Bad Company

Do not be deceived:  “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

CorruptsI won’t deny it. Why would Paul even mention this?  Isn’t it obvious?  If I hang around with the wrong crowd, I am more than likely to start acting like them.  Everyone knows this, right?  Well, not exactly.  You see, I might easily convince myself that because I am righteous and good and well-intentioned, I am immune from the perverse influence of bad company.  Paul knows human nature well enough to warn us that this is seductive logic.  No one is strong enough to stand alone.

The Greek term here is the verb phtheiro.  Notice the unusual combination of phi and theta.  That produces the “phth” at the beginning of this word.  There are very few Greek words with this combination.  They seem to have one thing in common – bad things.  With but a few exceptions, the entire list of phth words are about destruction, envy, spoiling, pain, the unexpected and decay.  It’s bad company when you combine phi and theta.

The Hebrew connection brings up the word shahath.  You can see it in Genesis 6:11.  It’s more than just destruction, perversion or corruption.  It is tied directly to disobedience to God’s commandments.  In the story of Onan’s sexual misuse of Tamar, this verb describes the “waste” of his sperm.  That waste led directly to his death.  The pictograph presents shin-chet-thaw as “destroying the fence of the covenant.”  It’s not just bad company.  It’s tearing down God’s walls of protection.

There is an enormously important lesson here.  As the gunsmith in Shooter said, “When you think you’ve got it figured, you’re wrong.”  Human pride might convince us that we are strong enough to hold our own.  Paul considers that absolute insanity.  If we want to uphold righteousness and keep His commandments, we will need to remove ourselves from the company of those who are bad company.  Agreed?

Oh, there’s just one other implication here.  If phtheiro connects us to shahath, then bad company isn’t limited to people with corrupt morals.  It isn’t restricted to those who exhibit the behaviors of Galatians 5:19-21.  Bad company includes those who do not follow God’s commandments.  Did you think you could hang around with all those “good” people who don’t follow His instructions and remain untainted and unscathed?  Paul thinks otherwise.

Topical Index:  corrupts, phtheiro, shahath, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Galatians 5:19-21, Genesis 6:11

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Shabbat Shalom brother Skip …

” Did you think you could hang around with all those “good” people who don’t follow His instructions and remain untainted and unscathed? Paul thinks otherwise.”

Pretty hard to comply to such a standard (don’t you think?) …. when there are nearly nada Torah based communities joined in faith in Yeshua!

There is a fine line between withdrawal and active intervention to bring the peace of the Gospel! Surely others know this dilemma and the havoc it can wreak on personal relationships!

I agree with your assessment of Paul’s inspired message and it is pretty clear that Sha’ul expects the community to stick together!

Certainly a nice message for me this morning as I head out to the synagogue! 🙂

carl roberts

wow!- this should put “the fear” in you!..
But immediately (if not sooner!..) I here the holy breath reply from G-d’s word: The fear of man brings a snare: but whoever puts his trust in the LORD shall be safe. (Proverbs 29.25)
I’ve thought about this some, -actually quite a bit. I’ll admit, a bit of “holy envy” has leaked out.. I work a “secular” job. I hang out with a bunch of heathens. I have fantisized about “working for the church” and being a paid professional “religious” man somewhere, getting to hang around, fellowship with, pray with, talk scripture, and basically do “holy” things all day long. You know.. visit folks in the hospital, pray with people along the way, spend time in devotional reading of G-d’s word., go to “maximum manhood” Christian conferences (and get paid for it) – what a life!
Ok, Walter Mitty, meanwhile back on the planet.. here am I. Working a secular job, planted among “sinners” and listening to the some of the most G-d-awful conversations. Reminds me of how Lot must have felt living in Sodom.
G-d knows where I am. He also in His Sovereignty has “placed” me right here amongst those who live in a dark place and are in need of a Savior. I am to be salt and light today among those I come in contact with. Oftentimes I am here, but my heart is elsewhere. G-d knows this. (hallelujah!)
I also know, I am not alone. There are thousands more- “just like me”. Christian folks living among “them.” G-d has designed it this way. The salt doesn’t do any good until it is emptied from its container and scattered out to flavor and preserve where it needs to be applied. We are to be the light in a dark place.
But when I am among my “forever family”, how good and how pleasant it is. It just makes the time spent with them that much sweeter, knowing the same “afflictions” are accomplished also in my brothers and sisters.
Concerning “bad company”, I remember my pastor had a small plaque upon his wall as he was attending school. It read: “He who would not fall, ought not to walk in slippery places.” There are some places I should not ought to go (and by G-d’s grace) I dont wan’t to go. As M.C. Hammer sang- “you can’t touch this!”
Thank G-d for His covering. Thank G-d for His indwelling holy breath. Thank G-d for the mind of Christ. How difficult and yet how blessed to be “among them” and yet separate. YHWH has called us out. We belong to Him and are His. Bought with a price and set apart for His purposes. I will let Him perfect His way within me. I will bless the LORD at all times and His praise will continually be in my mouth. I will remember to “love one another with a pure heart fervently.”
The wonderful thing about “today’s word” is this- I get to choose “the company I keep!” I get a choice in the matter. I can say “no” to this and “yes” to this! Isn’t it wonderful? This also include the thoughts that enter my head throughout the day. I get to choose my thoughts as I choose my friends. “you get to stay- you’ll have to leave!”… cool!


I find this hard to digest, so I still feel hungry.
I think I need a little more food for thought.
How can we be a light in the darkness if we only shine where it is already lit?


Hi all,

I’m on Oahu with family and minimal internet access, so must catch up when I get back next week.

Been reading Sefer Yetzirah with more time to reflect on the detail and, on my daily walk to Diamond Head, try to focus my attention on Yud Heh Vav in Ashurite script.

Notice some signs of Israel in the Polynesian culture; for example HA Breath of Life.

Regarding Bad Company, the Shooter puts them in his cross hairs if they cross his path 🙂


Dr. Skip:
Oh how true. Proverbs 22:24-25 tells us about the same thing. One consideration of this point. When we wish to win over an evil and lost sinful person, one of the most significant ways is to isolate that person and bring him/her into our confidence. This person will then be walking with the righteous and not normally participating in his old misguided ways. A drinking person in the company of sober persons will generally not try to drink; a person using illegal drugs will generally not try to participate and purchase marijuana or stronger drugs. When one good person jumps into the pool with sinful persons that person quickly becomes as they are–the opposite also takes place.
God bless and have a good vacation(?) on Hawaii.
Nick Holloway

David Salyer

Reminded me of Psalm 1 – talk about “bad company!” And it isn’t necessarily geographic (where I am at) nor whether it is a presumed secular or sacred location…but it is who I am associating with which must be avoided and what their “bent” is in word or deed….i.e. wicked, mockers, sinners.

And of course, the blessing is reserved for those who not only disassociate with this bad company but also for those who “delight in His law and meditate on it day and night.”