Theological Psychology
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Assurance – From 300 BC until 1500 AD, this word was about something very different than “assurance.” But when Martin Luther accepted this translation suggestion his friend Phillip Melanchthon 500 years ago, the landscape of this word changed and the world of faith became a different place. If you want to recover the older meaning, you’ll have to do a little digging.
Most modern translations follow Luther. By using the word “assurance,” Luther shifted the idea of faith into the realm of inner personal conviction. “Assurance” means self-confidence or personal guarantee. Suddenly faith rests on how I feel. In its current form, faith is now a private religious experience. This view fosters the modern idea of tolerance: that what I believe is my inner conviction and should not be forced into the public arena. Everyone has his own inner convictions. Everyone’s faith is unique to the individual and not subject to outward, objective scrutiny.
With great regret, Christianity is moving in this direction, helped along by changes in the translation. In a culture that advocates “whatever believe-ism,” true Christian belief has been subtly separated from objective attestation and reduced to the same level as all other “faiths.”
But here’s the amazing fact. The Greek word hupostasis never meant inner personal conviction prior to Luther’s translation. This Greek word was a scientific and medical term that meant “the underlying reality behind something.” It has nothing to do with personal conviction. It is a word that says, “this demonstrates the true but hidden reality.” The Hebrew author picked a Greek word that captures the dual reality of this world.
So what does this mean for Hebrews 11:1? The author of Hebrews tells us that the real world is not this world as it appears but rather the world as it is demonstrated in the future, hidden reality of what is hoped for. This is faith. Not the personal, subjective, inner feelings of private confidence, but the outward demonstration of a world that is based on what is to come: the world of God’s kingdom values lived out here and now as a sign of what will be. And how is that outward demonstration revealed? It is revealed in the community of the obedient. It is displayed first and foremost in the life of Yeshua and secondarily in those who follow Him. This is not a private, inner experience. This is a tangible, outward expression of living according to a reality that is hidden for the time-being but will show itself to be the true reality soon enough. In other words, faith is the demonstration of God’s coming kingdom by living according to kingdom instructions right now!
This is a heavyweight verse. The impact that its proper translation has on believers is shocking. Faith has nothing to do with my groping in the dark to try to find the right feelings or the proper inner conviction. Faith is walking in obedience to a reality that is not yet obvious. Faith is doing according to God’s truth regardless of what I see.
Do you have faith? Ah, that’s a Greek question, isn’t it? The real question is this: Are you faithful? Is your life characterized by a reality that others do not see yet? Do you live by a code that is hidden from the world? Faith is a verb. To have faith is to do what God asks.
Topical Index: faith, hupostasis, Hebrew 11:1
Brother Skip … to the heart of the matter! Hard hitting indeed!
Yes! Faith is a trust … faithfulness is a walk! And we know what becomes of those that walk contrary to haDerech (The Way) … they walk in the dark! We can not have it both ways … else we would be “luke-warm”!
This is the reality that spurs t’shuvah and failure to grasp this truth results in the community of purported believers looking just like the world … just like Egypt!
1 John: 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Yeshua Mashiach the righteous: 2:2 And He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. 2:4 He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 2:5 But whoso keepeth His word, in him verily is the love of Elohim perfected: hereby know we that we are in Him. 2:6 He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.
And we know that neither John nor other writers speak to observation of the mitzvot by rote or in any legalistic capacity …. they speak of “transformation” to the very best of our capabilities and efforts. And the walk, as Skip confirms, is not a path that is self determined premised upon a personal assessment of righteousness …. clearly people are not equipped to make such determinations and must defer/submit to HE WHO IS RIGHTEOUS
I believe that James 2:18 proclaims this very fact that we are known by our works. James says for us to show our faith without works, and he will show us his faith by his works. This teaching about faith is not hidden, just ignored. James had to have faith first, or confidence in the Spirit of God, before he could accomplish any works with the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. It is the same with us today.
“James says for us to show our faith without works”
Blessings, my fellow journeyman! If I’m mistaken, I don’t believe that was the words of James. Didn’t he say in 2:24, “So you see, we are made right with God by what we do, not by faith alone.”? (NLT) James did not contradict himself. He was not saying that we are saved by works, but that it was the evidence of our salvation. Again, faith is a verb, not a noun. Faith is works, and I believe Brother Skip has “rightly divided” this verse.
“Do you have faith?” Are you saved? The Greek raises its head and entraps. No one will know if I am saved except by my being faithful. That sure is not a feeling thing is it? I think back to my evening in Heidleburg, Germany when I was cornerd by a well meaning Baptist who was insistent that I should be saved. It meant nothing because there was no talk of being faithful and doing faithfully for God! I tend to not trust feelings when it comes to religion. Emotions get in the way of being faithful. How is that for rambling?
But remember the power of emotions to connect me to the things of God – His prompting, His joy, His love. David’s psalms are filled with emotion for a good reason. Emotion is the air in the balloon of faith.
Hi Skip, I call faith, “Walking on God’s word.”
Have you ever considered translating a whole book of the Bible? Or, better yet a verse by verse commentary on a book? Clearly the translations we have and the understandings on which many of us have been nurtured are seriously lacking and even damaging. On a business level there may be a substantial market for something like that. While there are many Jewish roots teachers few have the credentials to offer a credible marketable commentary.
In your opinion are the JPS commentaries worth owning? Can you suggest commentaries on the “new” testament that present the text in a proper understanding?
What is the name of the software you use when switching back and forth between the greek of the Septuagint and the Hebrew of the TNK and NT?
That’s my personal record for consecutive questions.
I have never considered translating – and probably never will. So, we can set that aside. A commentary verse by verse. Yes, that’s what we are doing, one day at a time. Is there a market for such? I kind of doubt it. My experience is that only a very few people actually desire to know what lies behind the comfortable religion they think they know. Most people believe what they have been taught by the church and most pastors I teach don’t have any idea about this stuff either. It is left up to the scholars. So, we’re right back as philosophical fundamentals like interpretive schemes and worldviews.
Is the JSP Torah commentary worth the price ($275.00). Yes, but only if you are serious and only if you are willing to read what Jewish scholars say about their Scriptures WITHOUT a Christian bias.
What New Testament? None that I can think of. David Stern’s version helps, but basically it is a labor of textual investigation.
Software – When I use it, I like Silver Mountain Bibloi 8.0 (Windows only) because is allows instant searches of the NT and LXX together. But remember, nothing is EASY. No wonder Paul encouraged us to “study to show yourself approved.”
One of the best NT resources I have found is the Aramaic English NT written by Andrew Roth . It has a wealth of information in it as well as commentaries to go along with explanations of the nuances. It is one that every serious bible student should have in their library.
Thanks Pam, for the reference. I am sure you are aware that the NT was probably not written in Aramaic, but I am sure that it helps since clearly Aramaic was spoken at that time. There are some excellent Hebrew Gospels available as well. Of course, none of this applies to the material following the gospels since that was all in Greek.
I don’t know Skip – he makes a pretty good case for it having been written in Aramaic/Hebrew –
The argument can only concern the gospels, and then perhaps only Matthew, Mark and John. There is now considerable evidence including ancient sources that Matthew was originally written in Hebrew (take a look at the material on the ShemTov Matthew). The idiomatic expressions in the gospels certainly lend credibility to an original Hebrew version. If it were written In Aramaic, it is difficult to explain why the current texts add definition explanations when Aramaic is used. That would be completely unnecessary and redundant if the text were in Aramaic in the first place. There is no doubt that some Aramaic expressions are recorded in the conversations, but it doesn’t follow that the text itself was written in Aramaic. The popular idea that the common language of the people was Aramaic can’t be supported from archeological evidence or from what we know about the Temple worship and teaching. Furthermore, key statements in Yeshua’s declarations only make sense in Hebrew, not Aramaic. I posted an article about this some time ago. I think it was called, “The Hebrew Gospels” or something like that. You can find it by searching the web site.
Thank you Pamela.
–Assurance” means self-confidence or personal guarantee. Suddenly faith rests on how I feel. —
Skip Moen.. where do you come up with these ideas? Self-confidence? -Hello? What cow pasture did this spring up from? Somebody’s been eating the mushrooms.
Where does “faith” come from? .. Let’s review the words of Rabbi Shaul in Romans 10.17. – “Therefore faith (comes) from hearing, and hearing from the word of the Messiah.”
First things first. Right? #1. G-d speaks. (“and the word of the LORD came unto…”, “and G-d said,” “and G-d spoke”, “and the LORD said unto..” , etc.)
We might have “faith” but faith in what or faith in who? Right now, I don’t have very much “faith” in the United States government.. (just sayin’), but I have all faith in what G-d said, and in what G-d says. “Every word of G-d is pure.” I have never (ever!) caught Him in a lie or known Him to speak what is not true, good, just, pure, holy, and healing. His words bring life- always. (yes? or no?)
Yes, I have known some scallywags and scoundrels in my limited time here on the planet. I’ve known some who let me down (and by the way this also includes “moi’!” or “self”) But G-d, (love those two words combined!) has always, always been true to His word. He is the Faithful One. -(May I?) -Amen!!
My faith is not (I’ll repeat for emphasis) not based on “how I feel.” No, no and not. I’m fifty six years young and if my faith was based on how I feel and if that extra large anchovie pizza I had for dinner last night has a play or part in my “faith” and the fact that the neighbor’s dog barked at me when I went out to get the morning paper determines my “faith”, I’m in a heap of trouble! How often do I “feel” good? Excuse me, but puh-lease. I’m tempted to laugh on your lapel. (forgive me please..).
No, sir. Faith come from welcoming the words of G-d and letting them soak into your innermost being to transform you from the inside-out. G-d has spoken and how I respond to what He has said (and is saying!) determines my faith. (p.s.- that was a period at the end of the previous sentence in case you might have missed it. Dogmatic?– (!!) HEAR, O Israel!! (Why is G-d so big on hearing??) Maybe it’s because we can’t “see” G-d? (just sayin’..)
Here is the “underlying reality.” What G-d says- goes. “That’s what He said” (lol!!) Mary was absolutely right when she said- “whatever He says unto you- do it!”
“Faith” is our (right) response to what G-d says. (the “right” response?– you know it.. obedience)
“Do I have faith?” (I’m sorry sir, that’s a very incomplete question..) Do I have faith in what (or in Who)? sounds much better to me. Do I have faith in what G-d said (or says)? Yes, I do. Very much so. And this my friends is what brings such blessing and joy to my heart.
Is “faith” important to G-d? (such a question!!-lol!) “But without faith it is impossible to please G-d.” (Hebrews 11.6) “Faith” is (for lack of a better word- “huge”. “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (I John 5.4)
If faith comes by our “hearing” and our “hearing” comes by the word(s) of G-d, we sure do need to get our noses in the Book. We need some exposure to the light and to the truth of G-d’s book. For sure and for certain. Of this, I have been “assured”. I not only need this book to survive ,but because of ] His words I will not only survive, but I will thrive.
Skip.. heed His call dear brother- “feed my sheep.”
It might well be good to explore God’s response to Moses when he was told to “speak to the rock” and out would flow water for the people. Moses, out of frustration with the attitude of the people, struck the rock instead. The people still got their water, but God told Moses, “Because you have not believed me, you will not enter into the land”.
What?!! Moses did not believe God?
A literal reading of the Hebrew “lo he’amantem bi l’haqdiseni” is “because you did not stand firm in being holy”. So belief is standing firm in being holy. The word “amantem” is from the root “aman” (from where we get our “English” word amen) which, when broken down to the meaning of the individual letters, means “the strength of the living waters”.
The Hebrew word for faith, emunah, is the same root with the letter “hey” added – “hey” means “revealed”. Faith is “the strength of the living waters revealed” in me. How is it revealed? Through actions. Through obedience. It has to be visible.
The way I see it, it is the strength of the living waters flowing out from within that allows us to stand firm in being holy, set apart for His purpose. Faith is the outward evidence of that strength that comes only from the source of the living waters.
What did our Saviour say? “If any man it thirsty, let him come to Me and ask, and I will give him rivers of living water”. Moses was told the first time to strike the rock; the second time he was told to speak to the rock.
Why? Messiah was to be struck only once. After that, we only need ask for the living waters and he will freely give.
Belief, faith, action, obedience – all are inseparable. The latter three are the outward evidence of the first. I think Skip nailed it.
Thank you Rodney, I do appreciate the Hebrew pictogram of these foundational words. I also agree and affirm, “faith”is an action verb. I could “see” someone with a potential financial need and offer with an benevolent extended hand a one hundred dollar bill, but until the extended hand of faith reaches out to my hand of grace or “benevolence toward another at cost to myself”, and even though the one in need “believed” with all their heart in my “good intentions” and “fine upstanding moral character”, until the profferred gift was accepted (or received), it would remain unclaimed. Abraham believed G-d and it was counted to him for righteousness, but he did not just sit around his tent meditating or singing songs about his awesome G-d who spoke to him, he first “heard” the words of YHWH and then he saddled his donkey and did what G-d had requested (na) him to do. It was his obedience to the revealed words of YHWH that “sealed the deal.” Yes, if we believe G-d’s book is true, (and I do hope by this time we do), then our obedience to the revealed will of G-d is the evidence of our faith. An apple tree will bear apples, every time. Why? Because it is an apple tree. We as followers of the Way, will bear fruit (Galatians 5) every time. Why? As outward evidence of a inner experience.
I believe we are all on the same page, as followers of the Way, but there will be no “following” without the adoption into the family. Why should I even care what the Bible says or why should I even care what the Torah says? My friend, it is because YHWH is my Father and I (now) desire to live for and to worship Him and Him alone. My obedience is because of my relationship. I belong to Him and thrill to do what He wants me to do. As I have said earlier, I have a brand new “desire” to be holy. I actually want to do His will. All of this did not just happen with a wave of a wand. From “faith to faith”, I have been led by His holy breath. I am covered with wounds (external and internal) as are we all. This has been no primrose pathway, and I have heard Him say “fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a bumpy ride, more than once. This life of “faith” is anything but boring, “fer sure.”
As I have said, in an earlier post- the failure of Moses (and Adam, and Noah, and David, and Carl, etc.) is the failure to “zakar” the words of YHWH. G-d in his Sovereign grace allows us to “see” where Moses messed up. G-d said “this”, but Moses (in anger) did things his own way and not according to the instructions given to him by G-d. Adam failed to “remember” what G-d had said and ate of the forbidden fruit. Even Solomon (the wise?), failed to “remember” the instruction of a Father, and the end of his days was quite a mess (even with all his “stuff and things!”).
Our “faith” is not just something we conjour up with our over active imaginations. It is based on something solid and something sure. Something with a “sure foundation.” I have place my “faith” in something unseen and yet something more real than the air I breath. How do I “know” these things? –
“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:”
(2 Peter 1.19)
Is the “day star” rising in your heart? Is your heart right with G-d? Do you have His “peace that passes all understanding”? Is there “evidence” of a new birth? Is there evidence of a new “desire” for holiness? None of these will ever be accomplished apart from the finished work of Calvary. “Without me, you can do nothing” is our admonition from G-d’s word. We must, as Yeshua said to Nicodemus, be “born again”, and this my friends will not be accomplished without the shed blood of the Messiah upon the tslav. We are not capable of saving ourselves, or putting ourselves in right standing before a thrice-holy G-d. “When I see the blood, I will passover you.” “And the blood of Jesus Christ G-d’s Son, cleanses (continually) from all sin. We cannot even begin to “walk in the Way” without Him.
Day after day, I’m looking for signs of the color red. These “faith glasses” I now wear have a red tint to them. “Christ died for sinners” (of whom I am chief) was the cry of Rabbi Shaul. A “Christless Christianity” is not possible -no matter how many “good works” (mitzvot) we accomplish.
“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” (Isaiah 64.6). My “righteousnesses?” This is the BEST I have to offer G-d. -But, it took me so long to grow these vegetables and look how I have arranged them on the plate. So much labor and so much sweat and yet YHWH refuses my “offering.” Sorry Carl/Cain, -G-d is looking for a blood sacrifice.
My faith? My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand. “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (I Corinthians 1.18)
Yes, tell me of the Torah, Yes, tell me of the Tanakh. Yes, instruct me concerning the Tslav. Tell me of Jesus, mighty to save. Jesus, Savior. Jesus- Deliver. What was that name again? Who was it that hung naked upon a cross? ..Who is this king of glory?
(My faith is based on what?)
Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow. (Isaiah 1.18)-
My sins are gone.. I’ve been set free.. My G-d, my Savior ransomed me.. and like a flood, His mercies flow.. Amazing love.. amazing grace.
Ah, ’tis good when brethren dwell together in unity :-). In the words of my favorite hymn,
“My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine. For Thee all the follies of sin I resign. My gracious redeemer, my Saviour art Thou, if ever I love Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now”.
Shalom, Carl. Blessings to you and yours.
We “believe” God for alot of things, or rather, we believe in God for alot of things. Think about it…check yourselves and take a personal inventory. “Should I do this or do that and what will I get from doing such and such?” If this is the case, are we believing God to demonstrate His power or are we “working the system?”
This is what I hear Skip saying, in this TW message. This is what I have been hearing for some time now as I look around me at a system that says it is the Kingdom. It is time to be fully convinced He is the ultimate authority and to question all that comes from man and measure it according to His Word. Please do not take offense Skip. I do believe God has called you for such a time as this and is using the work He is doing in you to cause us to look beyond the veil. This alone takes faith, especially knowing the fallibility of man that has captured the faith of many today. We must realize that we can only have the assurance through knowing this faith is given to use by God and then to know in our knower, not feel through our emotions that He is able to keep us from falling. I must say, as I have heard someone else express, (Patrick, I think?) that his experience could be compared to free falling from what he used to believe. I can definitely relate and even more so as I am growing away from conforming to the institution calling itself the church into what I believe God is calling me to as His Church.
He told us through the apostle Paul:
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Romans 12:3
With that being a given, for those who, have appropriated faith:
First to believing that Jesus Christ is the only way to be reconciled to the Father, and that through acknowledging the ultimate sacrificial offering of His very earthly life as an atonement for all sin of all men, sufficient for salvation to all those who heard this truth.
Then using the faith of God to express first the necessity of this atoning action and then to express the acceptance of it to the point of repentance of sin and turning to godly living as revealed through The Word and our Example, Jesus Christ.
This seems to also express why there is a process of transformation undertaken once this foundational occurrence has taken place. A life lived without transformation, molding, and conformity to the likeness of the Son who is like the Father, is antithetical to the Scriptures. Likewise a life that is following a set of rules and regulations simply for the purpose of outward uniformity as opposed to the unity Christ came to bring for His elect is exactly antithetical to the opposite extreme.
It takes faith to live according to the Scriptures. It takes faith to act/behave as Father has commanded. It takes faith to trust that all things work together for our good if we love Him and likewise He said if we love Him we will obey His commands….not just the 2 as quoted in the NT but all that are written on our hearts as we hear Him through His Word.
I/We may say-“It’s not about me…it’s all about Him”, but do I/we live this out? Hmmmm.
Pondering this in my heart and praying for His glory to be revealed.
The point of looking at Hebrew 11 is to notice that contemporary translations move the meaning of “faith” into a state of psychology. Faith becomes my inner conviction. But faith in the first century, Greek or Hebrew, is about EVIDENCE, not inner experience. It isn’t about “what it means to me.” It’s about what God has demonstrated in the real world of actions and things. My “faith” does not depend on how much I am inclined to spiritual affirmations today. It depends on what God DID.
Skip, you are absolutely right about few pastors not even knowing about this stuff. I am one of 11 ministers in our mainstream denominational church and can only get two of them to even listen, let alone believe that the Hewbrew worldview was the worldview of Yeshua. This has been a very frustrating journey, but one well worth it. I am often confronted with ministers who say that baptism is the first act of obedience after salvation. That would suggest that understanding comes before obedience. We all know that the opposite is true. So, I continue to till the soil ever so gently. Progress is indeed conflict, but there is peace in the battle!
Sweet sister Mary.. I do love it when you post/blog/respond. Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” fell into my lap after a period of about nine months unemployment. It was exactly “what I needed and at the time I needed it”. G-d’s timing is always so awesome! The purpose of nine months worth of unemployment? It was G-d’s time for a tune-up. I needed my hearing and seeing to be sharpened and learn what it means to pray. I really can’t think of another word but “oy!”. lol!!
Here is partially what I learned from those days. As RW wrote, “it’s not about me.” To this I say amen.. it’s not. And (don’t anyone take this personal), it’s not about you either. It’s not about me, it’s not about you, (him or her), but.. “it is about us!” Together, we are the body and bride of Yeshua. This (thank you Skip) is the Hebrew mindset. As Dietrich Bonhoffer wrote: “Life Together.” Yes, the Greek (gentile) mindset is “what’s in it for me? whereas the mind of Christ (a Hebrew mind) is how may I serve my community/family/neighbor?
Why do I say “it’s about us?” Because we love/serve G-d by loving/serving what G-d loves and who G-d loves, and who G-d loves is people. As we allow our Father to transform us day by day and listen to his instructions and follow his leading, He will place the ones in our path we are to serve. And what a fresh joy it is to serve anyone in the name of Christ. Amen? Been there? Done that?
When Yeshua breathed his last breath on Calvary’s tree, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to the bottom. We (who are now “twice-born”) new creations in Christ, have been given through the torn veil of His flesh, access and an entrace into the very presence of G-d. What a priviledge we have been given. Listen to this verse from Hebrews 10.22. “Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.”
For G-d in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him G-d reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to Himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.
(Colossians 1)
If these words don’t make you wanna holler Hallelujah! – you gotta be made out of stone. These words are our “assurance” of peace with G-d. For He Himself is our peace.. (Ephesians 1)
Carl, you sound kinda Bapticostal there brother! Like you might have some pep in your step!! Happy, Blessed and overflowing with joy in what Jesus has indeed done for His people.
Mary, you pegged it sister! I’m a Catholic (universal)/Bapticostal/born again, Bible-totin’, Scripture totin’, lover of the Lord Jesus Christ and follower of the Way. (In so many words!–lol!).
Bob Dylan was right, “you gotta serve somebody”, and I have decided to (daily) follow Jesus. Yeshua said, “I Am.” I agree with what He said, “He is.”
“Christianity” (we just had to give it a “label” didn’t we?) is not a religion, rules, or ritual, it is a relationship with the living G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through the shed blood of the LORD Jesus who is the Christ the Annointed One.
Dear sisters,brothers, foes, friends, and family of G-d- “He is LORD” and.. “the LORD, -He is G-d.” He is the Christ, the Son of the Living G-d and He is G-d, the (now) ever living, soon coming, King of kings, and LORD of lords. This mighty Elohim is (today!) my Abba, who was crucifed for my sins on Calvary’s cross, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and (Hallelujah!) was raised to (glorious) life on the third day. He (now) ever lives to make intercession for us. -“Blessed be His (glorious) Name!”
“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be G-d, follow Him:” (1 Kings 18:21)
yes, Mary…-“if any man be in Christ..”
If I may be so bold Carl … you sure crack me up at times …. in a very, very good manner!
I simply could not hold this comment to myself! Perhaps someday … that game of checkers you talked about …. I am game!
I’ll agree with Bro. Drew…I chuckle alot when I read your posts too! I had to throw that (Bapticostal) in there, really, with respect to my having just left my “church” after membership of 20+ years and additionally deciding to leave the denomination…Pentecostal Holiness…a mouthful isn’t it!? Pray for me, please, those who read this. Stepping out in faith, Brother Skip…believing God is greater than tradition and separatism. I am looking for the city whose builder and maker is God. The city that will not need the light of the sun because HE is the Light. I heard the Master say, I am the Way , the Truth and the Life and I have heard Him say Come and follow Me. Where He leads, I’ll follow, follow all the Way…where He leads, I’ll follow…follow Jesus every day. Bless you all through the Lord’s grace.
Pray for you sister? … I will sing for joy (well at least in my spirit and heart … I can’t hold a note to be truthful .. LOL)
Mary … you are not alone in stepping out! Chazak, Chazak … be strong and walk by faith! I know personally the torment caused by such a decision you have made … it actually never ends and has created some serious rifts within my sphere (family/friends, etc.) … yet I now have a peace that I knew not. I now have a faith that I knew not. I even have a Lord and Master that I knew not!
You just keep following HIM and you will be just fine! In fact if we follow good enough our joy/shalom will be complete!
You have been greatly blessed … praise Yeshua (Jesus if this makes you comfortable
Brother Drew,
Thank you so much for your warm words of comfort. This “departure” has been an ongoing issue for many many years. In case anyone is tempted to think Skip has brainwashed me or converted me, I will admit the Lord has used Today’s Word as part of the process, however, as stated above, I looked to leaved this particular assembly for more than 10 years, way before I was introduced to Skip’s writings. Definitely not a decision made lightly or casually.
The Lord so graciously has been bringing me to levels of awareness He knew I could handle since He brought salvation to my dark life in 1989. Although there were moments, some may refer to them as epiphanies, enlightenment, revelation- when I was totally beside myself with anger and/or deep sadness to the point of depression and despair as I graduated from the euphoria of being delivered from the kingdom of darkness to His Kingdom of light. It appears I am somewhat of a late bloomer or “slow” to learn. He has since lead me on a wild journey after losing a 25 year employment career. (Sound familiar Carl-extended unemployment?). That seemingly was the catalyst beginning this part of the odyssey. Oddly enough, He also used secular college courses such as Music Appreciation and Mythology to bring about glimpses into man’s inherent desire for the things of God and how suspect our modern day practices are in light of man’s historic track record of missing the mark. I would have never thought my life would have taken this direction…”what a long strange trip it’s been”…man proposes but God disposes!!
But for Yeshua…He is faithful and because He lives, I can face this day with the deep down joy of knowing Him. BLESSED INDEED! SING brother…Praise God.
thank you Drew.. I’ll hold that as a compliment (I think.. lol!!). “Think on these things..”, -Jesus loves me, this I know.. for the Bible tells me so..
“it’s not “what” you know- it’s “who” you know!! ..(you know??)–lol!!)
A compliment indeed!
“it’s not “what” you know- it’s “who” you know!!
I will let this one die … I’ve seen enough of your postings my brother not to take this out of context … you brother Carl are certainly no cheap grace policy holder …
I know, that You know, that “what We know” … is important! Even more importantly is “what we do with what we know for Who we know” … but I am just yaking at the choir at this point … LOL
“From 300 BC until 1500 AD”, isn’t this supposed to be “300 – 1500 AD”?
No, it is about the history of a Greek word used in Mycenaean Greece and later Christian Catholic writings.