Altered State
But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? James 2:20 NASB
Useless – According to this translation, James doesn’t say, “faith without works is false belief.” He doesn’t say, “faith without works is carnal.” He doesn’t say, “faith without works is hypocrisy.” According to this translation, he says that it is useless. It doesn’t accomplish its intended purpose. It has no place in God’s grand scheme. It is insipid, sick and ineffective. It doesn’t produce. It isn’t natural.
But the Greek is a bit stronger. The word is nekra. Dead! Oh, it’s useless alright. But the reason it’s useless is not simply because it is weak, insipid or ineffective. The reason it’s useless is because it is dead! It doesn’t have any life. It is the unnatural bastardization of what God intended. Faith produces spiritual fruit. Spiritual fruit produces lasting, tangible transformation. This is the natural and inevitable consequence of faith. Wherever there is real faith in the God of Israel, things happen. God guarantees it because He is jealous over His children. He puts His spirit into us, resulting in the natural outgrowth of His character in our lives. So, those who espouse faith but do not bear fruit are dead! They aren’t carnal, confused or incapacitated. They are tombstones. Softening the blow by altering the translation from “dead” to “useless” doesn’t do anything but provide a back-handed excuse. James won’t have it. Faith without works isn’t just sick. It’s terminal!
Do you agree with James? Do you recognize that a claim of faith necessarily means an obligation to produce good fruit? If you agree, then you should be able to look around at the fruit that grows naturally from your life with God. You should see real results. Of course, the fruit you produce isn’t for you. It’s for others to enjoy. The transformation that is occurring in your life must be recognized as blessing to others. A tree does not eat its own production. So, if you really are in flow with God, then others will be blessed by your efforts and your presence. They will see transformation even if you don’t recognize it. But if they aren’t discovering blessings through you, then you may want to take a closer look. You just might be planted in a graveyard.
Does any “work” qualify? No. The fruit of the Spirit is quite specific. You can find the list in Galatians 5. But that’s only the beginning. You see, “works” is a Hebrew idiom for tzedakah, the Hebrew word for the acts that we call “charity” in English. However, the nature of tzedakah is very different from our idea of charity. The word “charity” suggests benevolence and generosity, a magnanimous act by the wealthy and powerful for the benefit of the poor and needy. But the word tzedakah is derived from the Hebrew Tzadei-Dalet-Qof, meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In charitable application, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due. Furthermore, since “works” includes righteousness and justice, it implies a life governed by Torah, the ultimate guide to righteousness and justice. “Works” are not what I want to do. “Works” are what God instructs me to do.
Faith without the committed application of God’s instructions is dead. It might look noble and religious, but it is not aligned with God’s view of truth, justice and righteousness. God’s way of living is not some nebulous “love each other” feeling. It is specific behaviors covering every aspect of life. It is the glorious privilege of serving Him by doing what He asks. It is life as He defines it.
Ah, but you already knew that, didn’t you? You are already living according to God’s instructions, aren’t you? That’s why life is such a wonderful adventure, right?
Topical Index: faith, works, dead, nekra, tzedakah, James 2:20
“you foolish fellow”
Speaking of fools, the upcoming April Fool’s Day will mark the two year point in my current odyssey of divorce proceedings and prolonged unemployment.
I must admit that during the first year the experience, and my fear of its effect on the children, made the rather scary hallucinations in the movie Altered States seem like a pleasant dream.
On the the upside, I have been able to spend more time with the children and to work on my relationship with them, which was damaged by the crisis I created.
I have also been able to spend more time reading the Bible and working on putting the scriptures in to practice.
Don’t know if I would have made it without Today’s Word.
It has got tobe scary because you do not know what is coming. I hope it is okay for me to include you on my prayer list. two years and no end in sight? Wow! God must be doing something great in your life.
Thanks Roy and others for your support. Actually, I feel OK now. My wife has a good job, things seem to be moving in the right direction, and God has been doing great things in my life. I am probably less anxious now on a daily basis than I was before this little odyssey started. I tend to focus on “works” and let the chips fall as they may. Bless you all.
Hello Michael,
Thank you for your comment, and your honesty.
Thanks for helping me see the connection of “works” with fruit…I thought of works as deeds done in the Church for the Church or among the “lost”.
Bless you!
Faith without works is dead. Works without faith is useless. However, because I have faith, I cannot do works. It is like the horse and carrage. They go together in order to move along.
By the way, Michael, my marriage almost blew up 30 years ago. I seldom say much about these things because I don’t know what to say. So please accept my long distance silent support.
Hi Michael,
Sometimes the worst times in our lives actually turn out to be turning points.
It is a time of isolation and of confronting ourselves in a deeper way with Ruach HaKodesh.
We discover that we have the courage, with His help to see things anout ourselves that have brought us to the situations we are now facing in crisis. But thankfully we can repent (which really means to return to Torah which is a message from Our Abba about how He wants us to proceed for blessings in our walk toward and with Him.
I miss participating in these conversations. (We are very busy here in Israel ) but I do read the comments from time to time, Shalom to all myl brothers and sisters in Yeshua HaMashiach
Hi Antoinette,
Good to hear from you! Actually, I was thinking about you in the last few days.
I tend to associate you and your website with Rabbi Gorelik and some lovely passages from Deuteronomy that you posted some time ago.
After listening to Rabbi Gorelik’s discussion of Blessing and Curse and some other related audiio files, your passages from Deuteronomy seemed so beautiful and meaningful.
It struck me at the time, because many years ago I had to teach Deuteronomy in a Humanities class and it seemed so “alien” to me, and uninteresting when compared to Genesis.
Now that your live in Israel, you must feel very much at home in Deuteronomy
I have been very busy with kids, dogs, remodeling a condo, and being inspired by Today’s Word, so have not been able to visit your website lately.
Again, it is good to hear from you and I really like your definition of “repent.”
Thanks for thinking of me.