
Today I had the honor and pleasure of accompanying my friend, Anthony Hodge, while we took food to many elderly and sick people in his home town.  Anthony is the sole force behind Finding the Lost Sheep.  His is a story of God’s direct hand of intervention in a life going down the drain.  I recommend you look into Anthony’s life if you want to see a man dedicated to God’s call above all else.

While we were there, another great friend, Jon, also came to help.  I asked him what he thought of the current Today’s Word studies about Christmas.  I should know better than to ask a thoughtful reader such a question.  He smiled and told me, “Sometimes you make us feel like we are so stupid.  It’s almost as if you are saying, “Hey, Christians are really ignorant.  They need to get straight about all this, like me.”  He smiled again.  “Maybe the time to talk about Christmas is June, when we aren’t going to feel like everything we are doing has just been ripped out from under us.”

Of course, I told Jon that making people feel like they are stupid was NEVER my intention.  The only thing I wanted to do was explain that the bigger picture of the birth is tied to God’s whole festival plan.  If we miss that, we shortchange ourselves.

But Jon was right.  Sometimes I do push a little too hard.  Sometimes I’m sure you might feel like you just got run over by a steamroller.  This is not what I want.  I believe in gently moving toward the Hebraic perspective.  But sometimes that gentle movement is like stepping off a cliff.  I’m sorry.  I certainly don’t want any reader to feel as though I am making less of his or her true devotion to the Lord.  After all, you are all here because you want to serve Him and you love Him.  But sometimes it’s painful.

I promise to try to be a more sensitive writer.  Believe me, I know how painful this can be.  Unless you grew up orthodox Jewish, you probably went through the same jarring revelation.  My friend Bob has helped me a lot with this.  But sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes I want to say, “So what.  Why can’t it just be the way I heard it in Sunday School?”  But you know, in the end I want to know the truth.  Just like you, I have been in the dark for a long time.  I want open eyes faith.  But sometimes I just get too enthusiastic.  I’ll try to restrain myself.  And I absolutely don’t think anyone who is learning is stupid.


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carl roberts

hey brother Skip.. (excuse me!)- “Merry Christmas!”.. Pagan roots, corrupted and abused by “the world”, but it is a holiday reminding me of the greatest gift ever, given by the greatest Giver ever, and the price? I can’t even fathom. I laughingly remind others and myself concerning Isaiah 53.6-“all we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way.”
This actually is not a very complementary verse because a sheep has a brain the size of a walnut. They are (forgive me), dangerously stupid. -(just the facts m’am).
We are all ignorant- just in different areas. This is a good thing and one more evidence we need “one another” and we are meant to live in community.
By and large (everybody run- he fixin’ to make a generalization!), everyone in my limited circle of friends is aware of the pagan roots of both Christmas and Easter. But (hey!) we like to party (w’ere practicing for the one yet to be) and we love to celebrate our Savior. It’s all about motive- right? It gives us sheeps an opportunity to express our love to one another and “remember” our great G-d.
I’m living proof G-d takes good care of fools and children. The famous theologian “Forrest Gump” said, “stupid is as stupid does.” I could agree with that, and I don’t think worshipping Him who became flesh is all that bad an idea (at any time of year!).
BTW.. since it is “that time of year”, I just would like to count you brother Skip, as one of G-d’s gifts to me! I am so blessed by this website and the “daily bread” I find here. This is one of my main courses y’all. You know a good restaurant when you find one and there is some really good food right here, so stay tuned! Thank you Chef Moen for another year of delicious and nutritious meals as we feast together on the Bread of Bethlehem and drink of the Living Water.


Shalom Skip,

You have been raised up to serve the Living G_D and speak HIS unwavering truth. You do so with great “passion” and, despite your doubts, also with great “compassion”!

Your commentaries bring delight to my spirit and trigger zeal for our ELOHIM … and certainly this must be true for others as well!

Go as the Ruach leads you brother Skip …. and may your path be blessed in the name above all others …. Yeshua HaMashaich! Ahmein!


Sometimes I feel a line of demarcation between those who are literate in the Hebraic mindset/Truth & those of us that don’t follow it passionately as others do (here & else where). I was a part of a Messianic church here in OKC for a while & could not cut it because I could not or was silently ostracized because I still said, “Jesus” instead of Yeshua!!! I felt discriminated & the minority for sure & left. That is what knowledge sometimes does when used without sweetness & compassion & for others that may never call Him Yeshua but Jesus & that is alright too. Personally – I don’t think it matters to HIM anyway – what He is called because He has many more names than G_d or Elohim or Yeshua or Jesus – so stop flaunting it. It just seems a little one-up-manship to me at times (most of the time really). AND – I am not just speaking/talking/typing at Skip but a lot of people here & everywhere – that have a different slant/Truth on the issue(s). BTW: I CALL HIM “LORD!” I’m sure someone can make something out of that because one time someone did!!! What’s new under the Son – nothing – all is vanity for sure.

Ms. Jan

carl roberts

Hey Jan.. I’m “sticking to my guns” (just a figure of speech folks!).”It’s not either or.., -it’s both!. The salvation of G-d is proffered “to the Jew first AND also to the (bad ol’) Greek! What G-d calls clean, we should not call “unclean.” (and for that matter what G-d calls “unclean” we should not call clean.)
Now, -how can we possibly walk outside our door without the possibility of offending someone? (lol!)
One answer?- We need to delight ourselves in the LORD. Stay close and stay clean. Is this possible? Has He made a way for us? Does He instruct us to be holy and then “complicate” matters for us in order to trick us up and then say aha!- you “messed up” again! -No, no, and ..no. Sister Jan (and others reading).. we are loved – more than we know. The Eternal Father loves His kids. This I know. (yes, experientially).
We are to be followers of G-d “as dear children and walk in love.” This says a lot. “Bunches.” “Love one another” is not optional! (and for that matter neither is “love your neighbor”). If we “pay attention” to what G-d has to say about the matter and learn to “live by the book”, what heartache we could avoid and what blessings we could enjoy!
We all need a “tat.” (Just kidding!). However, “what saith the scripture?” needs to be written on the “doorposts of our hearts.” We “do err, not knowing the Scriptures, or the power of G-d.” (Matthew 22.29)
“The book” was still being written during Solomon’s reign. Today, we (all) have even Solomon beat. We have the (now completed) word of G-d. Both the written and the living Word. “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:” (2 Peter 1.19) What gifts G-d gives unto His children! -Blessed be Hashem..


Yeah. I know what you mean. I have experienced that myself and have had to reisist the urge to run back to my ‘churchianity’ of comfort. It helps to not be offended by understanding that they are just trying to do the right thing and love YHVH in how they percieve He wants to be honored. Some people do respond positively when they understand how thier earnestness to be pure before YHWH is actually causing them to missrepresent the gospel of peace and love.

Ron Fink

Merry Christmas Skip and all.
The hebrew phrase kal v’chomer (“light and heavy”) is a form of teaching by comparison. “If you run with the footmen and they have worn you out, how will you run against the horses?”

The truth of God is not to be deluted or softened so that we feel better about ourselves, least we lose the necessity to repent. Remember when we were each confronted with the relality of God and our sinfulness and seperation from Him? Quite a BIG revelation, but it brought on a Godly sorrow and a repenting of the soul. Such is your teaching. Please, do NOTHING to change it. Continue on my brother, for you speak the truth, and in these last days of moral decline, the truth is what is needed more than ever. May we all make it our own, and walk in it’s shining light.


Linda K. Morales

Hi Skip,
We are having a very quiet Christmas celebration here at home in the tropics. Just my husband and I, as we just returned from the US after two months with our children upon the birth of our second grandchild. This morning we are experiencing a kinda hushed moment, with only the birds chirping as they fly in and out to perch on their balcony feeders which we have filled to the brim; even the neighbors seem to be quieter this year! Between songs of Josh Groban and Marty Goetz our hearts are kindled to the love of our Heavenly Father who allowed us to come to Him when He presented us with the perfect gift of His Son! This morning as I was reading from my chronological Bible from the book of I, II, and III John… it stirred our hearts to hear John tell the believers that there were many more things that he wanted to tell them about which he would not write with pen and paper. Sounds like there was so much more He wanted to tell them when he saw them in person…. Our hearts ache to know all of God’s truth, as we search and study through the written word which was left for us. Yes, like so many of you, we have had to reconsider cherished beliefs that we learned from years of Sunday School, Youth Group, and Sunday Morning Sermons. Our love for the Lord began many years ago, when we each came to the Lord, he at the age of 11 and I at 16, has continued to grow right along with us! Yet, through the past years He has been calling us deeper and deeper into His Word as we have been awakened by the study of our Hebraic roots. Thank you, Skip, for all that you share with us throughout the year. We await with eagerness each morning for Today’s Word, and we thank the Lord for all that we have learned through the reading of not only your writings, but the comments of all those in this particular “online community.” We pray that with the coming year, 2010, we will not only continue to draw closer unto our precious Messiah, but that through His grace, and love, and mercy that dwells within our hearts, we will be instruments of Him to draw others into His Kingdom. Blessings to you, and to all of Today’s Word readers on this Christmas Day! In His Love, Kelvin and Linda Morales Bayamon, Puerto Rico

Carolyn Camfield

I’m with you Skip. When you see the truth and don’t abide by it you are in trouble. We are to be in the world , but not of it. We tried to be a little bit a part of it to be accepted by family, but it just got worse. Their trees were decorated with satan claus’es and they had Polar Express blaring in our ears. That was it. Sorry brothers and sisters. We are not intolerant of our family, but that was all we could do.

Patrick (Skip's Tech Geek)

When we were in Israel in October with Skip, we joked at the idea of making tshirts that said, “I met Skip Moen, and he ruined my life.”

But we all meant it out of total love and appreciation. 🙂

And I’m sure I speak for the group in saying that we wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂

To quote Skip’s friend John Samuel (who’s Productivity Compass helped me discover what God truly made me to be)…“The truth will set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.” That’s how it was for me. But I wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂

Cheers & Shalom to all!


I love that! Is that really on a T-shirt, ” The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off”? I want one!

Ed Harris

This is Ed Harris. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge of the Word of God. I do not know Hebrew and Greek, and sometimes, I feel like I am stupid. I know however, God uses others to teach others the truth. As long as we do not lose sight of the real purpose for The Message we are proclaiming, we are headed in the right direction and Gd is honored. Have a glorious and God centered Christmas. To me, Christmas is not a holiday it is a way of life. We celebrate the wonderful life of Christ on a consistent, daily basis. My prayer for you and all the readers of the “Word for the Day” would be “SHALOM” which means peace. Only a true relationship with God brings this glorious peace.

Kelvin E. Morales

Hi Skip
I understand your struggle with proclaiming the truth and being as compassionate as possible. But no matter how hard one tries, someone will feel that they are being called ignorant.

My father who is with the LORD already, used to say that it was not bad to discover one’s ignorance about the truth—— what is bad, is to choose to stay ignorant.

Never the less we are commanded to LOVE and SHOW COMPASSION to all.

In Christ
Kelvin E. Morales

Judi Baldwin

Hi Skip,
Hey… I wouldn’t change a thing about your teachings and your writing style. Yes, you DO deliver a lot of new and often heavy information (for those of us who are less aware.). But, personally, I’ve immensely appreciated the rap upside the head that I so desperately needed. And I’m also left wondering…”why isn’t the church challenging us this way?”
I believe in my heart that G-d has hand picked you to deliver the messages you do. It’s time many of us take it up a notch. Certainly I needed to. He has clearly groomed you to write some of the heavy handed (yet, always loving) teachings you write. He obviously knew you were good for it!! I’m guessing He is VERY pleased with his faithful servant. Keep doing what you what you do best!!!
God Bless, thank you, and Merry Christmas!!


I second everything Judi has expressed. Let’s Roll!


Amen re “taking it up a notch.” When I was in college, the dean of the math dept. always started the semester with a warning that he would teach over our heads — not to intimidate us, but to be sure that each student was able to reach high for something. This is the way Skip teaches; he offers us all that he has. Yes we feel stupid at times, but instead of being offended, we need to be thankful that G-d chose us to be discipled by this amazing teacher. Remember that the rabbi’s chose their disciples based on their promise as students. We are the promising students who need to “take it up a notch.”

Carlos Berges

No se desanime, Dr. Moen, no se desanime. Sus escritos son muy importantes para todos los que, como dice la Hna. Linda K. Morales, esperamos cada mañana leer su página. En lo personal he aprendido mucho de usted y sigo haciéndolo cada día que leo algo nuevo. Ayer, por ejemplo, aprendí a no ser severo con los que no creen como yo en la Navidad. Así que ahora mi pensamiento hacia mis vecinos es más tolerante. Gracias al Señor por sus leeciones. Gracias y Feliz año nuevo. Espero seguir aprendido más aún hasta que venga el Señor por todos nosotros.


Allow me to chine in with gratefulness for Skip’s serving of spiritual food for our hungry hearts. Thank you, Skip, for inviting us to feast on God’s truth as you reveal it to us daily. May His Name be praised and lifted up every day of the year!

Linda K. Morales

Gracias, Hmno. Carlos Berges, and yes, like you, we look forward to another great year of learning from Today’s Word.
Kelvin and Linda Morales Bayamon, Puerto Rico

frances thornton

Skip, is it your understanding that every human that ever lived will be on earthwhen Jesus appears the second time to begin the l000 years and be on the throne in Israel? I understand the rapture theory is a complete fabrication–your thoughts, please and thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


Tony Campolo said that he’s so pre-millenial that he won’t even eat “Post Toasties”! 🙂


Wow. I heard a preacher say that if he finds himself still here during the tribulation period, he would stop serving a god that would do that to him. So sad! I bet he won’t be alone though. What a great ‘falling away’ that would be.


That is true brother Skip. Indeed. It will work itself out accordingly.


I have heard that within every criticism is an element of truth. That said, the next step is to determine the source of the critique…is it the Spirit speaking or the heart/flesh of man that winces at the Word as it cuts through to the core of who we are. Yes change is painful. Confrontation with a righteous and holy God was/is painful…only a look at our Savior will shout that out to us. As for feeling stupid, that may be a personal one-sided issue on either person’s part…1 party could be giving the offense OR 1 party could be taking offense without offense being offered. Obey God, follow the leading of the Spirit. I am thankful tonight for every pain He has seen me through, every challenge initiated through your ministry brother Skip. If we are not willing to be confronted with the Word here, I shiver to think of what it will be like to stand before a holy God when He calls me to account. If we are to make much of Him, it is now through His Word. Carry on brother Skip.


Skip wrote, “You’re right. My point is that I give very little thought to the “end” when there is so much to do in the “meanwhile.””

I feel I give more thought to the end (which is the beginning for Followers of Christ) the more mature I become in Christ – looking forward to the eternity with my/our Lord because even what I do here for Him is but a vapor of smoke but there are/will be rewards for eternity – I so look forward to enjoying what I have accumulated according to His discretion which can be trusted explicitly – not what man/woman thinks of us or even what we think of ourselves & what we do for Him or others – it will be His decision & justly so – unlike this fallen world we live in.

Ms. Jan Carver


Yeah. Seeing the finish line is what motivates us to run, just like Paul said.

Sarah Simpson

I think Bob is right. I studied under you many years ago.
I would like to learn more of my Hebrew roots in the faith and I want to be a follower of God.
Be a gentle shepherd.


Thanks, Skip for your insight . I enjoy each morning email. It is a great way to start my day.

Victor Evans

Hey Skip,
We are all at different levels and are seeking the truth. I do not feel beat up(Whao!) because I believe that so many Christians don’t know the truth. Our leaders have keep us in bondage for whatever reason. We are seeking an understanding to be a light in a dark world. Any and all the help we get is appreciated. Again remember all of us are not at the same level. Keep up the good works and we will take the teaching as inspired by the father. Our prays will help cover the messages.

Be Well.

Patrick (Skip's Tech Geek)

When we were in Israel in October with Skip, we joked at the idea of making tshirts that said, “I met Skip Moen, and he ruined my life.”

But we all meant it out of total love and appreciation. 🙂

And I’m sure I speak for the group in saying that we wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂

To quote Skip’s friend John Samuel (who’s Productivity Compass helped me discover what God truly made me to be)…“The truth will set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.” That’s how it was for me. But I wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂

Cheers & Shalom to all!