understood, embraced, cherished and applied/lived by me (us) …. well the better off the Kingdom. HIS will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven because the Kingdom is echad!
As for those crying legalism … let them cry … as for us; we serve The Lord and not the traditions of men!