Biblical IQ

All this I have tested by wisdom:  I said, “I will be wise;” but it was far from me. Ecclesiastes 7:23

Far From Me – Tonight Christendom celebrates a great mystery.  It doesn’t matter for the moment that Christians are generally ignorant of the true history of this night.  We can correct our mistaken dates much easier than we can correct our mistaken beliefs.  Even though most Christians will turn their thoughts toward the birth of Jesus rather than the celebration of a pagan festival of renewal, they may still misunderstand the significance of this event.  Of course, they will recognize the incarnation, the birth of the Messiah and the place this event has in the plan of salvation.  But they might overlook something important because they are prisoners of a Greek metaphysics of the world.  They might think that the event they think they are celebrating can be understood.  After all, we know the story (even if it has been elaborated and modified).  We know the plan (we think).  We know the need.  We have heard the sermons and read the books.  Jesus came to save us, right?  What else is there to know?

And that’s the problem.  There isn’t anything else to know.  There is only the need to recognize and acknowledge that we cannot know.  We have followed in the footsteps of Qohelet (the Teacher).  We have determined to be wise.  And all we have to show for our efforts is distance from the presence of the ineffable God.  The greater truth is that this event cannot really be explained.  It is covered by God’s hand, hidden from us.  We know only the slivers of what He chooses to reveal.  Even that is more than we can absorb.  But we are assured that there is more – a great deal more – far from us.

It’s important to recognize at least this much.  Wisdom in biblical vocabulary is not about intelligence.  It’s not about encyclopedic knowledge of the facts.  Wisdom is about righteousness.  It is about moral understanding.  And Qohelet discovered that gathering the facts does not result in a deeper righteousness.  In fact, no rational attempt to discover the truths of moral consciousness will bring us righteousness.  Why?  Because righteousness comes from drawing near – and drawing near means confession of my inability to do what God asks.  It’s not what I know or don’t know that keeps me far off.  It’s what I do and don’t do.  Without the mystery of His revealed instructions, biblical IQ will always elude my grasp.

Consider the opposing idiom – to draw near.  “Far from me” (rechoka mimeni) is opposed to “draw near.”  But in Hebrew, “to draw near” is associated with the sacrifice or offering (qarab is associated with qorban).  How do I draw near to true biblical wisdom?  How do I participate in righteousness?  I bring my offering to God.  I sacrifice according to His requirements.  I worship following His directions.  This is biblical IQ – to practice the art of worshipping my Creator.

God promises to draw near to me when I draw near to Him, but how many of us read this statement with Hebrew eyes?  How do I draw near to Him?  By following His instructions for offerings.  Do you suppose that these were set aside at the death of Yeshua?  Do you think it is no longer necessary to draw near?  Have we become so wise that we are fools?

Topical Index:  wise, draw near, far off, rechoka mimeni, qorban, Ecclesiastes 7:23

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carl roberts

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” (Isaiah 55.8)

**We have followed in the footsteps of Qohelet (the Teacher).**

I hope not. -Solomon was wise alright, but his wisdom was of this world. Follow his path and it will lead you to the same end he came to. Vanity/Emptiness. His is a sad ending. The man who had it all and yet had nothing.
“Behold a greater than Solomon is here”—Luke 11:31. And who might that be? -I believe you know His name. You want a teacher? The talmudim (disciples) called Him Rabboni. He couldn’t exhale a breath without teaching. He taught us from his birth until his last (Holy) breath. “A greater than Solomon is here.” (Matthew 12.42). Not “was here”, -is here. Now, today,- His name is Emmanuel (G-d with us). I will not leave you comfortless- I will come to you..(John 14.18). We do not lack for a teacher/prophet/shepherd. “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you.” (John 14.16,17) “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” (John 14.26)- And boy-o-boy do we ever need to be “re-minded!”
“Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2.5) According to 1 Corinthians 2.16- ..”we have the mind of Christ.” “He has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness”- (2 Peter 1.3). “When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.” (Ephesians 4.8)
The gift that keeps on giving. What a gift was given to this world some 2,000 years ago. (Sorry, I don’t know the exact time or day.. lol!) And what a gift was given unto us- “Bless the LORD, O my soul.. and all that is within me.. bless His holy name.”

And thou shalt call His name..

Jesus: Prince of Peace-Mighty God-Wonderful Counselor-Holy One-Lamb of God-Prince of Life-Lord God Almighty-Lion of the Tribe of Judah-Root of David-Word of Life-Author and Finisher of Our Faith-Advocate-The Way-Dayspring-Lord of All-I Am-Son of God-Shepherd and Bishop of Souls-Messiah-The Truth-Saviour-Chief Cornerstone-King of Kings-Righteous Judge-Light of the World-Head of the Church-Morning Star-Sun of Righteousness-Lord Jesus Christ-Chief Shepherd-Resurrection and Life-Horn of Salvation-Governor-The Alpha and Omega..

Joy -to the World!



I’ve been fortunate enough for years now to have been celebrating the birth of Mashiach during the Festival of Sukkot …. in faith I have pursued the chances of drawing near at the appointed times (mo’adim) because these days are indeed special … G_D declares as much and makes it so! … And He is Faithful to Deliver … All The Time!

Additionally … I do not look upon traditional Christian believers’ genuine reverence and joy of this season/day with any disdain or contempt. In fact my spirit takes pleasure in genuine reverance for ELOHIM (no matter when). Yet at the same time my heart is saddened because this genuine reverance and outpouring of spirit is not aligned with ELOHIM’s ordained plans and schedules. Its like singing Happy Birthday to Yeshua months after the actual day … how would we personally feel? Do we think ELOHIM is approaching this day with the same fervor that HE would Sukkot or any of HIS Mo’adim? I think we all know the answer to this question!

Skip comments herein about the importance of drawing near … So I pray and lift you all up in the hopes that today-tomorrow is a time when we do draw near to Him. I pray as well that each and every believer will be touched with the light of His Wisdom … touched in a way that spurs us to draw closer to Him in the manner and times which He has deemed most appropriate.

So revere HIM …. praise HIM …. rejoice in and with HIM! May you all be blessed and remain safe!

And …. please remember one thing: we already have a perpetual invitation to our Lord’s Festival/ Birthday party bash … and let me tell you all … it is a doosey …. an awesome week long bash! When we combine our reverence and joy with His order …. now that is WISDOM!

Praise Yeshua Forever and Ever!


You are so right and I am so glad you share. Thank you.

David Salyer

Hmmm…Cognitive “right-ness” (having the “right” answers or info) or practical “righteousness” (trembling before a Holy God and living for and worshiping Him). Think back over your life experiences and consider your own answers to these questions in light of Skip’s devotional today:

Would you rather be in the company of a person who is always “right” (and we would say, who thinks he/she is always “right”) or a person who is “righteous?” Have you been around such people in your life time and if so, which do you find yourself being drawn to? which do you find yourself avoiding?
Which is more important to God, for us to be “right” and have “right” answers or to be “righteous?” Is there a difference between these two or are they one and the same?
Whose prayers are more effective? The prayers of a person who is “right” (and we would say, who thinks she/she is “right”) or a person who is “righteous?” (hint: James 5:16-17) Who do you want praying for you when your world is caving in on you – the person who says they are “right” or have “right” answers or the “righteous” person?
Is there a distinction between being “right” and being “righteous” and if so, what ultimately is that difference?

For me, Scriptures tell me that I must have a very healthy dose of distrust of my “Self”. I am told that my “heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.” I am told that “there is a way that seems right to man but in the end leads to destruction.” I am told that when confronted with the purity of a Holy God, “I am a man of unclean lips amongst a people of unclean lips.” I am told that “there is none righteous, no not one…there is none who seeks after God etc.” Who can I trust to be both “right” and “righteous” all the time? God Himself revealed through His Word and His Word becoming flesh….He and His Son and the power of His Spirit are my/our only Hope. But I will have to draw near and while I am drawn to Him, it sure seems painful doesn’t it because His demand is not that I get it all “right” or have all the “right” answers or solve all the mysteries of Himself or of His world but rather that I come to Him on His terms and submit my “Self” to His control and authority. Sign me up, right? Should be a large crowd standing in line for this offer, right? And if I am merely standing in line because God is the “Answer Man”, will I be disappointed at the end of the day if all of my answers aren’t, well….answered?

I like this quote from Yaconelli:
*”Because the pain of knowing who we are is so great, we spend a lifetime running from ourselves. We have become experts in dodging, avoiding, hiding, pretending, covering, running, protecting, eluding, escaping, averting, evading the real us. This ‘Great Escape’ from ourselves is the way most of us have chosen to live our lives, Christian or not, because it is the way of less pain. That is why the Good News of the Gospel is so painful. Jesus wants to do much more than forgive our sins. He wants to capture our real self – and for us to face who we are. Not only is our real self full of sin, it is full of flaws and brokenness – and full of hope. To see who we are meant to be, who we are capable of being if we will stop running and start looking, is what conversion is all about.” (Mike Yaconelli, Christianity Today)

carl roberts

Excellent commentary David.. “right” vs. righteous. BTW.. Who’s right? lol!! We know the answer.. (p.s.- it ain’t us!) G-d is right and G-d is “the righteous One.” His book says- “there is none righteous- no, not one.” – and who am I to disagree? I ain’t gonna do it. If He says it, it is so. (Amen!) One of the very first “Bible” words I ever learned was “righteous”, (are you reading this brother Skip?). What a difference it made in my life. We hang around “the church” and listen to these “holy buzz words” and are left to wonder.. (what’d he say?). How we need to know (both) G-d’s word and also G-d’s words (brother Skip!). We might hear some hippie (or ex-hippie) say.. “man, that was some “righteous” weed! Look how the living language of the Scripture has deteriorated! Skip!.. help us out.. get us dialed in, so we can “focus” and see clearly what our LORD has to say to us through His word! Yeshau said unto us.. “the words I speak unto you- they are spirit and they are life! I have a serious craving for the word of G-d! I’m hungry!, – Let’s eat!


“All this I have tested by wisdom: I said, “I will be wise;” but it was far from me. Ecclesiastes 7:23”

The other day, Ishmael called our attention to page 78 of Dr Moen’s book called Spiritual Restoration.

It makes the following point in bold print:

“In God’s divine economy, the innocent pay for the guilty.”

In my view, this is the essence of Ecclesiastes, the “deep meaning” of the Mystery.

Roderick Logan

Wisdom and righteousness is less about my character development and much more about my life being “naked”. Life has a way of making me naked or “transparent” in front of others. When that happens what do people see? If it is his character that is reflected from within me, then he is magnified. If, on the other hand, it is my character they – no matter how “good” it appears – then my nakedness is my shame (Gen 3). Isaiah 64:6 says my righteousness is like a used tampon (that’s really what it says). In other words my desires, though they be mine as one created in the image of God, fails in light of his. Righteousness (tzedekah) is “what happens when my desire comes last (Seekins)”. When God’s righteousness comes before mine, then my observed life reflects him, not me. The point is: I will be found out and I will be unclothed before my accusers. The questions are: What will they see? Will I be ashamed or unashamed?