The Story in the Story
And Cain talked with his brother Abel, and as they were in a field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. Genesis 4:8
Killed – Do you know the story of Cain and Abel? Well, maybe you do. But Genesis is often a much deeper account than we imagine and what happens in its narrative often hides more insights. Let’s take a look and see if you really know this story.
Two factors govern our deep study of Scripture. The first is the recognition that there are no incidental words (or letters). Every word tells a story (with apologies to Rod Stewart). The second factor is the pictographic background of the Hebrew consonants. The words are made up of pictures. Understanding the pictures often reveals something important about the words. Now, let’s examine this text.
First, Cain in Hebrew is Qayin. The text of Genesis 4:1 draws on a similarity with the verb qana. The verb means “to acquire.” Qayin is “acquired” from the Lord (that text is difficult in itself). On top of this, the picture of Qayin (Qof-Yod-Nun) is “the last to make life.” If we read this on the lips of Havvah, we can see that her name for this son is really the next man making life. Qayin comes after Adam. He is Havvah’s substitute for her lost man (she calls him an ish – a man – not a child). Adam departs the scene. Qayin takes over. He is the next man – at the time of his birth, the last to make life.
This “last to make life” man talks with his brother “as they were in a field.” This description contains the verb “to be” (hayah) connected to the noun “field” (sadeh). Field is the pictograph “what comes from the door to consuming.” In an agrarian society, the field is the place where we find life sustenance. So, the last to make life talks with his brother in the place of life. They exist in the place where life is nourished.
But something happens that destroys all these pictures. Qayin “rose up” against his brother. The verb stem is qwm. It paints the picture of “the last to secure chaos.” The last to make life now becomes the last to secure chaos. Life and chaos are opposites. Qayin becomes the vehicle of destruction. He opens the door that allows chaos back into the ordered world. He kills his brother.
Two pictures emerge from this statement of fratricide. First, the verb is harag. The picture is “what comes from a person of pride” or “what comes from lifting up the head.” Pride kills Abel. Qayin is its instrument. It’s important to note that the very word qayin has a homophone, a word that is spelled the same and sounds the same but has a different meaning. You can find the homophone in 2 Samuel 21:16. It is the word for a weapon! Pride uses the weapon qayin to kill Abel. The second picture is the word “brother.” This word (ach from the consonants Aleph-Tau) means “the strong fence.” A brother is a strong protector. In a field, the last man to make life lifts up pride and becomes a weapon that tears down the strong fence of protection. The last man to make life becomes the first man to take it and the weapon he uses is his pride.
When God comes to Qayin, he asks, “Where is your brother Abel?” The Hebrew word for “where” is ay, a word of surprise, not of location. In other words, God asks why this brother is not with the other brother. Why are the strong protectors not together as they should be? Qayin replies that he is not his brother’s ha-shamar (guardian). He is not “the person who destroys chaos.” Qayin is correct. He is the man who makes chaos, not the man who eliminates it.
Now do you know the story?
Topical Index: Cain, Abel, Genesis 4:8
My life’s experience sure would not have understood brother as a guardian or protector. My experience is more like the chaos raised by Cain. Not only was I not a very good brother but my brothers were not either. We simply played out the Cain-Able story repeatedly. How sad!
Well, there’s a biblical analogy for this too. Joseph and his brothers are Cain’s story all over again.
I feel much like Joseph now – the job/situation that I am in to have sustenance to live makes me feel like Joseph – that God has allowed me to be thrown into a well, be a prisoner & wait!!! I pray everyday for God to remove me – to open other doors where I can be in a team that cares for one another/community & be a part of a family that are intimate & open/honest with one another – to help one another to grow & be transformed into His image – to respect/love one another in a spiritual sense that spills over into good relationships instead of paranoia & mistrust (which the atmosphere is conducive to – they pit us against each other).
We are like Jewish slaves in Egypt making bricks – meeting a quota & if you don’t meet that quota you are beat to death (your spirit is lashed continually) by words that are meant to devalue you as a person. The only thing good I can see in this oppression are the benefits which I am very thankful for & I think they do this to keep people on such low salaries & elevate one department that could not do their job without all the other departments doing it for them (the prep work – the forerunner of the completion of their work for sure).
Yes, pride is the major player of oppression & I am so sick of it. I am thankful to have a job but there is something better than this in God/Jesus. I look forward to the end of the story with Joseph & me – in God’s timing. I know that I will probably have to work beyond retirement & I would love to have a job that I look forward to each morning instead of just survival (if you know what I mean).
Daughter of Jerusalem/Zion
We are led to slaughter each day like lambs…
Jan, most anyone who has every held a “secular” job can identify with your situation. I am not a “minister” or paid professional preacher, just an ordinary “joe” (excuse me Joe!) er.. in this case “ordinary carl”. I sometimes like to believe I’m so ordinary, I’m extra-ordinary! Well.. anyway getting back to the “crisis du jour” at your place of employment. Have you read PDL? (Purpose-Driven-Life)?
The wide-sweep of this book is to help you to see the Sovereignty of YWYH in your life and in every situation. G-d does “micro-manage” this planet, down to the whisker of a cat in the middle of a hurricane. He is intricately and intimately involved in our lives, even down to the micro-cellular level! He is LORD of the telescopic and LORD of the microscopic or if you prefer the short version- Jesus is LORD of all. (We serve a big G-d). If you would like to know how big- the only answer I can come up with is: “bigger!”
I said all that to say “G-d is very aware of your current situation.” Just as He is aware of every hair on our head. G-d wants to conform us to the image of the Son. This word “conform” is a word of heat and pressure. Like pouring liquid metal into a mold and then “pressing” or conforming it into shape.
It has been said (and I believe it to be true), a man (or woman) can go through a lot, if they know ‘why’ they are going through it. David said, “it is good for me that I have been afflicted” (Psalm 119.71).
In Phiippians 4.19 we have the promise: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Were you counting affliction as one of your needs? (it is rather odd, don’t you think?). But, His ways are NOT are ways -no doubt about it! (Isaiah 55.8)
I too, work in a “less than perfect” environment and expect it also to remain that way “for the duration.”
But YWYH tells me constantly to “speak the truth in love” to my coworkers and to model the Master in everything I say and do. I know also these “neighbors” of mine are watching and observing my words and actions constantly waiting for me to “mess up!” (they won’t have to wait long- I’m human!). And so are they. The only difference between us is “knowing Him.” I am an ambassador for Christ in a foreign land. I feel (as you do) as if I don’t belong here. (this is good- because we dont “belong here”, we are citizens of somewhere we have never been!). We are “heaven-born” and “heaven-bound.” Twice-born people living in a once-born world, with value systems one-hundred eighty degrees apart!. Maybe these words will help.. (they comfort me!).. “but, G-d is faithful!” He is. Everyday! Hallelujah, for the cross! Our G-d is able to deliver and His grace is (always) sufficient! (2 Corinthians 2.12) He has promised- ” will never leave you”- Hebrews 13.5)
So, what can we do? (Are we stuck?)- No, no and no! We pray! Then we pray- and then we pray.. G-d wants us right where we are to accomplish what he wants us to do. Our mission is to “do what is pleasing to Him” everyday and in every circumstance in which we find ourselves. Wherever you go in life- there you are- and He is also! Three hundred sixty six times – “fear not” is written in the word of G-d. Why so many? (besides- one for each day?)-Maybe it takes a while to sink in.. ‘fear not.’
The “short answer” is prayer. (I apologize for being ‘short’ with you!) Every morning and throughout the day. Pray before, during and after. Pray without ceasing! (1 Thessalonians 5.17)
I will pray also sister Jan, for your ‘situation’. Practice His presence. He is Emmanuel- G-d with us!.
“look forward to each morning instead of just survival (if you know what I mean).”
Hi Jan,
I know what you mean and also hate that feeling at work when you know the layoffs are coming.
Easier said than done, but “attitude drives emotion” and a good attitude can help a lot.
For me there is always the knowing that what I have is what God wants.
Learning acceptance is another important lesson
Michael – I don’t know about layoffs – but it wouldn’t surprise me – I would rather be transitioned into another job before being fired for not making the numbers they want/require (doesn’t mean they are needed – just the wants/desires/greed of men).
BTW: I never get emails with replies to my comments & the box is always checked to receive such but it never happens – I always end up coming back myself to see if anyone has responded – guess that should be looked into by the IT guy/person here on TW.
Carl – I am not impressed with the purpose driven life or Rick Warren – bought the book but never got through it & now years later I know why – a bit deceptive for sure.
I know all that has been said above & I know what the scriptures say & I know that God is in control but it doesn’t help sometimes – we still feel oppressed. I pray for attitude adjustment & have not received it yet – just the intense awareness of heavy/sever oppression for the benefit of man/men. There is no perfect job – but some people almost are there – to be doing something you love & being paid for it is where I want to be & I do know that some people are blessed with this kind of livelihood – with God all things are possible.
Hi Jan,
Glad to hear you don’t have to worry about layoffs; most folks here in Silicon Valley seem to lack any sense of job security in my experience.
Most folks I know would probably say the workload is oppressive but not their managers, who are basically in the same boat with more work.
I have always been very lucky to have worked in good companies with good people, but the last 1 1/2 years I have been out of work almost 1 year and that has caused me a lot of pain at home.
Michael – the company I work for lost the parent company to bankruptcy (the 8th largest in the US) & that company is completely dissolved now. They accomplished separating us from the parent & the creditors wanted to buy us but the judge denied the motion so now the company I work for is in reorganization – don’t know what is going to happen from there – it is up to the bankruptcy judge to allow or deny reorganization – so who knows – layoffs may be an issue in the future.
I don’t suppose Joseph or John on the Island of Patmos felt much more than oppression when they were in the circumstances they were in – we are people with weaknesses & desires & dreams & rightly so – God made us this way. Being content in much or little does not mean that you do not want the circumstances to change or become better – that would be rather odd to desire oppression rather than freedom – kinda like light & darkness – oil & water – they don’t mix. I pray to God it is just a short season of oppression & that he gives me the desires of my heart. I know where I will be happy – in what industry & I keep getting closer & closer & more so the month of December. It is not like I have not got some great leads in even knowing what is out there & the opportunity to apply. I interviewed with Northrop Grumman last Sept/08 & again this Sept/09 but since then I had an opportunity to apply with something I would even consider more of my passion than Grumman – so I’m not giving up – I kept getting leads & I keep applying while holding down a job that meets my needs (just barely).
I believe that God is arranging things for me – all things will be beautiful in His time. I think I have preached myself content/delivered from oppression at least this evening…