Prophetic Profits
“Remember the law of My servant Moses, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, the statutes and judgments.” Malachi 4:4
Remember – Most of us don’t think of this verse when we think of the prophet Malachi. We think of this verse: “Bring all the tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house. And test Me now with this;” says YHWH of hosts, “whether I will not open the windows of heaven for you;” (3:10). I’m guessing that you have heard at least one sermon that used this verse to cajole you into tithing to the local building. It’s a favorite of the prosperity crowd. Test God. Give your tithe and see if He doesn’t shower you with blessings. Isn’t it odd that we don’t read the rest of Malachi’s message? Maybe the condition of keeping the law of Moses just doesn’t seem comfortable. It’s so much more convenient to lift Malachi 3:10 out of the context and apply it where we wish. We want to profit from the prophet. But he just won’t oblige us.
Malachi’s real message is quite different than the issue of tithing. Malachi is calling God’s people back to full-bodied endorsement of Torah. Malachi’s message is about how we live, not how we give. Malachi 3:10 without the rest of the message makes no sense at all. Why would God care about how you give if you aren’t obedient to His instructions for living? Did you think you could buy your way into His favor? Of course not! So, what motivation is there for putting all of Malachi’s emphasis on tithing (if that’s what 3:10 really means)? There can only be one reason. If I can’t buy my way to God, then maybe I can get His blessing by showing how much of His own provision I am willing to give back to Him. Put as crassly as that, it seems a bit foolish, doesn’t it? Malachi isn’t interested at all in your profit. He is interested in your righteousness. So, he points out that ignoring God’s instructions given to Moses is the equivalent of slapping God in the face. In fact, Malachi mentions (not too subtly) that the day is coming when those who do not live according to the Torah will be swept away in a dreadful day of judgment.
“Remember,” says the Lord. The Hebrew verb is zakar, but it means a lot more than simple cognition. Remember (lol), Hebrew is an action language. So, mental recall will not capture what Malachi commands. To remember is to bring to mind and act accordingly. Simply recalling the commandments is not remembering in Hebrew. Remembering means doing them! If you don’t keep Sabbath, you are not remembering Sabbath. If you don’t avoid evil, you are not remembering the way of the righteous. If you don’t bring your specified sacrifices to the priests of the temple, you are not remembering how to worship. And you are not remembering to tithe. If you want God’s blessing, remember His commandments! It’s pretty simple, right?
Promise yourself you will remember this: context! Never allow another occasion when you read a verse out of context. Remember God’s Word. It all fits together.
Topical Index: remember, zakar, tithe, Malachi 4:4
Following Skips suggestions (directions) changes how I can preach. No more favorite topics that I go looking for text to support. No more “shooting frm the hip,” John Wayne style with a verse from here and there to support my thesis. Oh my. Looks like work is cut out for me. It might take me weeks to prepare one sermon now instead of a day or two!
Hi Roy,
That being the case, maybe there are others the Lord has gifted with a message as you prepare yours. Quite possibly, He has given His gifts so all members are functioning as one body together and the burden is lightened. Remember, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Bless you dear Brother.
Amen! –Remember God’s Word.– “zakar”
This singular word “zakar” is the 900 pound gorilla for me. A “crushing” word. I feel the weight of it and say “amen”. Why?
What was the failure of Adam? (yes, even before the ten words were given..). He failed to “remember” G-d’s words- “don’t eat the fruit”. He failed to remind his gorgeous “isha”, “but honey.. G-d said not to..”.
What was the failure of Moses? He failed to “remember” G-d’s instructions.. “speak to the rock” and ended up “smiting the rock.”
As we travel down the centuries and through the scriptures, in “story after story” and in the lives of each of the “saints and sinners” mentioned throughout the scriptures, the “evidence that demands a verdict” is clearly seen.. in each life- there is a failure to “zakar/remember” the words of YHWH.
And yes, in my own life, I too, as my fathers and my relatives before me, have failed to “zakar”, resulting in tremendous grief, pain, separation, ruin and destruction in my wake. I (by my choosing not to remember) have caused this. And then I “remember” His words from His book- “all have sinned.”
Thank you brother Skip.. for this: “Remember God’s Word. It all fits together.”
The are other words I wish to remember. “Father, forgive them” uttered from the lips of One who died and shed His blood for me. Remember the blood of the mercy seat. Remember the blood applied to the doorposts of the dwelling places. Remember the Torah, the Tanach, the Tehillim, and also remember the tzlav, the talmudim, and the Teacher.
From the very lips of Yeshua.. “remember me.”
In every day experience how are we ever supposed to “remember” all of these?- John 14.26- “But the Helper, (the ezer?)- the Holy Spirit, (the Ruach Hakodesh) -whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”
Help us, O LORD, not to forget your words. Teach us the value of every single word that proceeds out of the mouth of G-d. Blessed Breath of G-d, breathe on us that we may live. Cause us to remember, to repent, and to return unto the living G-d of Abraham, Moses, and Jacob. Together, we bless your name and lift your name to the highest place. You alone are worthy, our great G-d. Together, we bow the knee and proclaim as we are prostrated before you.., “have mercy on us, according to your word, O LORD.” Thank you for the cross of Calvary and for the blood of our Messiah freely given as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. We bless the name that is above every name. Help us each to “remember”, to keep your words, and to live today, among our family, friends and neighbors, pleasing in all things to you our heavenly Abba. Amen.
Skip … absolutely on the mark this morning. Remembrance is intricately interwoven with keeping … zakar is necessary to shomer …. and shomer is necessary to zakar.
Hear and remember …. remember and keep (do). It is indeed a function of stewardship in the end.
I suppose I am not too surprised that Malachi’s exhortations are conveniently glossed over … but what about the exhortations of Yeshua?
Ultimately when we view Yeshua in the Hebraic context of “remember and keep” what do we see?
1) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your REMEMBRANCE, whatsoever I have said unto you.
2) If ye love me, KEEP my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he DWELLETH WITH YOU, and SHALL BE IN YOU.
So we must realize that Yeshua maintained until the end the inter-operable relationship between zakar and shomer … in fact it is clear that our effective stewardship of His gospel is dependent upon remembering and keeping …. through the power of Ruach HaKodesh …. the gift to us – due to the GLORIFICATION of YESHUA and MERCY of ELOHIM!
So if we are not remembering and we are not keeping … who then is in us … who is guiding us?
Drew, Excellent question, “So if we are not remembering and we are not keeping … who then is in us … who is guiding us?”
This morning while still lying in bed, I listened to Malachi on my CD player because I have been fearful about obeying YHWH as of late. I want to make it home to be with my Father and family. I know (not believe) I must follow His instructions to get there. When Malachi came to the tithe part I jumped up and made a donation to At God’s Table. Then, lo and behold, I read Today’s Word! I know in my heart of hearts that it is truly time to take His Torah deadly seriously! We have been empowered with the Holy Spirit and the understanding of Torah so now we must do. It is a matter of eternal life and death. “To whom much is given much is required.”
–I want to make it home to be with my Father and family. I know (not believe) I must follow His instructions to get there.–
Robin–this may not be the time or the place, but your expressed desire “to make it home to be with my Father and family” has piqued my interest, concern and response.
May I “testify” concerning myself only, -I would not trust the best ten minutes of my life to get me “there!”
My salvation, my deliverance from the captivity of sin (sin shall no longer have dominion) is not based on my “good behavior, rule keeping, tithing, (which all in their proper order do have a place in my life), but when I get “there” and am asked the question- “Why should I let you into my heaven?” – what will my answer be? What do I base my “salvation” upon?
I know this is a personal decision with each one of us, but there also is a universal Provision that has been accomplished approximately 2,000 years ago upon Calvary’s cross.
The perfect Lamb has been slain. My deliverance has been accomplished and is “paid in full.” This is the “gospel” or “good news.”
“As many as received Him to them gave He the authority to become the sons of G-d even to them who believe on His name. –
“My sins are gone, I’ve been set free, my G-d, my Savior ransomed me! “
Without questioning anyone’s hope, faith, etc. … it is indeed clear that Elohim has brought Salvation forth. His Glory can not be annulled. This being said what do we believe Sha’ul’s warning to be about – “work out your salvation in fear and trembling?
What do we think of the warnings and declarations in Scripture that point to a greater punishment for “knowing the truth but remaining enslaved to sin (being blasphemous)?”
We do not hold to the notion of once saved always saved … or once under grace always under grace, do we? The problem with this notion is that we presume our election … our salvation … when we know the only confidence we can have rests in Ruach HaKodesh within us.
Yeshua has paid the price for our sins … no doubt … but this awesome truth does not constitute an insurance card for anyone willing to declare that Yeshua/Jesus is Lord and Savior … public declaration from a Hebraic perspective means “show me T’shuvah” and public declaration from an Israelite/Kingdom perspective means “love Adonai with all your being”!
I have had far too many conversations with folks who believe they are invulnerable to apostasy/blasphemy … when The Word confirms that we can fall despite the awesome salvation wrought by Yeshua! I have seen far to many examples of purportedly elect believers living just as the world …. This is why we see so little difference between the churches and the “outside world” …
Brother Carl … this is no way a response to take personally … no way indeed ….
Our works do not constitute a contributory iota towards our reconciliation with Elohim … yet at the same time our works of faith/fruits testify to our election …. And the trees not bearing fruit will be uprooted and burned ….
So let us be careful and not be fooled into believing that an appropriate response to Salvation on our part is not required. An unacceptable response to The Gift is paramount to rejection of the gift!
–what do we believe Sha’ul’s warning to be about – “work out your salvation in fear and trembling?–
Shalom brother Drew..
“Salvation is a three part process and yet all springing from one source. I have been saved from the penalty of sin. (That in itself is worth a Hallelujah!) I am being saved from the power of sin (sin shall no longer have dominion over you) and one day (soon I hope), I will (ultimately and eternally) be saved from the presence of sin. More on this later, I am “pressed by the clock!!… “
I agree with Carl about salvation being a three part process. Now about losing your salvation….
If you are TRULY adopted into the family of God and have the same rights as a son born into the family, how do you get un-adopted?
If you are truly adopted into the family of God how much sin do you have to commit to lose your salvatiion? Breaking which law will be most likely to cause you to lose your salvation? Will you be the judge? Who will judge another man’s servant? I could deny any of my children being a child of mine, but it could not be so. They will always be my children regardless of what they do in this world. I don’t think Jesus will ever deny a true child of His and declare that their salvation is revoked. Of course, I punished my children when they rebelled and I think God will punish believers when they rebel.
Did the prodigal son have to be readmitted to the family when he returned, or was there rejoicing by his father and in heaven? Think about this. If there is not more grace than you are giving God credit for, who stands a chance of making it into the presence of God? Certainly not me.
Thank God for His mercy and grace. If it we not true that I can’t lose my salvation, what would a terrible sinner like me do? What if I missed asking for forgiveness for some sin that I forgot or considered trivial?
While I am not inclined to attempt to settle this debate because I believe that it is one of the essential tensions of Scripture, I would point out that Christianity has shifted the ground of salvation from here to eternity. That means we tend to see this question in terms of its “end” product – will I get to heaven? But Hebrew doesn’t have that focus. The issue is “Will I be rescued here and now?” “Will I be saved from myself?” “Will I find peace with God on earth as it is in heaven?” Once we stop pushing for an answer about the eternal consequences, I believe we can clearly see the temporal implications. I KNOW if I am in alignment with my Master. I don’t have to guess if I am living according to His instructions. It is a present reality question.
As for the final part, why are we so determined to settle the issue? Could it be that we are really Greek in our thinking and we want a nice, neat answer for the FUTURE so we don’t have to worry about the tension in Scripture? A Hebrew might say, “Hey, I’m not worried at all. That’s God’s business. My business is to be obedient and enjoy “eternal” life today.”
—from here to eternity—-
Sounds like a great name for a movie!! lol!!– This is where the “epic failure” (if there is a failure) occurs and that is in the wrong thinking “eternal life” begins after we die. If I may ask the silly question:- So, what are we now- chopped liver? No, no and no! “Eternal life” (or more accurately – the life of the Eternal One) is ours right here, right now, this very moment, as I breathe in and breathe out, I have (present tense) the G-d of the eternal NOW, living and residing in this mortal frame.
I need to stop a take a breath after all that!! lol!- Selah, dear brothers – it is Christ in you (NOW) that is the hope of glory- (the certainty of beauty).
Christian “hope” is not (the nots of the Bible or more like NOT- if you will excuse the raised voice), and the buts of scripture are BIG BUTS!!)… Oh yes, back to “hope.” This is another word brother Skip worth a page or two of investigation, especially when we “remember” the word of the LORD, now abideth/remains/endures faith, hope and love (I Corinthians 13). “Hope” is a glad certainty. Is
repetition necessary? It is not- I “hope” I get a puppy for my birthday, it is a certainty that a thing is so. For instance, the very word- “amen!” (Exclamation point is mine-lol!) And the definition of “amen” is? Yes? It is what? I can’t hear you!!.. “It is so”. And also “so be it”. And also “truly”. “Verily” if you are a King James fan. Yes, brother Skip, I remember- “the truth stamp.” Thank you for that. I am “listening” to your words.. lol!! Hallelujah, and praise His name! Amen!-
Brethren, (and sisteren), why do we praise His name? Do we need to interject a Selah-pause and think about that..? Why? Because He is (yes?)… faithful, true, reliable,trustworthy, holy, compassionate, tender, merciful.. – shall we go on? Oh yes!- One more thing, how could I forget.. (slaps self upside the head…).. He is my Father!– Woah!- Hold on a minute here, you cheeky little thing.. how dare you say a thing like that!- Don’t you know -you are a “sinner”? (ahem..).. “yes.”
Well, okay then.. “remember” your place and “stay there.” And then.. (drumroll?..) I “remember” the words of YHWH.. “it is written”..- (how I love those three words), – I may go out a “get a tat” today.. who knows? “It is written”- Where shall we start Mr. Accuser?- I suggest you put your crooked, bony finger of accusation back in your pocket and listen to these words- “He hath said.” “What saith the scripture?” “It is written!”- Do these three words have a “familiar ring” to them? Did Someone once say to you three times- “It is written?” Hallelujah! for the Tslav! Hallelujah for the Torah, the Tanukh, and the Brit Chadashah. “Listen” to this noise.. “There is therefore NOW, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8.1) Should we repeat this? Should we whisper this? Should we shout this!! (Excuse me).. YES!! There is therefore (see what it’s there for) NO condemnation to those who are IN Christ (the Annointed One) Jesus (Yashuah). Listen to the words of John 5.24, sir or madam,-“-“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” Who is speaking? Does He ever lie? If I can read black print on white paper (I am smarter than a fifth grader.. sometimes..)- this here verse says, “have already passed from death to life”. If the “crisis dujour” is about when eternal life begins, let me interject the following.. (from 1 John 5.12)- “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Please pardon me for my blunt words but, “do you or don’t you?” Either you do or you don’t- which is it?
As my brother John was saying.. I am a son and I have an earthly father. How do I know that? As Will Rogers said when asked for “proof of his birth”, he replied- “I’m here ain’t I?” Now then, I’m asking- What “proofs” do you have of your “new birth”. Yeshua said, “behold, I make all things new”. To this I can testify- He does. Before, I was running to sin, and now I’m running from it. Before I was running from G-d, now I delight to do His will. Simply put, (after all.. I am a simple man).. -Christ has changed my “want-to.” This is one of the “affirmations” I belong to Him. Glory!
I have a young son who is seventeen. He is starting to “meat-out”, and growing some chest and some “guns”. He is in the process of developing into a handsome young man. (just the facts, ma’m!- lol!) He will always and forever, no matter what Mr. Bajabberhead does, be my son- (whom I love).
Am I always “pleased” with his behavior? (Hello?)- do you have any children? do they always please you with their behavior/lifestyle? Honest answer anyone?.. nooooooooooooooooo. (Amen!)
So, the minute Mr. Meathead misbehaves I should squash him like a bug.. right? There is an option I have to correct the young man’s behavior. (ahem…) I believe (ouch!)- you know what I’m (ouch!) referring to. Uh-huh.. “the board of eductation” applied to the “seat of knowledge”, if applied in the right way and at the appropriate time- may (ahem…) do some good.
And our heavenly Father, works in this same way. He does (oh, yes He does!..), have a way of (ahem..), getting our attention. It would take me pages to tell this story!- lol!!
And one final word (you mean he’s finally through?) This “cheap grace” I hear being bantied about today.. what the world is this? “Cheap grace”. Brothers what did it cost to purchase my salvation? This was cheap? The Creator crucified on a cross was cheap? It makes me swallow my tongue to think such a thing! Who on this green planet started this “cheap grace” stuff? Is “oy” a strong enough word here? I’m a a loss for words right now.. so I guess this is a good place to end.. lol!!-
I have been “bought with a price”, therefore I will glorify G-d with my body.I will, by the mercies of God, present my body a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is my spiritual service of worship. I now (due to my relationship with my Abba) will delight to do His will.
Shalom … and we shall remain un-contentious while presenting diverse views …
There is more grace than I may be giving G_D credit for? … Hmmm … I would think that HIS Self sacrifice on the stake speaks for itself (Praise Him Forever)! The sacrifice which gave us “the right” to become G_D’s children!
The issue once again is not about The Lord’s awesome power and might … it is about the son/daughter who rebels and “does not return”. The son or daughter who once basked in the grace of The Lord and inclined their heart to Him … but fell away and did not seek repentance! Who of us can see past this very time we exist in? Hence the need for trust and fear … always!
We could argue that the apostate person was never elect … never saved … and presuming that they are lost we would be correct! However there would have been a time in that person’s life when Ruach HaKodesh was working in them … a time when they could have and did confess The Lord … a time when that person would have considered them self “saved”! No we can not over turn The Lord’s election but we can surely operate under a false notion that we are elect when we actually are not!
As Skip commented … there is only the here and now …. I can not account for the past but I can act in the present …. while not worrying about the concerns which tomorrow will bring …. I can only trust in The Lord’s mercy and loving kindness … now! I can only do this now because it is the limitation of our existence … I hope that I will be trusting in Him tomorrow as well as today!
So can we feel confident that He has saved us right now? I pray that we can all answer yes! … For the future …. can we guarantee that all of us who answer yes today will still be trusting in The Lord tomorrow? …. Personally I do not have the power to peer into such matters …. does anyone else other than our Lord?
Search the Scriptures … there are certainly passages that speak to the issue of apostasy …. and what of Revelations which discusses the luke-warm? … Clearly these are masses of individuals who would claim to be elect … so whose definition of elect shall we accept? Ultimately you … me … or anyone can only know about today … right now!
I agree that He takes us back when we falter …. but surely there are those who falter and do not incline their heart back to Him and The Word tells us that these are lost!
“Remember the law of My servant Moses, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, the statutes and judgments.”
Malachi 4:4
“Remember – Most of us don’t think of this verse we think of the prophet Malachi.”
Hi Skip,
In The Jerusalem Bible, which I used in college, Malachi is only four pages in length; spanning from page 1544 to page 1547.
As I mentioned some time ago, I never read the Bible until I had to teach it while in graduate school and I was having a hard time trying to understand any chapter in the Old Testament from end to end.
So when I saw that Malachi was only 4 pages long, I decided to read it over and over again until I understood it completely, in the hope that it would contain a “key” to understanding other chapters; everything in a “nutshell” as they say.
At the time, I was surprised to find ” An oracle” in the opening sentence, and remember thinking that I would never have guessed the Jews believed in oracles. Had thought that was a Greek thing.
It didn’t “ring a bell” at the time, because I assumed the Jews had the same view of prophecy as the Christians and Christian prophecy never really interested me.
Looking back now, I can say that many of the things that I have found most illuminating in life are right there in Malachi.
But never gave tithing a second thought
Yes, Malachi is about a lot more than 10% to the local church! But now you can give tithing a second thought. The fact that Malachi is often used to support Christian tithing says a lot about cultural misappropriation, doesn’t it? Kind of makes you wonder about the rest.
Mal 3:1 “Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap.
Mal 3:3 “He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the LORD offerings in righteousness.
Mal 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.
Hi Skip,
To quote the officer/prosecutor (Denzel Washington) in the movie Courage Under Fire, “I’m a little slow on the uptake” at least when it comes to tithing.
But when I read the 4 passages above, I do agree that Malachi Definitely has more in mind than 10% to the local church!