Comfort Food
and indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy 3:12
Will Be Persecuted – In Greek, the verb is dioko. It’s about pursuit. In this context, it means that we who are followers of the King will be pursued with a vengeance. But the same verb also means to press hard after good things. As we pursue Him, we will be persecuted by others. It’s a play on words in Greek.
But what would it mean if Sha’ul (Paul) was thinking in Hebrew? The comparable verb in Hebrew is radad. It means to beat down, to subdue or to bring to near extinction. Think about this for a moment. Paul tells Timothy that those who press after the King will be so pursued that they will almost be exterminated. They will be beat down so much that only a very small remnant will remain. Christians believe Paul. We espouse the “remnant” idea. But look around you. Does it look as if Christianity is being beat down so that only the smallest vestige is left? Or does it appear as though Christianity has somehow escaped Paul’s prophetic word and is now “too big to fail’? Was Paul telling the truth when he wrote to Timothy or has Christianity been able to defy Scripture and become a dominant presence in the world? Who speaks the truth about this: Paul or the Church?
Paul doesn’t leave much wiggle room. If you follow the King, you will be persecuted. You will be beat down. It’s not comfort food, is it? I wonder if we take this to heart. Do we really think that following Yeshua HaMashiach will lead directly to persecution? Do we plan on it? Probably not. We have grown up in a religious culture that preaches tolerance. We tend to think that if we are good citizens of the Kingdom, life will be better for us. We have disconnected persecution from pursuit. Why were we able to do that?
Peter Leithart suggests an answer. “Christianity is institutionalized worldliness . . . worldliness that has become so much our second nature that we call it piety.”[1] Leithart argues persuasively that what we call Christianity is really the accommodation of religious ideals and doctrines to the larger culture. We have converted the Kingdom of God into an acceptable form of right thinking and right feeling. The reason we aren’t beat down is because, as Yeshua said, we have become lovers of the world. By and large, Christianity is now the religious effort to meld with the culture instead of the call to stand in opposition to the culture – and that culture includes the Church. Have you ever noticed that the entire Bible never once even uses the term “Christianity”? Have you ever wondered why?
Following the King means being radically different from the world. Look at Jesus! Did He fit in? What would your life be like if you decided to press hard after Him? Would others beat on you for being “legalistic” or a fanatic? Would you be uncomfortably different? Would it matter?
Topical Index: persecuted, beat down, dioko, radad, 2 Timothy 3:12
[1] Peter Leithart, Against Christianity, p. 17.
I wonder if you are like me. As the lyrics lifted from the song, “sometimes I feel like a motherless child.” Do you “sense” a difference in yourself? There is something (I’m trying here to place a finger on it, but this thought is difficult to corral.) I am not like “other” people. I just confessed something right there. I’m different. (We knew that all the long about you!!!)
We (all followers of the Way) ARE different! Surprise!,surprise. “We are twice-born people living in a once-born world.” (An excellent time for a “Selah” right here.) Stop, and think about that. (It is the pause that refreshes!).
Brothers, sisters, “fear not”, we are different because we belong to Him and as He has said, “my kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18.36).
We need to pay attention to His words (amen?).. “all who desire to live godly”. This new “desire” (and it is a new desire) to live godly did not just “happen” one night while I was sleeping. Someone didn’t come by my bedside and wave a magic wand over my head and instill within the deepest recesses of my corrupt heart this “desire to live godly.” No, no and no.
There has been a change in me. Yes, (amen), a radical change. Upside down, inside out, from left to right and east to west- “change.” “B.C.”- (before Christ), I leaped into sin and loved it. Now, I lapse into sin and loathe it. Before, I was running “to sin.” Now, I am running “from sin.” Do I still sin? – Shocking news- I sin all I want to… I sin more than I want to…- I don’t want to. Get it? Got it?.. good.
There has been placed in my heart (because of my adoption in G-d’s “forever family”) a new desire/passion/longing to please G-d. This I will testify, is far from where I used to be. If I told you of my life- “before Christ”, I believe the proper word might be (for the sake of brevity) “oy!” (ya’ll don’t look so “holy!”- lol!!- (yeah, I happen to know.. “all” have sinned-)
But not everyone (all my neighbors,friends, family) have this same inner passion to worship Yeshua. Number one- they have never met Him. They do not know Him. They are just plain ignorant concerning the “unseen/hidden” ONE. Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
What the “church” sometimes refers to as “lost” people (as opposed to “saved” people)- sounds like a “lost and found” doesn’t it?, is in referrence to the spiritual condition of the sheep. Consider: they are blind, deaf, halt, maimed, without Christ and dead. (Other than that, they are okay!- lol!!)
Consider again- where would you be (right now) without Christ? – I’ll pause while you ponder… (I already know where I would be and wonder if I would even still “be here!” (he must have been some kind of a sinner or something… lol!!) So you’ll be able to sleep tonight, I’ll answer that question with this excellent prayer: “G-d be merciful to me.. a (the) sinner.”
Three hundred and sixty six times in G-d’s book are mentioned these two words. (They would be worth a “tat” if you are so inclined, but it’s easier just to “remember” them). “Fear not.”
“Greater is He that is in you (wonder Who that might be..), than he that is in the world (wonder who that might be..). 1 John 4.4. If you haven’t visited this verse in a while it would be a good idea to view it once again- it is very much “comfort food.”
Now, as to persecution. Yes, I am “being followed.” Persecuted. Hunted down like a mongrel dog. There are three sisters after me. Shirley, Goodness and Mercy are “following” me all the day of my life! Also my Abba, the great Hunter/Lover is following hard after me and pursuing me with His love.
We are “more than conquerors” through Him that loved us.. (and loves us still). His love is an everlasting, never failing, always flourishing, unfailing fountain as “streams in the desert.” He has said, (does He ever and even has He ever lied?)- “I will never -(a triple emphasized “never”) leave you or forsake you- I will not leave you “comfortless”- “I will come to you.” (Who is this speaking here?)
“Following the King means being radically different from the world. Look at Jesus! Did He fit in? What would your life be like if you decided to press hard after Him? Would others beat on you for being “legalistic” or a fanatic? Would you be uncomfortably different? Would it matter?”
The short answer brother Skip is YES! YES! And it does matter!
The world will hate us because the Master/ELOHIM was hated first. Mashiach promised that families, friendships, et. al. would be torn asunder because of HIM. Mashiach declared that He came not to send shalom but to send a sword upon the Earth!
Certainly these declarations of truth from Mashiach in context speak to the persecution which Skip comments upon this day.
The battle … and this is indeed what it is … is a battle against powers and principalities! It is a battle between conformity to this world or conformity to the Kingdom of ELOHIM. Many understand the “beating down” and know all to well that it is temporal … it is real … and not very much fun at all.
The attack of the enemy, minions and those unwittingly being influenced is designed as Skip points out … “to exterminate”. At times the attack is subtle and indirect … at other times it is overt, direct and even violent.
Yet within the midst of this onslaught is the promise that He will keep us. The promise that we will be blessed. The promise of ample sustenance. The promise of success. The promise that our shalom will be complete!
I suppose the problem of institutional Christianity’s worldliness can be reduced to the fact that the bounty garnered by many is due to the pursuit of the bounty … meaning that folks simply want to play both sides of the fence. The Lord knows this was my scheme for many a year!
Revelation 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of Elohim; 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked …
Let’s face it folks … this world just don’t dig Israel! If we are part of Israel, they assuredly won’t be digging us! So when they come around to mark the Israelites as they have done throughout the ages, are we ready with our hands raised to say that “we also are to be separated”? Sounds scary … it is scary … and we need to be ready … the day is coming and we must be strong knowing that Yeshua is our strength and HE does not falter!
And of course we have an obligation to invite all who will listen to the island of misfit toys … because we know a secret … yes we are misfits … but HE fixes us up real good!
Am I ready to be hated by the world? Am I ready to openly and LOVINGLY call my “Christian” brother or sister on the carpet? Am I ready to allow God to uses me to not only hate those things that are evil and run from them, but expose them and bring them out into the light, even if they are being committed by my closest friend, or my Pastor or my spouse? Am I ready to stop walking up to the cross and stop pounding the nails into my Savior and hand the nails and hammer over to Father God and lay down on the cros myself with arms spread wide and allow Father God to pound the nails into my hands and my feet?
Interesting how God answers our prayers and petitions.
UNCANNY COINCIDENCE? I don’t think so! I just read another message from someone else declaring the lukewarmness of the institutional church today. Although Skip’s writing speaks of one of the sure signs of NOT being lukewarm:
“By and large, Christianity is now the religious effort to meld with the culture
instead of the call to stand in opposition to the culture – and that culture
includes the Church. ”
Here is a quote from Darren Smith of Streetscape Ministries:
“We, the Body of Christ, should be a revolutionary force on this
earth, not a sub-culture bound by the walls of our buildings and
our lifestyles.”
I believe there is a call to action sounding throughout the Kingdpm. Let’s keep in mind that this thing called relationship with Yeshua is based upon activity. I was talking with my nephew recently and although he is in his 20’s, he says he wondered what he would be doing for Jesus had he not been away from Him for so long. WHAT!! I can relate to this and I am twice plus his age. But for God, we press forward! This so great salvation enables us to walk toward Him, to draw near Him. It is a state of perpetual motion so to speak.
The watered down doctrine of the modern and post modern institutional church has born its fruit and the great divide between the cherry picked parts of the OT vs. the replacement theology taught in the NT for centuries have been the fertilizer. At least that is what I hear in all this…have been hearing it for quite some time. But getting others who are “saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost” to move toward others who are different rather than to continue to look inward where the comfort zone is…well that is for Someone Else. Would you like to meet this “Someone Else”? Look in the Word of God and follow Him down the Via Dolorosa, the path of suffering and shame. If we are followers…why should we expect to be greater than our Master?
I never thought of replacement theology as fertilizer. What a great metaphor. Has lots of similarities, doesn’t it?
Absolutely Skip. Around here the farmer’s fertilizer of choice is chicken manure. Walk around outside especially when the temperature rises and the stench will take your breath away. The odor is not a sweet smelling savor-it will make you nauseous.
What Sha’ul says is painfully true!!!!!!!!! But, what joy to know one is on The Way home.
Yes Robin…and to think Yeshua paved the WAY…He blazed the trail. What a Deliverer! What a Savior! What a mighty God we serve. He is worthy to be praised and adored. He alone is exalted above all things. How interesting to view His life through Scripture and to be able to see Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! WOW!
“a revolutionary force ,,,, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! WOW!
Hi Mary,
I agree, and tend to look for the signs above in My Deliverer.
Learning to live without the comfort food and Southern Comfort.
As De Niro says in the movie, Heat: “that’s the discipline.”