“Give us this day our daily bread” Matthew 6:11
Today’s Word began seven years ago. Perhaps it’s worth looking back, reflecting and adding to where this all began. For a little while, we’ll take some of those old editions and add some new insights.
Daily – The Greek word is epiousion. This is one of the most unusual words in the entire Bible. It occurs only in the Lord’s Prayer. In order to understand the meaning of most of the Biblical expressions, scholars often look to other uses either in the Bible or outside the Bible. But this word appears here in this verse for the first time; is not found in any other Biblical context and has no clear cognates in other ancient languages. All of this is even more unusual since the meaning of the word certainly must have been clear to Jesus’ disciples and the early Christians.
We can learn more about this word by looking at its parts. Epi means “from” or “of.” Ousia is the Greek word for “being” (to exist). Literally, this word tells us that God will give us our being – our very existence.
This much is clear. This petition in the Lord’s Prayer pushes aside any claim that we might have on even the basic necessities of life as our rights. Life’s most basic needs are the gifts of God. It is not that we are to be content with only the most basic elements of life. Rather, we are to acknowledge that everything, even the bare necessities, come to us as gifts. When we think of this part of the verse, the strange word for “daily” begins to make some sense. We are part of the fellowship of the redeemed. More than anyone, we know that our basic needs must come to us one day at a time. We are healed for this day. We are helped for this day. We are whole for this day. The basic necessities of our lives cannot be stored up for tomorrow nor appropriated from yesterday. We can only live daily. When we say the Lord’s Prayer, the word “daily” has a special significance. This word summarizes our lives. One day at a time.
Of course, Yeshua didn’t speak this Greek word in His teaching on prayer. But since we don’t have any connections between this word and any Hebrew word, we are left with a blank to fill in. Perhaps the best way to do that is to reflect on the life-orientation of our Master. Did He live one-day-at-a-time? Well, yes, but . . . Wasn’t He the one who said, “For this purpose I have come into the world.” Living one-day-at-a-time doesn’t mean living without plans and purposes. It’s not the direction that’s an issue here. It’s the method. The compass point doesn’t change even if I only take one step a day in that direction. Epiousion seems to be about my daily dependence rather than my daily direction. It is prayer before action; listen before speaking; waiting before deciding – and more than anything else – thanksgiving. We need a daily dose of divine favor. “In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God in the Messiah Yeshua toward you.”
Topical Index: 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Matthew 6:11, epiousion
Dear Skip,
Happy Anniversary for seven years of Today’s Word.
Thank you for your obedience and service to the Lord.
I give thanks and praise to God for the gift He has given you.
May God continue to bless you and Today’s Word.
Skip, have you heard of a book called “A Prayer To Our Father” by Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson?
Nehemia is a Karaite Jew and Keith Johnson is an evangelical pastor from the USA. Together they set out on a journey to find the oldest Hebrew sources for the “Avinu Prayer” in Israel and the location where it was first taught by Yeshua. In the course of their journey they found some very old Hebrew texts of the Lord’s Prayer that have been preserved for over 1000 years. Their journey is documented in the book which is available at:
It may well provide the link we’re looking for between the Hebrew and Greek. I was trying to find my copy to identify what Hebrew word is used for “Epiousion” but I couldn’t lay my hands on it quickly. I’ll keep looking.
Disclaimer: I have no association with either the publisher or the authors, but I did find this book to be a blessing.
thank you Rodney for the post. I’ll be adding this book to my “want” list!-
We believe in the Sovereignty of G-d, right? (I’m trying to find some common ground here.) We believe in the inspiration of the Book of books, right? We believe G-d’s words are true and are (together) the instruction manual He has given unto us for “all things that pertain unto life and godliness”, right?
Listen again (for the first time-lol!!) to these words. As my very good friend Miss Evelyn (now close to ninety years young) would say- “taste it again, for the first time!”..
When Christ who is our life shall appear.. I am purposefully going to let this “hang” without an end.
For “meditative” purposes, are we “in agreement” (sounds like the word “confess” doesn’t it?), with this?
“Christ” who is our life. Or how about these words.. “not I, but Christ.” I remember (zakar) the little big word “but”. Thank you Skip.. this is what you do- one “word” at a time. That my friends is (excuse me)- one BIG “but.” There are those who know this and there are those who don’t. This (to me anyways) is the purpose of “Today’s Word.”
I (desparately) need to know these mystical (?) Bible words. Not only are these (His words, right?), “mystical” , they are also extremely “practical” as well. Not only.. but also. Perfect balance and perfect beauty. The “vocabulary” of scripture has fallen out of vogue. We have “devolved” to the point where we even argue or raise the question- “it all depends on what the meaning of “is” is. – “Sheeshkabob!” (don’t ask what this means!-lol!!)
From the very lips of Yeshua are these words (written in red!!)- the words I speak unto you- they are spirit and they are life. (John 6.63). Do we “need” to know these words? Well, only if we want to have life. Every word of G-d is pure. Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart- every word!..Tell me the story most precious- sweetest that ever was heard. “Thy words were found and I did eat them and they became unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.” (Jeremiah 15.16)
When we welcome His words and gladly receive His instructions for living a beautiful change occurs. We not draw near to this but we also start to separate from that. We become a little more “choicy” in our decisions. As we know, every choice is followed by a consequence. What are the consequences of obedience to G-d’s instructions for living? uh-huh..
We have it heard it said- “you are what you eat”. (so, I’m a giant twinky!-hmm..) Everything we “consume”- the movies we watch, television, comptuter games, our daily bread, fruits, nuts, jelly donuts, etc. have a cumulative effect on us. It all adds up. Precept upon precept and line upon line, we must expose ourselves to the excellent diet found in the word of G-d. This my friends is “the good stuff.”
Thank you once again brother Skip for the hours you put into this effort. We would be so remiss not to pray for and support this ministry, especially in “times like these”. “Oy!” (I like this little word- sometimes it seems to fit so well!).
I’ve been part of this ministry now for a number of years and I’ll quickly testify it has been a game-changer for me. If anything else Skip will sure nuff challenge you to think. I love the depth and perceptions of some of the contributors and comments made here.
I love each of you greatly and pray our Father’s richest and fullest blessings upon you and your household as we make this “aliyah” together toward our heavenly Zion. Our Father will see to it that we get there! His peace to all.
Carl … the reference to virtually all of John chapter 6 is most assuredly in keeping with Skip’s commentary this very day!
Chapter 6 reveals how Yeshua is responsible for all sustenance … physical, spiritual, temporal and eternal.
Not only does He declare that He is the bread of life (Ani Hu lechem haChayyim) but with divine power He proves what He says … He feeds … He walks on water … He reveals the hidden mysteries of ELOHIM!
If we want to inherit the incorruptible form then we will need to eat of the bread of life … not the basar of man but the basar of Mashiach … the true manna of spiritual life!
How do we do this thing … eat of Yeshua’s basar? We immerse ourselves in HIS very Word and we consume HIM by Ruach HaKodesh … we let This very Yeshua take root within us and stop the process of decay … for in the true manna from Shomayim there is no chametz … HE IS PERFECT!
Yes indeed our bodies (slaves to the old order of creation will return to the dust) but the manna within us will not perish … for it is the manna of Spirit and not of flesh!
And if it sounds like a fairy tale … we know what Adonai says …
I hear ya Carl … I am on the same page!
John 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”
Hi Carl and others,
The statement above does not have very much meaning to me; in fact, I don’t understand it.
Maybe we can play a game of how would E D Hirsch approach this text.
Frankly I don’t know and don’t know E D Hirsch very well, but I think he would ask some of the following questions:
1. Who is the real author of this text?
2. Who is the implied author of this text?
3. Who is the real reader of this text?
4. Who is the implied reader of this text?
5. What does the author mean by flesh, profit, etc.
6. What significance does it have to us?
7. What am I supposed to do with it?
I hope Skip doesn’t have to give us all the answers
I do not have the answers to these questions and there might be many different answers.
But I had some of the same questions when I was reading Matthew the other day.
And I have read Matt many times.
Skip, happy anniversary buddy!!!
AND …. I forgot to give thanks to ELOHIM and THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH that so often emerges at the TW venue!
Praise YOU LORD!
Seven years … AWESOME … shnat sheva … always special …
Brother Skip … may reflection of the journey bring you great shalom … as you have often pointed out … the journey itself is a big deal!
Thank you, Skip,
For the many times you must have had more urgent or pressing matters than attending to Today’s Word, and yet, it got done. We all owe you a debt. Your diligence is greatly appreciated, and some of us can surely agree, that our own faithfulness to our calling is, in part, due to what we have received from you. The teaching you have shared has not only opened my understanding, but it has brought the type of nourishment that can only come from God’s Table. Happy Anniversary to you, and everyone at the Table.
I love you man! Happy Anniversary to you and Today’s Word! You, and your ministry, have meant so much to me over the years. I can’t thank you enough. God Bless you!!